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Why Declassifying and Releasing Zero Point Energy Technology Will Not Cause The Sky To Fall

Why Declassifying and Releasing Zero Point Energy Technology Will Not Cause The Sky To Fall
by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Before his untimely death in 2000, Dr. Michael Wolf of the Special Studies Group (SSG) of the U.S. National Security Council engaged in dialogues with me about the challenges inherent in formal governmental acknowledgment of the reality of UFOs and Star Visitor contact. One of the chief impediments to the SSG's releasing such information was the fear by some Group members that such a release would promptly lead to access to knowledge about Zero Point Energy technology, which the Star Visitors have long utilized.

Zero Point Energy refers to an omnipresent, invisible-but-tappable field of energy in the electromagnetic quantum field. Properly tapped, such energy offers the potential of almost-free, virtually-unlimited nonpolluting energy to power the motors and devices which make up our technologically-advanced civilization.

Dr. Wolf said that some SSG members feared that the public release of ZPE technology would lead to a collapse of the global economy, petroleum-based as it largely is. I argued with him that those SSG members were wrong. And here is why.

There will be no sudden loss-of-demand for petroleum products after Star Visitor-based Zero Point Energy technology is declassified and made public.

The history of introduction of new technologies is more gradualistic than in fear-based scenarios. People are not going to junk a car they have sunk $25K into because ZPE is announced. Oil stations will not close suddenly, with all those existing gas-burners still on the road.

It will take years to design and mass-produce practical, individual-scale ZPE units. It will take years to gradually convert production lines from petroleum-based energy producers
(coal-burning power stations, internal-combustion generators, etc.) and energy-consumers (cars, boats, airplanes, etc.) to ZPE-b ased equivalents. As with any shift, the rich will get the first units. As production widens, and the price of ZPE-based products falls, the masses will get at the new ZPE-based products as their old petro-based ones wear out.

Workers will continue producing petro-based products until the demand gradually declines to nothing. Other workers will get the new jobs in new ZPE industries, and those existing industries modernizing into ZPE, springing up to produce ZPE products, as the demand for new ZPE products ramps up.

As for the petrodollar-based sheikdoms and other countries that have relied on oil reserves as principal cash flow, they will have several strategies to follow. Many will take their continuing (but gradually-declining) petrodollar earnings and invest in the newfangled ZPE industries. As those ZPE industries take off, those former-oil investor countries will now realize profits and increasing revenues from owning major shares in ZPE industries, or in hosting some of these ZPE industries. Other former-petro countries will use their continuing but declining petrodollar earnings to revamp their economies to emphasize and expand other trade and production items that remain viable income sources, such as cocoa, hemp, emeralds, fruit, construction materials, industrial chemicals, and indigenous crafts. Still others will revamp to start up new industries, like hosting world tourism (much more possible in a ZPE world), or authentic shamanic mental-development and health seminars and mentoring internships utilizing some of their previously-ignored indigenous populace. Yes, with abundance, as people no longer have to toil all day to feed, clothe and house themselves, they will have more time to turn to cultivation of their inner, metaphysical and spiritual life. And as personal economics levels globally, the average income will be roughly what is now upper-working-class, meaning everyone will have some disposable income to spend beyond the necessities. This is a huge increase in market demand for goods and services. And such goods and services will be available from a much-wider array of locations, as ZPE goes worldwide.

What is missing out of most analyses which superimpose the introduction of Zero Point Energy technology onto the existing industrialized world is the empowering valence which widely-available ZPE has for narrowing the standard-of-living gap between developed and have-not countries.

ZPE availability will make many underdeveloped countries, which currently rely on imports and loans to sustain their population, to become self-sufficient producers. With a ZPE unit the size of a packing crate able to produce unlimited low-cost water-pumping and electricity for an entire village in every Third World country, those villagers will be in a position to produce their own food and fibre hydroponically (even in desert or artic climates), and utilize Appropriate-Technology-sized machines to manufacture housing material, communication devices, and the other tools of modern society.

And as countries everywhere succeed in feeding, cloting, housing, educating, and engaging all their citizens in productive service, the threat of territorial wars for raw materials and more land with its resources will cease to have any reason for existence. At that point it will then also be safe to release to the public full information on antigravity technology, which the SSG has currently sequestered. (Some within the SSG fear that the superweapons aspects of antigravity technology need to be embargoed until peace prevails in the world. ZPE technology release will hasten that day.) Then, widespreadly available antigravity technology will further enhance the global exchange of goods and services in a ZPE-empowered world.

We do not need planet-killing petroleum-based energy to sustain our world.

We DO need the immediate declassification and release of Zero Point Energy technology, so that we can start ramping up our present world to a truly-civilized global society. Ecologically sound. Socially just. Economically sustainable in the long term. Peaceful as only economic sufficiency can ensure peace. And finally fit to walk out and accept our role as the latest world accepted into the federation of cosmic cultures as a truly civilized planet.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, P.O. Box 22310, Sacramento, CA 95822 USA Phone, voice mail, fax number: (916) 422-7400 E-mail: drboylan@sbcglobal.net Website: www.drboylan.com

You are invited to join my free-information Internet mailing list, DrRichBoylanReports, by sending a subscribing e-mail to: DrRichBoylanReports-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Published on: 2005-09-24 (10510 reads)

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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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