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Touching on vacuum energy
From CNRS News: Touching on vacuum energy by Mathieu Grousson

(picture:© IJCLab/Experience DeLLight)

According to quantum theory, a vacuum is actually packed full of energy. Scientists are currently working on an experiment designed to show that it can even slow light down and deflect it.
A paradoxical energy: Even in the earliest versions of quantum mechanics at the beginning of the twentieth century, the equations of the new theory introduced mathematical terms that baffled physicists...
Posted by vlad on Friday, January 24, 2025 @ 21:29:38 UTC (581 reads)
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Infinite Power: Zero-Point Energy (ZPE) and the McGinty Equation
This is one of the very interesting vids from the McGinty AI | Fractal Quantum Mechanics YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@mcgintyai): Unlocking Infinite Power: Zero-Point Energy (ZPE) and the McGinty Equation Explained

Description: Join us on an incredible journey exploring the untapped energy potential of the quantum vacuum and the McGinty Equation. From the sun’s core to the way plants transform sunlight into food, nature has always been our greatest teacher about energy. But now, as we enter the quantum age, we have the opportunity to revolutionize energy generation forever. Scientists have long believed that spacetime itself—what we call the quantum vacuum—holds immense energy. What if we could harness this hidden ocean of power to fuel a cleaner, limitless future?
Posted by vlad on Thursday, December 26, 2024 @ 19:33:13 UTC (3497 reads)
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Zero Point Energy: The Next Frontier in Sustainable Energy Solutions
Science Description (Nassim Haramein): In the quest for sustainable energy solutions, the concept of harnessing Zero Point Energy (ZPE) emerges as a beacon of innovation and nearing possibility. As we delve into the intricacies of this frontier, it becomes apparent that ZPE could redefine our approach to energy consumption, offering a virtually limitless source of power. We are increasingly focusing on this potential, recognizing its capacity to revolutionize energy sustainability and propel technological advancements. This exploration not only promises a future for humanity that is not reliant on traditional energy sources but also opens doors to groundbreaking applications in a variety of fields. Just envision driving your electric vehicle without the need for a charging plug or harming lives for lithium battery requirements...
Posted by vlad on Thursday, December 26, 2024 @ 18:34:57 UTC (3951 reads)
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Vacuum Decay - The new "tool" for extracting energy from the vacuum
As of today, science is "firm" on the impossibility of tapping directly the Zero-point (Vacuum) Energy for useful power (Zero Point Energy - Demystified). But if there is validity to some experimental evidence for fuel-less energy devices (ZPEnergy.com thinks so), we always assumed its ultimate possible source for the excess energy, must be the energetic vacuum! Well, it seems there is now a legitimate candidate for extracting some useful energy from the vacuum: False Vacuum Decay. 

Sabine: One of the most disturbing ideas in physics, or maybe *the most disturbing idea, is that space can fall apart. That’s because it could be what’s called “false” vacuum. A false vacuum can remain in this innocent reliable looking form for billions of years, but eventually a quantum fluctuation could be enough to cause it to decay. This would release enormous amounts of energy and kill all of us. Yes, cheerful thought.
Posted by vlad on Friday, October 25, 2024 @ 18:19:28 UTC (1216 reads)
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Extraordinary, repeatable evidence
Science From Bob W. Greenyer's remoteview.substack.com: Extraordinary, repeatable evidence in multiple plasma and cavitation systems producing anomalous effects - ROUGH CUT
Bill Collis Memorial Workshop, ICMNS 15, Strasbourg, France, 4 Sep 2024

Anomalous heat, tracks and transmutations have been found over decades of LENR research [1,2,3,4,5,6]. The MFMP has extensively documented these phenomena both in third party work, replications of prior research, in community collaborations and in our own novel approaches. In recent years, caught on video and quality images, we have predictably observed the action of fractal toroidal current structures, the specific signatures of which are present when anomalous heat or transmutations are present.
Posted by vlad on Tuesday, October 01, 2024 @ 18:31:37 UTC (9631 reads)
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To B3 or not to B3 - ECE Theory
From the ECE Theory YouTube channel: Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) Theory is the CORRECT Unified Field Theory. It is a result of using the right geometric model of space-time (Cartan Geometry). Einstein's Relativity is wrong, since it was based an incomplete mathematical model of space-time (Riemann Geometry).

Myron W. Evans has corrected Einstein's error, and has derived all physics equations from Cartan geometry, without resorting to arbitrary constants.
Einstein's General Relativity cannot explain many things. One glaring example is the spiral shape of galaxies. In contrast, ECE Theory explains the spiral shape very simply, and the prediction matches the observations.

Creating new, carbon-free, energy sources is a life-and-death matter for the entire planet. ECE Theory is the basis for several new, energy generation technologies.

These essays are of great historical value, and were uploaded to introduce the correct version of physics to the scientific community.
Posted by vlad on Tuesday, August 06, 2024 @ 14:31:03 UTC (8112 reads)
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SAGE, the Soviet-American Gallium Experiment
Science Anonymous writes:
From Quanta magazine: What Could Explain the Gallium Anomaly? by Jonathan O'Callaghan

Physicists have ruled out a mundane explanation for the strange findings of an old Soviet experiment, leaving open the possibility that the results point to a new fundamental particle.

The experimental apparatus used in the SAGE and BEST experiments at the Baksan Neutrino Observatory./Konstantin Malanchev

Deep in the Caucasus Mountains, on the border between Russia and Georgia, an unusual experiment is taking place. In an underground lab shielded by a mountain of rock, highly radioactive material sits inside a vat of liquid gallium, blasting out particles called neutrinos that break the gallium down into atoms of germanium.

Posted by vlad on Saturday, July 13, 2024 @ 12:49:53 UTC (9362 reads)
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Is there any credible research in tapping vacuum energy?
Here is the response from Anthropc’s newest and most intelligent model - Claude 3.5 Sonnet, to my question: Is there any credible research in tapping vacuum energy?

Claude 3.5 Sonnet: As of my last update in April 2024, there haven't been any widely accepted major breakthroughs in the experimental verification of vacuum energy effects that would fundamentally change our understanding or bring us closer to practical energy extraction. However, there have been some interesting developments and refinements in our understanding of related phenomena. Here are a few notable areas of recent research:

1. Improved Casimir force measurements:
Researchers have continued to refine techniques for measuring the Casimir force with greater precision. This has allowed for better comparisons between theoretical predictions and experimental results, helping to validate aspects of quantum field theory.

2. Dynamic Casimir effect:
There have been some experimental observations of the dynamic Casimir effect, where photons are created from vacuum fluctuations due to rapidly moving boundaries. While this doesn't lead directly to energy extraction, it does provide evidence for the reality of vacuum fluctuations.
Posted by vlad on Saturday, June 29, 2024 @ 18:08:41 UTC (987 reads)
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The universe may be dominated by particles that break causality
Via livescience.com: The universe may be dominated by particles that break causality and move faster than light, new paper suggests by Paul Sutter

With the nature of the universe's two most elusive components up for debate, physicists have proposed a radical idea: Invisible particles called tachyons, which break causality and move faster than light, may dominate the cosmos.

Could the cosmos be dominated by particles that move faster than the speed of light? This model of the universe agrees surprisingly well with observations, a pair of physicists has discovered.
Posted by vlad on Wednesday, May 08, 2024 @ 10:58:48 UTC (5417 reads)
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Maverick Inventors Program
The Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin was founded in 1985 by Harold Puthoff, PhD, and later incorporated under EarthTech International, Inc., in 1991 as an innovative research facility with a high‐powered creative staff dedicated to exploring the forefront reaches of science and engineering. Our research interests include theories of spacetime, gravity and cosmology; studies of the quantum vacuum; modifications of standard theories of electrodynamics; interstellar flight science; and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, specifically as these topics may apply to developing innovative space propulsion and sources of energy. We strive to translate these ideas into laboratory experiments.

Maverick Inventors Program 
EarthTech International Inc. offers a unique opportunity tailored towards inventors and forward-thinkers alike: The Maverick Inventor Program. We invite inventors to contact us with new ideas that might be of interest to our institute.
Posted by vlad on Thursday, January 18, 2024 @ 15:54:51 UTC (11578 reads)
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A new Nature article on LENR
Via e-catworld.com: Nature Article: “Water can trigger nuclear reaction to produce energy and isotope gases” (Bin-Juine Huang, Yu-Hsiang Pan, ... Robert William Greenyer)


This paper reports the discovery that water can trigger a peculiar nuclear reaction and produce energy. Cavitation may induce unusual reactions through implosion of water vapor bubbles. Many of this research has been published formally or informally. We have conducted experiments using two reactor types made from multiple-pipe heat exchanger and found that the heat exchange process of water produces peculiar excess heat and abnormally high pressure leading to rupture of the reactor. Recently, we have tested another eight reactors. Interestingly, these reactors produce non-condensable gas.
Posted by vlad on Sunday, January 07, 2024 @ 20:07:13 UTC (12642 reads)
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Advanced Energy Concepts Challenging the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Science Journal of Scientific Exploration - Anomalistics and Frontier Science - Volume 36, Number 3, 2022, is a SPECIAL ISSUE on: Advanced Energy Concepts Challenging the Second Law of Thermodynamics /Issue Conceived by Garret Moddel (Garret Moddel, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Photonics and Quantum Engineering at the University of Colorado)

Posted by vlad on Thursday, October 12, 2023 @ 23:58:45 UTC (16678 reads)
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Where is the energy coming from?
Science A recent post on e-catworld.com titled: "What to Expect at the E-Cat EV Demonstration", generated again an interesting discussion on the possible source for the excess energy observed in all OU devices and phenomena, including LENR reactions (such as Rossi's controversial "E-Cat"). I do not know who the user AxilAxil is, but I do like his comments and general line of thinking! Here is a sample (go to the source for more): 

Axil Axil: All vacuum based reactors will be short lived because of transmutation. It remains to be seen if Rossi or anybody else has or will come up with a solution to mitigate the inevitable destructive and discombobulating nature of transmutation of elements. Every silver lining has a dark cloud to hide it. If the SSM reactor lasts for three years Rossi will be lucky. Think of the SSM as a battery that runs for awhile and then weaken and eventually fails requiring replacement.
Posted by vlad on Sunday, June 25, 2023 @ 09:54:53 UTC (17710 reads)
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Practical Applications of the Fractal Toroidal Moment
Science Via https://e-catworld.comAbstract: "Practical Applications of the Fractal Toroidal Moment" (Bob Greenyer)

Thanks to Bob Greenyer for sharing the following link to an abstract he has submitted for the upcoming ICCF-25 conference which is to be held in Szczecin, Poland in August of this year.

The title is: “Practical Applications of the Fractal Toroidal Moment”

Robert William Greenyer

Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (MFMP), UK

(Email: m.fleischmann.memorial@gmail.com)

Posted by vlad on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 @ 18:09:41 UTC (23878 reads)
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Physicists Use Quantum Mechanics to Pull Energy out of Nothing
Science Via QantaMagazine.org: Physicists Use Quantum Mechanics to Pull Energy out of Nothing by Charlie Wood

The quantum energy teleportation protocol was proposed in 2008 and largely ignored. Now two independent experiments have shown that it works.

The new quantum protocol effectively borrows energy from a distant location and thus violates no sacred physical principles. Kristina Armitage/Quanta Magazine

For their latest magic trick, physicists have done the quantum equivalent of conjuring energy out of thin air. It’s a feat that seems to fly in the face of physical law and common sense.
Posted by vlad on Thursday, February 23, 2023 @ 11:20:36 UTC (23887 reads)
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Books & Periodicals

Energy from the Vacuum - Concepts & Principles

More Books...

Would AI help solve the practical problems of tapping ZPE?

ZPE can NOT be tapped for useful power.


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Wednesday, June 01, 2022
· Puzzling Quantum Scenario Appears Not to Conserve Energy
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· A world-first one-way superconductor
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· Extracting Zero Point Energy: Does it Violate the Second Law?
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