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NASA’s Solid-State Battery Research Exceeds Initial Goals
The SABERS activity is developing a solid-state battery for use in aviation applications. In this image, NASA researchers John Connell and Yi Lin (seated) are using a cyclic voltameter to check the performance level of a brand-new cathode the SABERS team created for their solid-state battery.
Credits: NASA
NASA researchers are making progress with developing an innovative battery pack that is lighter, safer, and performs better than batteries commonly used in vehicles and large electronics today.
Posted by vlad on Monday, December 05, 2022 @ 14:17:32 UTC (6450 reads)
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Sandia designs better batteries for grid-scale energy storage
Via Eurekalert.org: Sandia designs better batteries for grid-scale energy storage
New molten sodium batteries operate at lower temperatures using low-cost materials - DOE/Sandia National Laboratories
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have designed a new class of molten sodium batteries for grid-scale energy storage. The new battery design was shared in a paper published today in the scientific journal Cell Reports Physical Science.
The biggest battery breakthroughs of 2019
Via NewAtlas: 2019 provided us with a number of battery breakthroughs that could change how we power our grids, our devices and also our modes of transport SergeyNivens/Depositphotos
Many corners of society stand to gain from advances in battery technology, from automakers, to manufacturers of consumer electronics to all that care about the environment. This year offered a little something for everybody with an interest in this area of science, bringing us tech that could charge electric vehicles in 10 minutes, batteries that suck carbon dioxide out of the air and news that the world’s biggest battery is set to get even bigger. Here are the most significant battery breakthroughs of 2019.
Posted by vlad on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 @ 18:31:28 UTC (2983 reads)
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Nanoflowers Improve Ultracapacitors
Nanoflower power: A transmission electron microscope image shows
a flowerlike manganese oxide nanoparticle deposited at the junction of
crossed carbon nanotubes. Used as an electrode material, this
nanotube-manganese-oxide composite could improve the energy-storage
ability of ultracapacitors, which show promise as powerful,
long-lasting replacements for batteries.
Credit: American Chemical Society
Imagine a cell-phone battery that recharges in a few seconds and that
you would never have to replace. That's the promise of energy-storage
devices known as ultracapacitors, but at present, they can store only
about 5 percent as much energy as lithium-ion batteries. An advance by
researchers at the Research Institute of Chemical Defense, in China,
could boost ultracapacitors' ability to store energy.
Posted by vlad on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @ 23:01:05 UTC (4774 reads)
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National Semiconductor Corporation today introduced the latest additions to its family of high-voltage power control integrated circuits designed to provide efficient DC-DC power supply solutions.
Posted by vlad on Thursday, September 23, 2004 @ 21:07:04 UTC (7412 reads)
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Utility metering via satelite
September 21 - MeterSmart, the foremost expert in energy data management for utilities and an energy information service of Hunt Power, today announced what may be the utility industry's most innovative meter data collection service. The new MeterSmart offering allows utilities to collect accurate meter data across the globe, including rural and remote areas, via a deployed constellation of more than 25 orbiting satellites.
Posted by vlad on Thursday, September 23, 2004 @ 21:02:25 UTC (5777 reads)
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NASA Announces Moon Going Flat
01-Apr-2004 - Unknowncountry.com:
NASA scientists announced yesterday that cracks have opened up in the moon, causing the leakage of millions of tons of methane gas trapped inside. As the process continues, surprised witnesses in polar regions, who see the moon from a slightly different angle than most viewers, are observing an unusual sight: the moon is getting flatter.
Posted by vlad on Thursday, April 01, 2004 @ 23:16:07 UTC (11553 reads)
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New Permanent Magnet Axial Gap Motor Developed
matt writes: Not exactly over unity, but 90 to 95 percent efficiency ain’t bad…
A company said its new motor has high efficiency, high power density, high peak torque across a wide speed range and fast transient response.
The motor is aimed at developers of fuel cells and refrigeration compressors.
Benefits Provided to DG by a Parallel Utility System Connection
This new EPRI report attempts to demonstrate the value of the parallel utility connection for the DG sites. Various DG scenarios with and without a parallel utility connection were evaluated using a multitude of analytical tools and techniques. Parametric study of the load steps, load rejections, nonlinear loads, and other conditions was performed. The results are presented within the context of the value that the utility system offers to the DG. See more at: EPRI report
Title: Patent Granted for Hyper-Light-Speed Antenna
matt writes: Inventor granted patent for a "hyper-light-speed" antenna which apparently proves the existence of a new dimension that can send signals--and, therefore, energy--faster than the speed of light.
Posted by vlad on Saturday, February 01, 2003 @ 00:33:32 UTC (24606 reads)
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DARPA Skunkworks to Produce JIP?
JIP: "Just In time Power" The right power at the right place at the right time. That's the mission that scientists at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) have embarked on.
Novel DG Control and Dispatching System
Well, the world is getting ready - we just need reliable ZPE devices to satisfy our own energy needs and sell the excess power to the utility. With SEAS ZPrize, that should happen soon...I hope.According to a recent EPRI report, the utility has the tools now and would be more than happy to take our power!;-). The report is entitled "Novel Distributed Generation Control and Dispatching System: Application Validation and Benefits Quantification", Report 1004448, Published Oct 2002...(more)
Conversion and Control of Gravitational Energy
Glenn Roberts writes: Key Concepts for the Conversion and Control of GRAVITATIONAL Energy. (My PRESENTATION OF RESULTS of PRIVATE RESEARCH in MAGNETICS and ELECTROGRAVITCS, based on UNIVERSITY STUDIES in ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, alternative studies, and God-given common sense.)CONTENTS: 1. Introduction - a qualitative (non-math) explanation, revised since 1996 2. The need for a simplified, yet "complexified" Physics 3. Examples of well-known orthogonal effects in physics 4. Consistent comparison between magnetics and electrostatics 5. Contrast/Comparison between E/M and wired circuits 6a. The need for interfacing between fields and wired circuits 6b. Benefits of interfacing - e.g. "synergistic" conversion 7. The nature of the interface 8. Preparation and excitation of the interface 9. Principles of interfacial conversion (transformer/transducer) 10. Examples of successful synergistic exploits last century.
Posted by vlad on Saturday, July 20, 2002 @ 01:25:00 UTC (14756 reads)
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CALGARY, ALBERTA--In stand-alone tests conducted by Sandia National Laboratories [www.Sandia.gov], Sustainable Energy`s 5 kW power inverter demonstrated better than 93% power conversion efficiencies across a full power range, ranking it among the most efficient inverters at this power rating in the industry.
DG implementation spin-offs
Economies of mass production are being touted as an alternative to economies of scale (larger central station power plants) that electric utilities have employed over the last century to supply low-cost electric power. It is posited that mass production can result in low cost electric power generators with acceptable conversion efficiencies that can be installed at the load and be cost competitive with central power delivered to the load (EPRI - Technology Assessment of Residential Power Systems for DG Markets - EPRIsolutions report 1000772).
Posted by vlad on Saturday, June 01, 2002 @ 23:02:00 UTC (3396 reads)
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The real voyage of discovery does not consist in seeking new landscapes, but in acquiring new eyes.-- Marcel Proust
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