Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead
Date: Saturday, May 15, 2004 @ 12:21:04 UTC Topic: Testimonials
Shocking and tragic news from Steven B. Krivit:
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Gene Mallove, who was killed on May 14, 2004 apparently due to some sort of involvement with a property dispute. It is considered by the police to be a homicide and an investigation is underway.
Gene is survived by his wife Joanne, son Ethan and daughter Kim. No funeral arrangements are known at this time.
Gene Mallove, who, in his 1991 book "Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth behind the Cold Fusion Furor," was the first to courageously and boldly express the truth behind cold fusion, long before any science journalist even dared to ask questions that challenged the prevailing view. For 15 years, Gene maintained the cold fusion "torch" at great personal sacrifice, which initially drew many to learn the truth behind cold fusion.
Gene's generosity and commitment to a better world will be forever appreciated. Christy Frazier, the office manager at Infinite Energy (Phone 603-485-4700), or Steven Krivit at New Energy Times (310) 721-5919 may be contacted, however this is the limit of what is known at this time.
Steven B. Krivit
New Energy Times
Los Angeles, California, USA
Phone: (310) 470-8189
Fax: (310) 470-8190
Shocked and outraged, we couldn’t find the words to express our feelings, but Jeane, inspired as always, did: Vlad, I'm still in shock, but maybe your suggestion will help me -- write something about our friend. I'll just plunge in:
The courageous truth-seeking soul that lived in our time as Eugene Mallove, Ph.D.-- loyal husband, father, son, friend, feisty writer, witty humorous raconteur, and dedicated scientist -- that soul, that blazing spark of the divine eternal light will never die.
That's all I can say. This is a loss for all of us. This world has lost a rare combination of articulate gutsy insightful scientist who described the big picture of New Energy possibilities. He didn't remain in the safe haven of accepted dogma. He sacrificed the secure salary of that haven and tramped out onto the frontier where a more inspiring life-oriented energy science is being discovered. With help from close associates he created a magazine, a New Energy laboratory, a foundation. Through discouraging times, he kept going. He was almost to the goal.
My heart goes out to his family.
One of the board members of the New Energy Movement, Steve Kaplan, phoned me a minute ago. We agreed that a way to honor Gene's memory would be to, as well as we are able, emulate his relentless dedicated service in trying to bring about a clean-energy future and a science that recognizes the life force.
No one can replace Gene Mallove. But we can do our best with the tasks we each can do. To clear the space for a new energy paradigm, some can work toward a better system of governance or an honest monetary system, and others work for a better education system to allow a new life-enhancing paradigm. Each of us can do our bit to plant seeds of knowledge and encourage others. Call me Pollyanna if you wish. But IMHO we can choose to cringe in grief and fear after yet another tragedy, or we can choose to strengthen in determination and solidarity and, remembering Gene's fighting spirit, accomplish much.
Jeane Manning