Ed Gray Motor Variant -- Open Source Project
Date: Sunday, May 30, 2004 @ 21:59:09 UTC
Topic: Devices

Sponsored by Pure Energy Systems
Permanent Magnet / Pulsed DC Electromagnet Motor - Generator
Status: Project commenced May 26, 2004. Claim to working device, not yet verified. Plans in process of being uploaded here. Estimated completion of plans posting: ~2-3 weeks.
Photos posted of June 2002 first working prototype, that uses permanent magnets as a variation of the Gray patent.

G.M. Prototype #1, June 2002
Working device composed of power supply and motor by G.M. was disassembled for space considerations to make way for next iteration

G.M. Prototype #2
Device by G.M. presently working. Bench-top proof of concept, smaller than prototype #1. Photos pending.

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