Godin and Roschin falsificators & pseudoscientists (???)
Date: Saturday, May 29, 2004 @ 22:08:07 UTC
Topic: Science

RAS Academician, Dr. Edward Kruglyakov, Chairman of the Russian Academy of Sciences Commission Against Falsification of Scientific Research: "In Dec. 2000, one of the best physics journals in Russia, Technical Physics Letters, published a paper by V.V. Roschin and S.M. Godin "Experimental Investigation of the Physical Effects in a Dynamic Magnetic System"... The short report mentions antigravitation (the weight of the device during experiments reduced from 350 kg to 250 kg) and "magnetic walls" discovered at a distance of 15 m from the axis of the device... and other miracles...

The editors presented their apology for having published this paper in the journal. And yet another detail regarding the paper. It was published on behalf of the Institute for High Temperatures, but the Institute has no relation whatsoever to this paper. Neither has there ever been the mentioned device in the Institute. Falsifications of this kind are typical of pseudoscience." (from the article "What Are the Dangers of Pseudoscience to the Public?" by Dr. E.P. Kruglyakov //Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2004, v. 74, #1, pp. 8-27.)

The Torsion Field Fraud Investigation

Foreign enterprises are being swindled! - claims the Russian Academy of Sciences. A group of Russian swindlers are seeking investors for their pseudoscientific projects based on what they call "torsion technologies". The pseudoscientists promise to quickly build "torsion flying saucers", "torsion communications", and "torsion weapons".

In Sept. 1998, in order to conduct an in-depth investigation into the ongoing torsion field fraud dating back to the 1980's, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) established the Commission Against Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research. The Commission published a collection of papers authored by Commission's Chairman, RAS Academician Dr. Edward Kruglyakov, disclosing numerous facts on the international torsion field fraud organized by a group of Russian swindlers in order to swindle the Russian and foreign governments and private enterprises. Co-Chairman of the Commission is RAS Academician Dr. Vitaly Ginzburg, the Nobel Prize Winner in Physics 2003.

Dr. V.L. Ginzburg: "An example of pseudoscience are projects dealing with practical application of torsion fields. Modern science knows four types of fields: gravitational field, electromagnetic field, and so-called weak and strong fields. In principle, there could exist other fields, in particular so-called torsion field - such possibility has been discussed in the framework of the General Relativity Theory. Various groups of physicists in many countries, including USSR, have been conducting experiments, which showed that torsion fields either do not exist in nature or they are so weak that even the most sensitive detectors cannot detect them. Thus it is quite obvious that torsion fields cannot be put to use as a means of communication or for any other practical purposes. But there appeared charlatans, who have been swindling illiterate military and KGB officers and have been getting large sums of money for their so-called "projects". Our Commission is unmasking those charlatans..." (full text of article by V.L.Ginzburg in Russian)

Dr. E.P. Kruglyakov: "One of the goals of the Commission Against Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research is to determine the reasons for unjustified dissemination of nonexistent "torsion technologies". Recently, we launched a new investigation... The documents are evidence of the fact that we are dealing with a longstanding large-scale fraud which has nothing in common with science. The fraud has reached a grandiose level..." (Science in Siberia, 2000, #7)

Read more at the new Russian Skeptic site: http://torsionfraud.narod.ru/

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