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Category: Main/Downloads/ZPE related
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"The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: How to Solve it Quickly" - Tom Bearden  Description: Compelling evidence that a total and permanent solution to the clean energy problem can be had in about three years, anytime we can focus the attention of the scientific community. His assertion is that almost all the vast electromagnetic energy flow that the present electrical power systems extract from the vacuum is unaccounted and wasted. Version: Filesize: 194.69 Kb Added on: 28-Dec-2002 Downloads: 8623 Rating: 3.0 (10 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details
'Outside the Box' Space and Terrestrial Transportation and Energy Technologies for the 21st Century Description: Paper by Dr. Theodore Loder, from the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space at the University of New Hampshire, presented at the last American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (#AIAA-2002-1131) summer meeting in Reno, Nevada. Version: Filesize: 0 bytes Added on: 28-Dec-2002 Downloads: 4988 Rating: 2.0 (10 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details
A macroscopic approach to creating exotic matter Description: Herein the Casimir effect is used to present a simple macroscopic view on creating exotic matter. The energy arising between two nearly perfectly conducting parallel plates is shown to become increasingly negative as the plate separation is reduced. It is proposed that the Casimir energy appears increasingly negative simply because the vacuum electromagnetic zero-point field performs positive work in pushing the plates together, transforming field energy into kinetic energy of the plates. Next, the inertial properties of exotic matter are considered. The parallel plates of the Casimir system are replaced with an enclosed cavity of identical dimensions that is subjected to an external force. It is found that zero-point radiation exerts an inertial force on the cavity in opposition to the external force. This ultimately leads to the conclusion that the inertial properties of exotic matter are identical to the inertial properties of ordinary matter. Version: 2 Filesize: 62 bytes Added on: 18-Oct-2003 Downloads: 4666 Rating: 4.0 (9 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details
Aether, Prime Numbers and The Riemann Hypothesis Description: What's missing that makes maths such a turn-off for so many and fascinating for a few?
what’s the deeper significance of Zero, One, Pi, the Golden Ratio, the
Fibonacci series, the Primes, Negative and Imaginary numbers ... for a start? Version: 4.01 Filesize: 220.70 Kb Added on: 18-Nov-2007 Downloads: 4670 Rating: 2.0 (9 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details
Alternative Concept of the Physical Vacuum Description: by Stoyan Sarg York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Abstract: Many enigmatic phenomena in particle physics, Quantum mechanics (QM), Relativity and Cosmology can be explained in a classical 3+1 space if applying an alternative concept of the physical vacuum. This approach is adopted in the treatise titled Basic Structures of Matter (BSM), based on a space concept, closer to the Ether one but never investigated so far. The analysis of experiments and observations from a new point of view reveals that the “dark matter” is not only in distant galaxies. A model is suggested, according to which, the space may contain an underlying structure, called a Cosmic Lattice (CL), formed by two basic sub-elementary particles of two super-dens material substances, which are involved in the structure of elementary particles, as well. In a classical void space, the basic particles interact by forces inverse proportional to the cube of the distance. CL structure defines the space-time, the Quantum properties and EM fields. The complex of CL space and elementary particles defines the Newtonian gravitation, the inertia, the elementary charge and the Relativistic effects. Among the major CL properties are the Static, Partial and Dynamic pressure. The first and second one may define respectively the Newtonian mass and inertia of elementary particles. The third one is related to Zero Point Energy, which appears as two types: static and dynamic. While the second one, envisioned by Quantum mechanics, is related to EM interactions, the first one is completely hidden. It is somehow related to the nuclear energy via Newtonian mass. All known physical constants and interactions are expressible by the properties of CL space and the structure of elementary particles. CL space may propagate not only neutral Quantum waves (photons), but charge waves, as well, which are virtual particles corresponding to a Dirac “see” idea. Other major results of BSM are the unveiled atomic nuclear structures of the elements. They define the angular positions and restrictions of the chemical bonds, a feature not explainable by QM models.
Version: 1 Filesize: 685.55 Kb Added on: 19-Oct-2006 Downloads: 4302 Rating: 5.0 (9 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details
Casimir force experiments Description: An informative and very high quality presentation by Davide Iannuzzi - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
from the latest excellent book by Thomas Valone, "ZPE - The fuel of the
future": "...a Casimir expert, Dr. Iannuzzi, from Vrije University,
Amsterdam, has been teaching 'quantum electrodynamical torque' as an
interesting phenomenon that has not received adequate attention, in
reference to an experiment running at Harvard University.
This quantum torque, which is a twisting force, depends directly on ZPE ..." Version: Filesize: 7.02 Kb Added on: 22-Apr-2007 Downloads: 4378 Rating: 5.0 (8 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details
Clean Electrical Energy from the Active Vacuum  Description: "It will get started [The Electrical Energy from the Vacuum Science] when one or more of the inventors and researchers somehow succeeds in getting sufficient funding and scientific support (he will have to pay the scientists himself) to develop a simple, rugged, easily replicable COP>1.0 electrical power system and place it on the world market... The single thing that is likely to finally force COP>1.0 systems out there is the Internet. For the first time, researchers can exchange information worldwide and on a vast scale."
Version: Filesize: 115.50 Kb Added on: 28-Dec-2002 Downloads: 6478 Rating: 4.0 (9 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details
Dirac's Equation and the Sea Of Negative Energy - Part 1  Description: Since Dirac's equation is a relativistic generalization of an already generally applicable wave equation, in formulating it Dirac expected that its solutions would describe 'everything that waves' - that it would be a 'unitary theory of everything'. However the discovery of several new particles and peer criticism resulting in the truncation of the equation frustrated this expectation, and it is generally known at present as 'Dirac's equation of the electron'.
Dirac's complete equation describes a quantum spinor field, which has as solutions four different kinds of electron: electrons and positrons of positive energy, and electrons and positrons of negative energy. This equation generalizes an already general wave equation: therefore, as shown herein, the equation directly predicts that 'everything that waves', i. e. the entire physical universe, can be made from these four kinds of electron. This study indicates this to be the case: all matter and all fields and forces seem to be necessary combinations and applications of just these four kinds of electron, fulfilling Dirac's unitary expectation. Version: Filesize: 230.47 Kb Added on: 26-Dec-2003 Downloads: 5854 Rating: 6.0 (12 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details | Comments (1)
E=mc² and Maxwell’s Fifth Equation Description: Abstract. One of Maxwell’s original equations was the equation for simple harmonic motion. It will be shown how this forgotten equation can be reconciled with the double helix theory of the magnetic field to show that the famous equation E=mc² is actually Newton’s equation for the speed of sound in a solid.
Version: 1 Filesize: 136.72 Kb Added on: 26-Apr-2007 Downloads: 4397 Rating: 4.0 (5 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details
Electron Field Solution With Circular Currents Description: Electromagnetic theory has been incapable of modeling the electron as a field
because it represents point charges in a vacuum. Offered here is a reasonable
and mathematically minimal construction of inhomogeneous charge and current
terms, added to the usual far-field. Thus the severity of the singularity is
limited and now fully integrable. The existence of a static, circular mode of
solution is proposed. Allowing a dipole interpretation of this field yields understanding as light
moving in a dielectric medium. Version: Filesize: 146.48 Kb Added on: 07-Feb-2006 Downloads: 3499 Rating: 3.0 (9 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details
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