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Welcome to the TOP page for ZPEnergy.com!

10 most read stories

· 1: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead - (93473 reads)
· 2: 100 miles on 4 ounces of water? - (93100 reads)
· 3: Overunity magnet motor released ! - (91313 reads)
· 4: High Efficiency Solar Cell breakthrough - (85984 reads)
· 5: Pyramid Power--Is this it? A simple free energy device? - (71184 reads)
· 6: Mysterious energy coil video uploaded - (64170 reads)
· 7: Water cars - (59728 reads)
· 8: Z machine melts diamond to puddle - (53800 reads)
· 9: Free electric energy generator - The ReneRator - (46415 reads)
· 10: Successful TPU-ECD replication - (42694 reads)

10 most voted stories

· 1: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead - (288 votes)
· 2: Water cars - (69 votes)
· 3: GWE announces new technology for the auto industry - (53 votes)
· 4: 100 miles on 4 ounces of water? - (52 votes)
· 5: New Navy Report Supports Cold Fusion - (51 votes)
· 6: Gary McKinnon: Scapegoat or public enemy? - (41 votes)
· 7: New Science and a Revolutionary Energy Breakthrough - (38 votes)
· 8: A New Quantum Flux Level Over-Unity Device is Discovered - (33 votes)
· 9: High Efficiency Solar Cell breakthrough - (29 votes)
· 10: Minato Over Unity Motor Goes Into Production - (27 votes)

10 best rated stories (based on 5 maximun points)

· 1: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead - (4.29 points)
· 2: Water cars - (4.75 points)
· 3: GWE announces new technology for the auto industry - (4.98 points)
· 4: 100 miles on 4 ounces of water? - (4.40 points)
· 5: New Navy Report Supports Cold Fusion - (4.49 points)
· 6: Gary McKinnon: Scapegoat or public enemy? - (4.34 points)
· 7: New Science and a Revolutionary Energy Breakthrough - (4.23 points)
· 8: A New Quantum Flux Level Over-Unity Device is Discovered - (4.66 points)
· 9: High Efficiency Solar Cell breakthrough - (4.55 points)
· 10: Minato Over Unity Motor Goes Into Production - (4.70 points)

10 most commented stories

· 1: A Passionate Plea by a good hearted person to Genesis World Energy. - (234 comments)
· 2: GWE announces new technology for the auto industry - (161 comments)
· 3: State of New Jersey investigation of GWE and UFCT - (133 comments)
· 4: Edison Device price and cost of operation, 2004 licensing period is the last. - (116 comments)
· 5: GWE misses first deadline on website - (69 comments)
· 7: GWE and General Motors - (58 comments)
· 8: Formation of Archer Energy Systems, Inc. - (54 comments)
· 9: WEM has completed the process of evaluating preliminary proposals - (53 comments)
· 10: Zero Point Energy: Can it become a practical, near-term, alternative? - (47 comments)

10 most active news submitters

· 1: vlad - (1356 news sent)
· 2: Overtone - (98 news sent)
· 3: WGUGLINSKI - (84 news sent)
· 4: Rob - (63 news sent)
· 5: matt - (49 news sent)
· 6: FDT - (38 news sent)
· 7: nanotech - (29 news sent)
· 8: Randy - (23 news sent)
· 9: pulsed_ignition - (21 news sent)
· 10: solaris - (21 news sent)

10 most voted polls

· 1: As a businessman, to put money in (FE tech), you would need: - (659 votes)
· 2: Please click on your gender below and help us estimate the “gender gap” on this site. - (534 votes)
· 3: A reasonable XS-NRG Prize for a successful test of an O/U device would be: - (401 votes)
· 4: You are the inventor of a real FE technology; what would you prefer to:? - (393 votes)
· 5: If detailed plans for a simple ZPE device were published, you would: - (371 votes)
· 6: Have you ever experienced a FE device in operation? - (361 votes)
· 7: As the inventor of an O/U device, would you give it to the world for free? - (331 votes)
· 8: Where on Earth do you live? - (314 votes)
· 9: Do you have a technical background? - (300 votes)
· 10: The challenge of tapping the ZPF for useful energy will be solved by: - (284 votes)

10 most active authors

· 1: vlad - (3758 news published)
· 2: Rob - (177 news published)
· 3: calin - (3 news published)

10 most downloaded files

· 1: Solar Closed (Category: New-Energy) - (37197 downloads)
· 2: On the Notation of MAXWELL’s Field Equations (Category: Downloads) - (26253 downloads)
· 3: Energy Suppression Cases Report (Category: Downloads) - (21343 downloads)
· 4: $50 Adams motor (Category: New-Energy) - (13775 downloads)
· 5: POWER PHENOMENON OF VACUUM - II (Category: ZPE related) - (10664 downloads)
· 6: Kohei Minato and the Japan Magnetic Fan Company (Category: Downloads) - (9833 downloads)
· 7: Article on Joe Flynn Parallel Path Tech (Category: New-Energy) - (9528 downloads)
· 8: "The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: How to Solve it Quickly" - Tom Bearden (Category: ZPE related) - (8620 downloads)
· 10: ICCF-11 program & abstracts (Category: New-Energy) - (7648 downloads)
10 most read pages

· 1: The Sea of Light (14229 reads)
· 2: Xtreme Science Foundation Proposal (11622 reads)
· 3: A few general comments on vacuum energy (11498 reads)
· 4: Current State of New Energy R&D (10891 reads)
· 5: Why Declassifying and Releasing Zero Point Energy Technology Will Not Cause The Sky To Fall (10507 reads)
· 6: Transcript of Dr. Steven Greer’s Interview (Jan 30/31, 2003) (9259 reads)
· 8: Oscillations about the Zero Point (8647 reads)
· 9: Money and happiness (8240 reads)
· 10: Creating a Culture of Ideas (8237 reads)


All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. The comments are property of their posters, all the rest © 2002-2016 by ZPEnergy. Disclaimer: No content, on or affiliated with ZPEnergy should be construed as or relied upon as investment advice. While every effort is made to ensure that the information contained on ZPEnergy is correct, the operators of ZPEnergy make no warranties as to its accuracy. In all respects visitors should seek independent verification and investment advice.
Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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