Why is the NASA doing this?
Date: Saturday, January 17, 2004 @ 21:23:27 UTC
Topic: Science

Off topic but very interesting: "Investigation shows that there are several indications that the NASA is tampering with the colours, and changes them from an Earth-like environment into a red inhospitable environment. But it seems that the young scientists at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) are not convenient with this..."

"...At the press conference last saturday, the JPL-scientists showed the latest picture of the Martian landscape. It showed a salmon-coloured desert with a blue sky. It seems that they did it on purpose, since previous pictures were all extremely red. Below the pictures of the conference are shown:..."

See: MarsColors

See also MoonToMars.com, a comprehensive portal dedicated to the new missions to the Moon and Mars.

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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