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A Revolutionary Partnership for a Sustainable Future (?)
From the quantumlegacy.world site: A Revolutionary Partnership for a Sustainable Future

Quantum Legacy Foundation and Andrea Rossi Unite to Transform Global Energy

In a groundbreaking collaboration set to redefine the future of sustainable energy, Quantum Legacy Foundation proudly announces its partnership with Andrea Rossi, the visionary inventor behind the revolutionary E-Cat technology. This alliance marks a pivotal moment in the journey towards a cleaner, more sustainable world, as Quantum EverSource, the commercial arm of this partnership, takes the helm in manufacturing and distributing E-Cat products globally.
Posted by vlad on Monday, January 13, 2025 @ 15:56:12 UTC (1202 reads)
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How Free Energy Can Change 8 Billion Lives and Save Humanity

From the description: "Imagine discovering, after years of ignorance, that a single implication could have ushered in a vastly superior advanced civilization. This profound shift would eliminate the need for solar and wind farms, utilities, and so much more. By doing so, it would address numerous societal challenges like poverty and the plight of billions without a way of cooking. This abundant, accessible energy would not only transform lives but also foster a cleaner, healthier environment..."
Posted by vlad on Thursday, December 26, 2024 @ 13:48:22 UTC (3179 reads)
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Rossi: E-Cat EV Demo to be Streamed October 4th, +
Via e-catworld.com: Rossi: E-Cat EV Demo to be Streamed October 4th

Here’s a Q & A from the Journal of Nuclear Physics today regarding the anticipated E-Cat EV demo:

Lucio Martini September 27, 2024 at 4:37 AM 
Dr Rossi, is it possible to have an indication of the date and place of the electric vehicle test? I take the liberty of asking this because I haven’t been able to follow the news on the matter for a few months 

Andrea Rossi September 28, 2024 at 2:27 AM 
Lucio Martini: The streaming will be made on October 4th. The location until then will not be published for security reasons, Warm Regards, A.R.

[Vlad] Below also find a few interesting comments re to this post:
Posted by vlad on Tuesday, October 01, 2024 @ 16:40:12 UTC (8651 reads)
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Demonstration of an E-Cat-Powered Electric Vehicle
Testimonials From Ecatthenewfire.comMembers of the News Media are Invited to Apply to Attend a Demonstration of an E-Cat-Powered Electric Vehicle

MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, USA, June 14, 2023 — Leonardo Corporation, the developer of E-Cat technology, is preparing for its most important technology demonstration ever, and because we believe this event will be of great interest to the public throughout the world, we want to give advance notice to journalists about the event.

In October 2023, in Italy, Leonardo Corporation will demonstrate that E-Cat technology, a new type of electricity generator, can continuously charge the battery of an electric vehicle (EV) while the vehicle is in motion.
Posted by vlad on Monday, July 24, 2023 @ 15:38:05 UTC (22798 reads)
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Historic Disclosure Conference
Testimonials Historic Disclosure Conference and DC Screening of “The Lost Century”
June 10 - 11, 2023/ JW MARRIOTT 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004  (Located Between The White House and the Capitol)
+ National Press Club Event
Monday, June 12, 2023/  529 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20045

Explosive New Disclosure Witnesses and archives unveiled over an intensive 2-day conference, followed by the Disclosure 2.0 National Press Club Event.

Get ready to have your mind blown by the jaw-dropping witness testimony at the upcoming conference! We've only scratched the surface of what's in store for you. Brace yourself for revelations that will challenge everything you thought you knew about UFOs/UAPs.

"...Featured in the film will be actual free energy/zero point technologies that have existed for over a hundred years, AND brand new ones that Dr. Greer's team has investigated — and TESTED as real!..."
Posted by vlad on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 @ 06:30:41 UTC (21059 reads)
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The new biophysics
From RegenerateProject.com: The New Biophysics: A Deep Dive into the Quantum Rabbit Hole of Esoteric Physiology

by By Sayer Ji / Founder of Greenmedinfo.com

What if everything you were told about how the cells of your body get their energy was wrong? What if the body could tap the relatively limitless resources of the Sun directly? Even more astounding, what if the body could tap the infinite energy density of the quantum vacuum and even turn that energy into matter, as well as transform elements into one another? Welcome to the electrifying implications of the New Biophysics.
Posted by vlad on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 @ 16:48:03 UTC (8859 reads)
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What is the Best Evidence for Over-Unity?
Interesting Q/A from the e-catworld.com site [Posted on December 28, 2021]: << I received a suggestion and a request from an ECW reader for a thread to discuss the question of what is the best evidence that over-unity energy production is real.

“Is there acceptable proof for this? Could readers of your site put up the best evidence of over-unity of any kind, accepting that so far they may only be proofs of an effect that cannot be maintained or commercialized at present.

It would be good for us all to see the best experiments that confirm there is something that is a positive reality to keep our spirits high.”

I think it is a good question to discuss, and I will be interested in responses, if any. Thanks!>>

Note: Since it is already 2022 for many of you, I wish that the New Year brings to all of us what we cannot buy with money: health, love, happiness, friends and peace...and of course, the miracle of ubiquitous, clean and abundant energy, so we can finally tackle the global warming threat once and for all!
Posted by vlad on Friday, December 31, 2021 @ 19:06:45 UTC (5643 reads)
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What changed in 20 years?
Vlad writes: This interview was conducted 20 years ago by Luís Balula for Akronos Publishing, with Dr. Paulo N. Correa and Ms. Alexandra N. Correa as a: FOLLOW UP ON LABOFEX: POWER FROM PULSED PLASMAS and constitutes a powerful requisitory of the Alternative Energy field and the struggle of the legitimate revolutionary research to be considered (and not ignored) by the mainstream scientific and business community. Many times I ask myself what has changed in two decades?

I end with a quote from their essay "Timely considerations at the edge of space" (1996): "...No New Energy Revolution can in fact do for us what we are not willing to do for ourselves. Reactive forces will have won a trashed out, sterilized, overpopulated, desertified, miserabilized planet."

Posted by vlad on Friday, August 27, 2021 @ 13:35:04 UTC (5345 reads)
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New Bedini Release: Intrigue & The Bedini/TUV Affair
Anthony Craddock writes: Part 42: Intrigue & The Bedini/TUV Affair

Photo: John Bedini working inside the Faraday cage during filming by Hamilton Productions.

This DVD, featuring interviews with John Bedini and his financier Jay Edington, spans a time interval of several decades, and should have been the documentary about one of the 20th Century's biggest success stories — certification of a free energy device by the world's leading electrical testing company, TÜV, headquartered in Germany.

In 2000,  TÜV were hired by Jay Edington to send an engineer from their San Diego office to the Bedini Lab in Idaho to test and validate the Bedini motors' performance.

The resulting report was expected to attest to the Bedini motors' overunity capabilities.
Posted by vlad on Saturday, August 07, 2021 @ 13:06:12 UTC (6538 reads)
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The UFO and Zero Fuel Motor America Forgot
From Anthony Craddock: Energy From the Vacuum: The UFO America Forgot
<--One of the Cold-Heat Engine Systems in the laboratory—its overunity performance was widely demonstrated to the Toronto scientific community including to Toronto Hydro, the largest municipal electric distribution utility in Canada.

With the current U.S. Government interest in the “flying saucer” issue, it is worth a reminder that functioning “flying saucers” were being built in Canada at the Avro facility in Toronto right after World War II by a multinational team of Americans, British, and captured Nazi German scientists. Not only that, a very effective Zero Fuel Motor was developed there to power it by the Designex team of British engineers headed by Iuean Thomas.
Posted by vlad on Sunday, June 13, 2021 @ 11:13:48 UTC (6325 reads)
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Breakthrough Energy Movement on YouTube
Breakthrough Energy Movement - connecting the dots between technology, consciousness, health, the economy, the environment, grassroots activism and and crowdfunding

The Breakthrough Energy Movement is a non-profit volunteer-powered organization dedicated to educating & activating the public about breakthrough energy technologies which are clean, sustainable and world changing.

No More Lockdown/ Enough is enough. One by one we are making all the presentations of the Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference 2019 accessible in the next coming weeks.
Posted by vlad on Saturday, June 05, 2021 @ 16:16:45 UTC (5432 reads)
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ITER, The Grand Illusion
From the NewEnergyTimes: ITER, The Grand Illusion: A Forensic Investigation of Power Claims by Steven Krivit (Watch now on Vimeo or YouTube)

Film Synopsis

Is nuclear fusion a likely solution to climate change? Is fusion a viable alternative to fossil fuels?

For 70 years, fusion scientists have proposed new design concepts, provided computer models, and proclaimed that fusion is the answer.

But where is the experimental evidence that the scientific method demands? And why has energy from nuclear fusion always been 20 years away?
Posted by vlad on Wednesday, May 05, 2021 @ 21:07:44 UTC (4261 reads)
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Tom Bearden Delivers The Real Green New Deal
Testimonials Anthony Craddock writes: As a reminder to the political class what the Green New Deal should really be about, we refer them to Tom Bearden's list (partial at best) of energy producing devices that produce more energy than is input.  Most of these extract energy from the space all around us, the sea of energy in which the Earth floats.  This is known as Energy From the Vacuum™, and scientists have known for centuries that this contains a virtually inexhaustible supply of free energy. Listed on the website below, are around 50 devices and processes that produce Energy From the Vacuum™.  Many of these can actually be self-powering while producing excess energy.  Also included are other lists of overunity devices and processes from reputable researchers.
Posted by vlad on Thursday, February 04, 2021 @ 23:02:08 UTC (2563 reads)
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"It Will Be The End Of Energy Companies"
New video posting from Dr. Steven Greer (on the You Tube "Be Inspired" channel): "It Will Be The End Of Energy Companies" | The FORBIDDEN Technology of Nikola Tesla

Another recent video post featuring Dr. Greer (on the "Video Advice" channel) is: "It Will Be an OPEN SOURCE Platform" [Ultra Classified Information!!!]

"What you have just heard; Only a handful of people on earth know, even in classified projects; Is highly compartmented. This is really way past TSSCI - Top Secret Special Compartmented Intelligence." | Dr. Steven Greer
Posted by vlad on Saturday, December 14, 2019 @ 21:35:37 UTC (3496 reads)
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ZPE and Canadian elections
With permission, extracts from recent correspondence:

Dr. Andrew Michrowski (P.A.C.E. Inc.): "...We thank your for this intelligent perspective that could permit a correction for monetization for the public benefit, in a gradual manner.  Among our founders were several prominent economists.

Of course, it would be even more corrective if advanced clean energy system were to be implemented; they have the advantage of providing for essential needs (electricity, clean water, prosperous whole food production, waste treatment, communications and even transportation) at between 10 and 1% of capital (monetary) requirements than currently applied / planned for systems do - without disrupting the environment and affecting climate change..."
Posted by vlad on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 @ 18:14:46 UTC (2419 reads)
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Books & Periodicals

The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity

More Books...

Would AI help solve the practical problems of tapping ZPE?

ZPE can NOT be tapped for useful power.


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Monday, February 13, 2017
· Rick Friedrich R-Charge Scam
Sunday, November 13, 2016
· Prominent Scientists React to Trump’s Win
Monday, November 07, 2016
· R.I.P. John Bedini
Monday, October 10, 2016
· Wikileaks’ Podesta Email Mentions “Zero-Point Energy”
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Quote of the Day

Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.

-- Nikola Tesla



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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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