Stalking the Elusive Quantum Vacuum - by Bill Moore
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2004 @ 20:56:14 UTC
Topic: Science

EV World - 14 Feb, 2004

Part one of an interview with Magnetic Power's Mark Goldes on the quest for zero point energy and superconductivity

Electricity is all round us. It flows effortlessly through the walls of our homes and businesses, in our vehicles and appliances. It's so commonplace that we tend to think little about it, especially how it's created by spinning coils of copper wire in a magnetic field, generating a flow of electrons that we call an electrical current. But why this is so is still largely a mystery.

So when I sat down in a small laboratory off the town center of Sebastipol, California to talk with Mark Goldes, the president of Magnetic Power, I was hoping to be able to not only hear an explanation of how zero point energy works -- one of Goldes many passions -- but also see an actual operating device. I got the explanation and then some. I didn't get to see the device, perhaps with good reason as you'll see as my story unfolds.

Mark Goldes has been investigating sustainable energy technologies for some three decades. In the wake of the first oil embargo in the 1970s, he helped fund the development of one of the first vehicles to combine electric drive and wind power, the Sunwind windmobile. A former Air Force officer who later ran an international consulting business, Goldes moved on from the windmobile idea when he couldn't raise the capital to put the car into production. What he moved on to would seem to many even more outlandish, the pursuit of zero point energy, a hypothetically limitless energy force that theoretically pervades all matter.


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