Fueling the Future with Zero Point Energy
Date: Saturday, May 29, 2004 @ 12:37:00 UTC
Topic: General

By Mark Goldes
Chairman & CEO, Magnetic Power Inc.

Gas prices remind us daily that we are entering a new era. Price reductions from here forward are likely to be temporary. Only revolutionary new energy technologies can make a major change. Competition from such breakthroughs is the best, and probably the only, way to reverse the present trend. Effective solutions require unusually rapid development of little-known energy conversion systems. The most promising is Zero Point Energy (ZPE). The earth floats in this sea of energy. It is extremely dense and pervades the entire universe,

March 1st, 2004, Aviation Week and Space Technology published an article headlined: “Aviation Giants Eye Zero Point Energy”. The next line reads: “Zero Point Energy emerges from realm of science fiction”. The article goes on to suggest that ZPE might result in “Mach 4 fighters, quiet 1,200-seat hypersonic airliners that fly at 100-mi. altitudes as far as 12,000 mi. in about 70 min., and 12.6-hr. trips to the Moon.”

ZPE is still not widely known or understood. It emerges from experiments that demonstrate that seemingly empty space, sometimes called the “quantum vacuum”, is teeming with energy. NASA data suggests that it should be possible to extract well over 20 times more energy from the Zero Point Field, per unit of surface area on earth, than can be derived from solar energy – in excess of 20 kilowatts per square meter -- 24 hours per day.

ZPE has been investigated as a potential power source since a 1984 paper, by the late Dr. Robert Forward, appeared in Physical Review. Several physicists have since suggested that it is theoretically possible to tap this omnipresent energy for power and propulsion. The late Nobel physicist, Richard Feynman, once remarked that enough was present in the volume contained within a light bulb, to evaporate the oceans of the earth

Dr. Fabrizio Pinto, formerly a physicist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, created Interstellar Technologies Corp. to develop near-term applications of ZPE. In a U.S. Patent issued last December entitled “Method for Energy Extraction”, he states: “ZPE is expected to exhibit infinite density and to be universally present, and might therefore be a limitless source of energy.”

ZPE can be extracted magnetically. Two Russian laboratories apparently have done so. In one, Drs. Sergei M Godin and V.V. Roschin, reproduced and improved a magnetic device, invented by John Searle in England, attaining an output of up to 7 kilowatts. A derivative of the same invention had been independently reproduced earlier, by the late Dr. Paul Brown, in the U.S. Godin and Roschin are now constructing a new prototype in connection with Energy and Propulsion Systems LLC, a start-up company.

Hans Coler, a German inventor, according to a long since declassified British Intelligence Report, succeeded in building a working 6 Kw, solid-state, magnetic generator prior to destruction of his laboratory by an Allied bomb toward the end of WWII. At the time, there was no obvious explanation as to the source of the energy.

ZPE may eventually prove to be only one form of available, extremely dense, vacuum energy, capable of being harnessed to produce electricity.

Dr. Hal Puthoff, Director of the Institute of Advanced Study at Austin, is quoted in the Aviation Week article: ”I’d say our confidence level [of a breakthrough] is 50% or better. If our [research] is successful, almost assuredly there’d be no problem with small units—a few cubic centimeters of ZPE—providing enough energy to power spaceships.”

Magnetic Power Inc., has quietly been evaluating ZPE systems for two decades. For the past three years we have been developing our own prototypes. Laboratory results are now encouraging. Systems capable of producing replacements for batteries, as well as kilowatt, and eventually megawatt, modules, of electric power from Zero Point Energy, are now on the horizon. Prototype drive systems for vehicles may be possible within two years. These electric power generators will require no fuel and produce no pollution.

If we, and numerous others working with truly revolutionary energy technology, are successful, the beginning of a transition away from oil, and other fuels, could be a near-term event.

Demonstration devices, as well as inexpensive toys, are planned, in order to overcome understandable skepticism.

As new energy conversion devices move into mass production, the price of gasoline is likely to gradually stabilize, and later fall back. Fossil fuels and the resultant pollution can be superseded. Nuclear power with its attendant dangers will be unnecessary.

Funding such breakthrough research still depends on wealthy individuals, who can afford high risk. It will soon graduate to Strategic Partners, interested in manufacturing generators under license. One of the latter has already provided substantial financial assistance, and agreed to a $5 million investment.

Imagine the huge number of well-paying jobs that will be created by replacing existing vehicles, and power plants requiring fuel, with ZPE powered alternatives. The potential contribution of this revolutionary new technology to world-wide economic growth and prosperity can hardly be exaggerated.

© 2004 Magnetic Power Inc. All rights reserved.

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