A Proposition To Extract Energy From Zero Point Energy
Date: Thursday, June 10, 2004 @ 22:54:20 UTC
Topic: Science

This message was sent almost a year ago to some physicists at Fermilab by Sinh Pham. The idea seems interesting and I was wondering if somebody knows more about Ferilab's reply.

Dear Mike, Lizzie, Chris,

It is very kind of you to have opened the chat sessions and let laymen like us talk to you and treat us with care. What else can one say? I am grateful to all of you who have helped me in the course of my study and very much wish a chance to visit your lab, which i believe very beautiful. I also dream of a chance to study there if possible, but this seems so far away. In the meanwhile, please let me to send you more queries.

I have tried to read about what many people are saying about Quantum Fluctuation, Vacuum Fluctuation, Vacuum Energy and Zero Point Energy. All are different names of the same phenomenon, I think. Some people argue that the Zero Point Energy is very small, the other say that it is so great that even a volume of space in a cupful may contain enough energy to boil the oceans many times over. In one of my emails sent to you I have tried to explain the nuclear force as a reversal of the static electric field of the Coulomb force. I have come to a very strange result that our space is filled with a homogeneous concentration of potentia1 at every point in space. From this standpoint I tried to read what other people say about a space or a vacuum not empty, and got excited while I found that many are saying similar things, that space is not empty but something vibrating with self contained energy.

Now I am more biased to the viewpoint that the Zero Point Energy is very high, and have unexpectedly thought of a way to extract the energy from it. Please trust me, this is not the perpetual motion machine that many Alphysicists at all the time try to invent. It is some thing came out with a sound background. This stemmed from the idea of a photon that travels in a circle and creates a gravitational field and/or an electromagnetic field.

If we accept Einstein’s idea that Grand Unification Theory exists, we must accept that gravity is also some other form of electromagnetic existence.

I guess that if gravity bends light ray, then a bent light ray may also cause gravity ( creates mass).

If a bent light ray may cause gravity, we can use the Maxwell equation to find the solution for a wave that travels in a circle with a radius R and velocity c, and this wave may cause gravity. I have some difficulties in thinking what is the frequency of this circular orbited photon that causes gravity. Perhaps if you help me to solve the equations we can have some answers. But my instinct guides me that this wave is in constant interaction with the Zero Point Energy (or Vacuum Fluctuation) to emit an oscillating field around its orbit. This electromagnetic wave absorbs the energy of the vibrating space to retain the circular motion (to retain the mass) and reflect back to the space around the orbit, with a reflected oscillating field of gravitation and/or electromagnetic one that is/are in some way synchronized with the vibrating frequency (frequencies or spectrum?) of the space.

This is the point to get the energy from the Zero Point Energy. In my model of a neutron or proton, I guess that a neutron or a proton is a circularly orbited electromagnetic wave. If we enlarge the orbit of a neutron or a proton, the mass of the neutron or proton is decreased but the orbit is still a circular one, with the condition that some other frequency F of this orbited electromagnetic wave should be found to ensure that F is still synchronized to the vibrating frequency of the space (or spectrum of the space?). Just enlarge the orbit to the size such that we can artificially creates a wave with a frequency F (I guess F should be in the range of MASER or LASER frequencies so that we can artificially make them). Now we can artificially make a mass and/or a charge that constantly absorbs Zero Point Energy and emits another oscillating electromagnetic field with a frequency G, from which (the field) we can extract the energy to power some load. I am not sure what is the value of the frequency G.

To make an artificial mass and/or charge we have to generate a correct form of electromagnetic wave with some frequency F in the frequency range of a LASER or MASER. F should be calculated to be synchronized with the vibrating frequency of the space. We can use appropriate waveguides to guide such waves around a circular orbit, then an artificial mass and/or charge will be formed. This mass and/or charge will constantly emit an oscillating electromagnetic field with a frequency G, from which we can extract the energy by using winding coils or other devices incorporated into the wave guide system, properly positioned to gain a maximum of the varying magnetic flux of the emitted field.

Now you can see that we can get energy from the Zero Point Energy!

Whether we can further calculate the enlarged radius to obtain a value of G at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, i am not sure. But first let’s try to gain some energy.

First we have to consume some energy to create the correct wave in a MASER or LASER frequency range to form a mass and/or charge, then this wave motion will be retained forever by the Zero Point Energy. It is like burning a ring with the fuel comes from free space.

But the experiment may be extremely dangerous. If we burn some ring without careful calculation, who knows what kind and magnitude of heat that ring will emit to the space around. If the energy in one cupful of space volume may be enough to boil all the oceans many times over, who knows how much energy some ring will absorb and reflect to our Earth. Some may argue that the fields emitted by so many protons, neutrons, and other particles are not harmful to us, so it will be alright to have an artificial made of a much lower mass emit energy. I am not sure. This may not be correct. The particles in our Earth may be synchronized in some way that we are all in some same reference value of potential over the Zero Point Energy. Making an artificial gravitation field with energy coming from the free space is like burning the Earth more than it is being currently self-burned and disastrous results may follow. If we do not fully understand all the processes connected to this experiment and venture the experiment carelessly, it is like gaming our Earth towards total annihilation

Respectfully yours and best wishes,


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