Energy from Electrons and Matter from Protons: A Preliminary Model...
Date: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 @ 01:24:59 UTC Topic: Science
Here are some more questions and possible answers from the inquisitive mind of our collaborator Douglass A. White, PhD. What else do you know Doug?;-)
"Virtually all the energy we use involves some form of electricity. All chemical processes and all electronic devices run on electricity. In a word, life on our planet is electrical. Electricity requires working with electrons. Unfortunately, although most of physics, and all of chemistry, involve primarily working with electrons, nobody has any idea what an electron is, or what it looks like, or how it is ''built''. The ''models'' that physicists work from are either derived from pure question marks or fairly thorough nonsense...
Here is a list of fundamental questions about the nature of the electron that remain unanswered or only opaquely answered as far as I can tell from browsing around in the literature.
Why does the electron have the mass it has?
What is mass?
Why does an electron spin?
How does an electron spin?
Why is the electron's spin quantized?
Why is an electron charged?
What is charge?
Why is charge quantized?
Why is charge dipolar (when gravity apparently isn't)?
Why do electrons have both electric and magnetic aspects?
Why are these oriented normal to each other?
How can an electron constantly radiate charge without decaying?
How do photons interact with electrons?
How can an electron be a point particle and still have mass?
How can an electron be a point particle and still be a wave packet?
How is a wave packet generated?
Where does it come from?
What, if any, is the structure of an electron?
Why does an electron behave most of the time like a fermion?
Why doesn't the electron fly apart if it has negative charge and spins rapidly?"
You can read his entire new paper "Energy from Electrons and Matter from protons: A Preliminary Model Based on Observer Physics" in our Downloads/ZPE-Related section.