New energy technologies in Japan
Date: Monday, June 23, 2003 @ 00:42:18 UTC
Topic: Devices

Prof. Taishi Kurata,
Kobe City, Japan,

Dear Prof. Kurata,

I would like to invite you to join the Board of Directors of AIAS, which will shortly be registerd in the UK and US. I would be interested in pursuing the new technologies and methods which you describe in your e mail. The technologies you describe are of obviosus importance and also seem to be strong experimental evidence for the B(3) field at work in various industrial settings.

I would like to work to develop these various technologies to the point where manufacture can begin, in the first instance in Japan and Wales. I would like to ask our Board Secretary, Ellis Williams, several other Board Members who are also scientists and experienced CEO's and Company Directors, and perhaps an observer form the Welsh Development Agency, to visit you in Japan to see the new technologies at work, to produce an agreement for research and development inside AIAS, and to protect intellectual rights. AIAS is particularly interested in the development of repeatable and reproducble devices to take energy from spacetime, and refer you to my three latest papers on and the Bearden website:

I believe that if we could demonstrate these devices rigorously, the Welsh Development Agency would fund AIAS well within its program for alternative sources of energy. You describe several exciting developments along these lines in your note (attached). All of these devices output a large amount of energy from a small input of energy (B(3) field), using resonance. If MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) could be developed without magnets it would be a great advantage medically, and we should work to secure intellectual rights for AIAS in this area, as well as in other radiatively induced fermion resonance (RFR) technologies, such as ESR and NMR without magnets. From your note I conclude that these exciting new technologies are already a reality,and there cannot be better evidence for the B(3) field than working devices based on B(3). RFR works entirely from resonance as you know.

Cordially Yours,

Myron W. Evans
(AIAS Director)

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