Do they know?
Date: Saturday, March 16, 2002 @ 22:44:00 UTC
Topic: General

Quite a few people seem to be questioning the fact that the politicians, the decision making people know about these revolutionary energy technologies. The argument was that they do not read magazines or visit web sites that deal with this subject (no time.. or there are other sites more appealing - see the news papers when they get caught:-) or simply they have no interest as long as the official science is silent.

I personally disagree. I strongly believe those who should know, do know! To prove my assumption, below is a letter from David Crockett Williams sent last year (when California was still in full energy crisis) to Laura Parrish, Scheduling Office of Governor Gray Davis. It also proves again that the only way these technologies will break through is that, when disclosed, there are fully functional units that can be sold on the spot (market).

Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 4:42 AM


Subject: Energy Solutions Briefing Info
[Sacramento followup]

David Crockett Williams

General Agency Services

Tehachapi, CA 93561

Phone: 661-822-3309

Fax: 561-658-2735

Thursday, August 2, 2001

Laura Parrish

Scheduling Office of Governor Gray Davis

Sacramento, CA

Phone: 916-445-6533

Fax: 916-323-8725

Dear Ms. Parrish:
Thank you very much for your efforts trying to get Governor Davis' representative to attend our Energy Crisis Solutions Summit session earlier this week and for your kind offer to follow up on the information we left in the Governor's office lobby on Monday with the Governor's Staff Assistant Sherri Herlinger who said she would deliver it to the appropriate person in the Governor's office for review and consideration by Governor Davis' Senior Energy Advisor, David Freeman, and his Energy Advisor Kellan Fluckiger.
As you suggested I will phone you again next week to see if there is someone on the Governor's staff with whom by then we can continue to followup on this information which we hope will be well received there to help solve the energy crisis in California and the Country.
This note is to offer additional information, some of which has come to light since our visit Monday to your office and the California Energy Commission with "new-energy technologies" experts Dr. Brian O'Leary, Hal Fox, Dr. Fred B. Wood Sr., and Mark Comings. We were glad to meet with Dr. Surles and Mr. Kukulka at the Energy Commission after we left your office.
Mr Freeman may remember Dr. O'Leary in his position as Senior Energy Advisor to Morris Udall when he ran for US president, and in the mid-1970's when in a similar capacity Dr. O'Leary assisted Congressman Udall in hearings of the Congressional Environment and Energy Subcommittee when they called Mr. Freeman as a witness before hearings of that subcommittee in Washington DC.
Should Mr. Freeman want to meet with him, Dr. O'Leary will be back in California and available to meet with Governor Davis and his advisors September 6-7, before leaving on his two month European tour to promote his newest book, "Re-Inheriting the Earth - Awakening to Sustainable Solutions and Greater Truths".
Dr O'Leary co-authored, with Steve Kaplan, an excellent 1999 overview article on these new-energy technologies [Miracle in the Void] which is posted at Mr. Kaplan will be in the Bay Area for a few days soon and would like to come to Sacramento and meet with California energy officials on Friday, August 17, to offer suggestions on how they might help utilize this information to resolve the energy crisis and to discuss research and development funding ideas.
Dr O'Leary's previous book, "Miracle in the Void" about these new-energy technologies related to the Zero-Point Energy Field of the quantum vacuum flux, overviews some inventors he visited and provides a "psychological guidebook" for mainstream physicists coming to grips, as he did, with the reality of new physics behind these "fuel-less" power technologies. O'Leary also wrote the foreword to Jeane Manning's book, "The Coming Energy Revolution", a copy of which I left in our pile of papers with Ms. Herlinger on Monday and with Rob Schlichting at the Energy Commission last Friday.

In that book, on p.163, there is reproduced the text of a federal law by which the author claims many of these new-energy inventions are classified as secret, patents denied or confiscated along with the inventors' equipment, and inventors threatened with prison if they talk about their work in this area. In the preceding pages the case of Adam Trombly is discussed in this regard. New information on this case has come to me recently which has a direct bearing on the immediate situation where a representative of what the San Jose Mercury News calls "the leading industrial family in San Jose" wants to build a power plant now in San Jose, utilizing the best available new-energy technology, on one of the several parcels of land they have purchased since March of this year for power plant constructions in San Jose area. One such new-energy technology under consideration for this purpose seems fatally encumbered by suppression related to Manning's claims, the Trombly-Farnsworth technology.

I first heard of Trombly's work in the early 1980's when he determined the existence of what is now called (see DOE letter of May 12, 1998, reproduced at with related attachment at mentioning the harnessing of this energy source as "...the 'Holy Grail' of energy research") the "Zero-Point Energy Field of the Quantum Vacuum Flux" from anomalous NASA planetary energy measurements. Trombly had been a NASA consultant and was the person who in 1991 headed the team that utilized a new technique to extinguish the oil well fires in Kuwait after the Persian Gulf War, which began eleven years ago today with the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

The Federal gag order against Trombly mentioned in Manning's book related to the Trombly-Kahn closed path homopolar generator that he developed as an improvement on Bruce DePalma's "n-Machine" and was a result of Trombly's visit to the US Naval Submarine Laboratory where he saw that they were working on this kind of generator for submarine propulsion. He overcame that gag order by court action and went on with David Farnsworth, whose father is credited with the invention of television I believe, to develop the Trombly-Farnsworth solid-state oscillating electromagnetic zero-point energy extraction device which Trombly told me on the phone in May 1997 that they had operational for six years producing usable "fuel-less" electric power. I recently learned from someone who is now in day-to-day contact with Trombly and Farnsworth that in 1996 Federal Marshals with chainsaws and sledge hammers completely destroyed Farnsworth's $20 million electronics laboratory along with this device. In 1997 Trombly explained to me on the phone that he had proposed in 1989 the retrofitting of the Four Corners coal-fired electric power plants with their ZPE device, at a cost he estimated which I later learned approximates the cost of installing smoke scrubbers, with the result of additional threats on his life. During our recent visit to Sacramento my contact told me of an incident involving President George H.W. Bush in 1989 when Trombly and Farnsworth had scheduled a demonstration of this ZPE device for members of the US Senate and President Bush flew into a tantrum about it, throwing things around his office saying "we can't let them demonstrate this", after which was scheduled on the same date as this demonstration the only occasion during his presidency when President Bush invited Senators to the White House to "discuss the environment". The audience for this demonstration was thereby successfully diverted and no Senators attended it, instead going to this White House meeting.

I mention this information as some of many such "suppression stories" which many inventors in this area have experienced, and of which I am aware, over the past 25years of my interest and involvement in this field.

Hal Fox, who with Dr. O'Leary founded the Institute for New Energy, left you two excellent papers prepared specially for Sacramento briefings ("New Energy Devices that will Change the World" and his specially prepared brief for the Governor and Energy Commission) - for consideration of his advice as editor of the Journal of New Energy - including mention of Thomas Bearden's recently developed solid-state ZPE device reported in his paper on a DOE website (since removed pending patent) based on his understanding of the overlooked original quaternion form of Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism.
Dr Wood, who also understands these original equations and Bearden's work, submitted to your office, and the Energy Commission via Mr. Kukulka, Dr. Bearden's June 24, 2000, paper on how to solve the energy crisis quickly.
As Dr. O'Leary related to Dr. Surles on the steps of the Energy Commission offices Monday, not all of our suggestions relate to these "new-energy" technologies and many relate to little known advances in current energy science. Mark Comings discussed with Dr. Surles and Mr. Kukulka the "lumeloid" new solar electric technology in final stages of development by the inventor of polarization film processes, who is now 90 years old. This process utilizes a coated organic nanotechnology dipole matrix that produces electricity from sunlight with efficiencies increased on order of 10-fold and production costs reduced nearly 10-fold compared to current silicon based photovoltaics. This process is based in part on an understanding that more sunlight can be converted to electricity by solar cells after first polarizing the incident light. This also means that present silicon-based photo-voltaic systems can be doubled in efficiency by simply coating their light absorbing surfaces with a polarizing film also developed by this inventor, Dr. Marx.

I will be happy to help in any way to facilitate future communications with these and other scientists and inventors in this new-energy field with whose work I am acquainted.

At your service,

David Crockett Williams


Ronald W. Kukulka, Assistant Deputy Director for Energy Technology Development, California Energy Commission (, 1516 9th
Street, MS 44, Sacramento, CA 95814-5504, 916-654-4628, fax 916-654-4676,

Terry Surles, Ph.D., Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program Manager, Technology Systems Division Director, California Energy Commission, Sacramento

Sherri Herlinger, Staff Assistant, Office of Governor Gray Davis, Sacramento

David Freeman and Kellan Fluckiger at presumed email addresses
Brian O'Leary, Hal Fox, Fred Wood, Mark Comings, Stephen Kaplan, Thomas Bearden.
(source -

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