The Electron Wave Function - Our next Energy Revolution
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 @ 22:59:46 UTC Topic: Science
Cutting edge research and technology puts the U.S. in a position to reap great rewards both financially and environmentally. Recent scientific developments taking place in the last 12 years give us the opportunity to finally overcome our dependence on fossil fuels, and build the foundation for a future that is truly based on sustainable energy supplies.
This article is a follow up to the article, "Quantum Energy is Here Now".
Taken together, the development of the scanning tunneling microscope, quantum well structures, and the discovery of magnetic oxides offer us great hope that we can some day soon solve the energy crisis. These discoveries come together at as time when we truly need to modernize our energy systems.
The universe is filled with abundant energy. Some say, free energy. There are many names associated with the energy that permeates space. Some call this energy quantum fluctuations or zero point energy, but what is this energy? To understand zero point energy one must imagine a universe in which we have our perspective scaled down millions or billions of time.
If we imagine ourselve as quantum entities, we might understand the universe a little better. At the smallest of scales, that is if we were the size of an electron, we would observe that the fabric of space is in motion. It is jiggling, and it is this jiggling that may cause the electron to have the property of duality.
The electron is thought to have the property of being a partcle, but at the same time, not a particle at all but a wave. Known as the electron wave function, the wave function consists of a series of standing waves, and these waves constitute a form of energy that we could conceivably now tap using cutting edge technology.
It may well be that the jiggling of space manifests itself observably as the jiggling of the electron. Quantum well structures may be able to harness the electron wave function if composed of a magnetic oxide.
Quantum well structures have been in existence for many years now and are commonly used to amplify opto-electronic signals. Quantum wells consist of a thin layer of narrower gap semiconductor between thicker layers of wider gap semiconductor.
GaAs wells of thickness 11, 8, and 5 nanometers produce energy states in these wells and produce nodes of corresponding wave functions. Opto-electronic signal waves are amplified by wells because the wave functions interact with the electrons in the conduction bands of direct gap semiconductors with a transfer of energy to the wave function and an amplification of this wave.
Quantum Copnfined Atoms or the QCA was developed to take advantage of the non-linear attributes of single atoms confined in crystals of size 2 to 5 nanometers.
Theoretically, the wave function of electrons confined in this structure and orbiting this single atom contribute to the non-linear attributes and provide amplification making these structures very efficient.
We know from observation that the work function of quantum dots for example is smallest between 2 and 5 nanometers, and goes up again as the size of the dot is reduced further. Currently, the QCA is composed of a crystal, but if we consider the QCA solely as a quantum confined electron, we might gain new insight.
If we can succeed in building a superparamagnetic cage to confine our single atom, we might be able to harness the wave function.
When magnetic particles are made small enough, each particle acts like a tiny magnet. These particles can be commonly alligned by applying an external magnetic field. When the external magnetic field is removed, the particles become non-magnetic. So our tiny magnetic particles become a kind of switch.
In a glass, these magnetic particles can provide a high electric and magnetic field, and electrons in the material can become fast enough or hot enough to ionize impurities in their path causing an electron cascade.
A superparamagnetic glass like that discovered in February 2004 might be the basis of a new kind of QCA with the properties of surface capacitance and the ability to accelerate electrons. Our device would then be a tiny electron accelerator.
To make our device work, we would need to attach magnetic atoms as poles. We would basically have an electric motor (the atom) in a glass ball. This general design follows that of the earth and the sun in that the earth has a confinement and magnetic field, and magnetic poles.
The sun also has a confinement and magnetic field, and is polarized also. Atoms and most molecules follow this general design but the atom does not have a physical confinement. The magnetic field of the atom reflects the wave function, and reflection denotes confinement.
The design of atoms might be described therefore as the formula: v = S + R. The alternating voltage of the electron is a product of the surface capacitance of the field and the reisitance.
The energy crisis presents America and our next administration with a perplexing problem. This is one that needs to be solved soon if we are to overcome the momentum of current environmental problems and clean up our world. It is hoped that our politicians will become more aware of the current situaltion and action will be taken soon. However, it is commonly observed that the wheels of government turn at a slow pace. Hopefully, the energy and environmental crisis can be solved by forward thinking individuals and with public outcry.
Some day soon. the American Public will say enough is enough and the energy revolution will be upon us.