A reply letter from Tom Bearden suggests that prudence is required while funding is sought, and "a second patent (with the more complex
material) has been filed, as has a continuance on the first patent. We still have two additional patents to prepare and file."
From: "Dave N."
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 14:55:15 -0400
Subject: Re: [MEG_builders] Congres to view MEG?
Reply-to: MEG_builders@yahoogroups.com
Hi group,
I emailed Tom on this - here's his response:
Dear Dave,
We know from hard personal experience with four other COP>1.0 systems that
were legitimate but fell by the wayside, that at this stage one must
single-mindedly focus on getting the large financial partner and funding
required to set up the proper physics lab (not just an electrodynamics lab)
to finish the project. If we split our efforts all over the map, or if we
allow control of it to pass into other hands just to get some bucks, then
the MEG will die right here in front of the required funding cliff (some $29
million). If the control passes, it will simply be suppressed like many
others have been.
The absolute kiss of death is to get involved in all sorts of publicity and
actions all over the map that deviate from the technical objective. That
simply triggers every kind of critter that ever crawled out from under a
rock, all over us. If enough critters are after you and all over you,
eventually one or more will get in there and bite you with a poison fang,
with high probability. So we will not do that. We are trying to deal with
principals and major investment groups only, and then only with proper do
diligence on both sides. We want them to check us out just as rigorously as
we check them out. And we do and they do.
That said, we are very sympathetic to what Steve Greer is doing, and
supportive of it, and we fervently wish for his resounding success. He is
an excellent person, well-seasoned and knowledgeable, highly dedicated, and
a real mover and shaker on the world scene. Steve has many contacts,
including with other COP>1.0 systems and inventors. The MEG is not the only
game in town by any means. Steve is aware of several other legitimate
systems, and is probably already working with those systems and their
inventors. We accent again that there are other legitimate COP>1.0 systems
other than the MEG, and Steve is aware of them and their statuses. All of
them that I am personally aware of, also are at that funding cliff where
they require substantial funding to go further and get to a producible
device ready for production and marketing.
The only way we can hope to succeed is keep focused on the final MEG
research goal, with single-minded purpose. The situation on the MEG is as
The rights to the MEG are assigned to Magnetic Energy Ltd., whose CEO is Dr.
James L. Kenny. Dr. Kenny --- not Tom Bearden --- is in charge of all
matters with respect to the MEG, as approved by the Board of Directors. He
is also one of the principal inventors of the MEG. The course of actions
taken on the MEG is determined by Dr. Kenny and the Board of Directors, not
by Tom Bearden as an individual. That is exactly as it should be.
Incidentally, the acronym "MEG" was deliberately chosen so as to be named after Dr. Kenny's daughter. Had it not been for Lee's dogged persistence
over several arduous years, there would not be a MEG today.
What we have at present is a set of successful MEG lab experiment
apparatuses. They are not by any means full-bore power systems ready to produce, sell, and power one's house, etc. Our first patent (with the
simple material) has just issued. A second patent (with the more complex
material) has been filed, as has a continuance on the first patent. We
still have two additional patents to prepare and file.
With that patent status, notice how extraordinarily sensitive we have to be
with respect to public demonstrations. The patent laws determine what we
can and cannot do at this stage, not public opinion. Else a single demonstration could unwittingly lose all the remainder of one's patent
rights. The proper people to call that kind of shot are our excellent and
long-suffering patent attorneys. And they are calling it precisely the way
we are playing it.
In the MEG, there are four unusual areas of physics involved, in addition to
the standard electrical engineering aspects. Consequently, to ramp up the
MEG to production size units, considerable research and development is
required, which includes those unusual areas of physics (such as geometric
phase and nonlinear oscillation control theory) also involved. It will
require considerable funding to set up a proper lab in both the PHYSICS aspects and the electromagnetic aspects and finish the MEG. It isn't just
electronics and electromagnetics equipment and staff that are required; that
part is a piece of cake. It is the PHYSICS equipment, instruments, and
staff that are required that are so expensive and critical. The MEG is a
highly nonlinear unit, and there is no such thing as a "linear scale-up"
factor for it, nor a linear functioning for it. It is also a nonlinear
oscillation device, and ordinary linear oscillation theory does not hold.
Neither does ordinary control theory. It is not a simple electromagnetics problem; that part of it we can easily handle. It's those four specialized
areas of physics where the hard work really has to be done --- with VERY
expensive instrumentation and technicians --- and it must be done if we are
to evolve it to a practical and production unit.
We are in serious negotiations with several major financial groups at
present, in an effort to raise the funding for the lab and final development
of the MEG to systems ready for mass production. All our guys are seasoned
and experienced aerospace engineers, and we have been in all sorts of space
and defense programs, systems, projects, simulations, etc. We know the
technical development game inside out; our careers have been and are based
on it and all its aspects. To even build a decent engineering model and
simulation of the highly nonlinear MEG involving multidisciplinary functions
is a formidable (but doable) undertaking; our guys have done exactly such
projects in ballistic missile defense, various missile systems, space
defense, NASA space hardware and systems, electronic warfare, directed
energy weapons, ABM defense, etc. on a variety of projects. We have indeed
developed and managed all the various aspects of development of just such
highly nonlinear, multi-disciplined models and simulations. So we know what
is required, what must be done, how to do it, and how much it will cost on a
"bare bones" program. Bare bones for the MEG development and finishing is
$29 million. There are partial programs that can be done for less, but that
is what the finishing program costs.
So our efforts are concentrated exclusively on obtaining a major financial
partner, so we can set up the necessary physics and electrodynamics lab and
staff with alacrity, and also obtain the services of four quite rare and
very expensive specialists, one required in each of those special physics
disciplines. We have some very hard but satisfying physics work to do, not
publicity work and not just electrodynamics work.
If we deviate from that path, then like so many others the MEG will simply
wash away like a wave on the beach, just as has every other legitimate
COP>1.0 system when it reached that "sheer cliff" of the major funding
needed for the extraordinary nonlinear research to finish it and go from lab
experiment devices to production units. Sadly, most of the folks managing
the COP>1.0 systems that reached that cliff did not fully appreciate the
formidable technical problems they faced, nor were they skilled enough to
recognize the full nature of the beast and what exactly was required to
finish it. We intend to do everything in our power to see that such does
not happen to the MEG, if it is humanly possible to prevent it. If we
succeed, we succeed. If we fail, we fail --- but we will have given it our
very best shot.
Best wishes,
Tom Bearden