(July 2006)
New file added to our Downloads/ZPE-related
* "Solid State Electric Generator - MPI's U.S. Patent Application"
by the U.S. Patent Office
- Mark Goldes (MPI) updated his article: "BRIDGEWALK. The Brooklyn Project
- A Path to Prevent Looming Cataclysms" from our Special Sections/Business
(June 2006)
New & interesting papers added to our
Downloads section (/ZPE_related):
* "Review of Experimental Concepts for Studying the Quantum
Vacuum Field" by E. W. Davis, V. L. Teofilo, B. Haisch, H. E. Puthoff,
L. J. Nickisch, A. Rueda, and D. C. Cole
and to the Special Sections:
* "Oscillations about the Zero Point" by David M. Boie (/Editor's
* "BRIDGEWALK: A Path to Prevent a Looming Cataclysm" by Mark
Goldes (/Business Sense)
Please, before submitting a news article, always check
listing since often, the story may have already been posted as a comment to an
earlier related main page entry.
(May 2006)
We're looking for some new & interesting
material for the "Special Sections".
Could be something you read somewhere or your own thoughts on …say, what is
“FE movement” and how to properly deal with it (?;-). Please send your
proposal to and we'll contact you if we decide to
publish it.
Thank you for your interest and support of ZPEnergy.com.
(Apr 2006)
Interesting papers added to our Downloads section:
* "On Physical Lines of Force" by J. C. Maxwell
* "The Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field" by F. D.
* "Corrected Quantum Mechanics and Relativity" by J. N. Hait
* "The Butterfly and The GraniteMan" by Jeane Manning
co-authored by Pierre Sinclaire
Hint: To see the latest added papers use "Sort
Downloads by" and click on Date (..D)
(Jan 2006)
thank our users who submit interesting news to ZPEnergy.com and we encourage
them to continue to do so since sharing knowledge is at the core of this site.
We'd like to remind to all our (would be) contributors to read the
intro in the “Welcome to ZPEnergy – The Energy of the Future” (top of this
page) and our Mission Statement (top left “screaming guy”) to see what kind
of news we publish. Always check the “Old articles” since in many cases the
news might have been already published.
Very Important: The first “edit box” you see in the
Submit News form (titled “Story Text:”) is for the small portion of the
story text that would appear in the Main Page. Please DO NOT paste the whole
article there…place the remaining of the text (the bulk of it) in the second
edit box, titled “Extended Text:” (Tip: paste, CTRL-V, the entire story in
the second box first, and then cut just a small, relevant portion of it into the
first input box to appear in the main page).
ALWAYS: please provide the source (link) to the original
(follow the copyrighted material rules when reproducing such materials). Thank
you all for your cooperation
(Jun 2005)
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