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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:42 pm    Post subject: Please try and direct me to the correct forum Reply with quote

From ZPEnergy Feedback: Dennis G. Dahl writes:

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Can and/or does human thought cause reality?

I am going to ramble on here a bit as I am not much of a writer. That’'s not to say that I don’'t write much.

I don’'t want to define reality. Though let'’s think about the stuff of the universe we know about as the aspect of reality in this question. I am not talking about the love your mom might have that inspires her to make you a cake. I am talking only about the cake and its qualities associated with gravity, mass, the electromagnetic spectrum, etc.

“"The reality of man is his thought.”"

That quote has been in my head for decades.

Then I learned a bit about zero point energy after researching what ZPMs from Stargate are.

I am inspired to think this might be an element of the technology that turns thought into reality.

If I understand correctly one aspect of zero point energy is that small scale stuff can and does statistically come in and out of existence.

Another thing I understand is that small scale stuff can not be known, except statistically, unless we observe it and by observing it we change it into some actual reality thereby removing the cloud of statistical probability.

So then with some great "“knowing"” would it be possible for the "“knower"” to conjure stuff out of statistical probability into reality?

My feeling is that this is exactly what the world we live in is.

Perhaps we are presented with base reality to start from by some unknowable essence then we take the ball from there and the real world we know embelished by our thought.

Perhaps with education & training someday individuals or groups may be able to fashion stuff of the world with thought. But my guess is that the unknowable essence has it set up such that we have to be morally and otherwise good enough to get this gift. I have more ideas about that for another discussion.

Right now we think of things and build them materially. Can we think of something and have it come into reality by thought only?

And then there is time.

Just a thought….

Try: http://www.mysticalwonders.org/group/
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 5:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not in a literal since the problem we have which I might add is being worked on is how much knowladge can be obtained within a lifetime. It is amazing but in my quest for knowladge I am starting to realize that even with the hours and hours of reading things of interests and applying many of the things I read to projects or everyday life it helps but I could be phenominally better if I was able to already know many principals I am not so aware of ...

There 3 ways this is being worked on all semi related and I think are key to developing things that seem impossible.

Working in groups with experts in all differnt fields The Ranch Project if ever it shall happen should open doors to the unthinkable. And the internet is an awsome way to work together as we all do here as well but it lacks the ability of physically interacting. I feel we could bridge a big gap if people were not so hung up on making millions and there propriatary rights and keeping things suppressed because they discovered it and wanna have there cake and eat it too. One example is Hutchinson who easily creates a 3v battery out of rocks with certian qualities and some magic mixture which he claims can be done very low cost and by anyone heres the kicker the battery never looses its power once charged... Why not share this publically? Its a shame he has gotten his reputation from the public got his endorsements from the public and got his information and learning free of charge from the public and yet fails to contribute back to the pool of knowladge from which he learned.

Greed is a problem sure Hutchinson is one of the greats he should have a mansion and anything he needs to test but ... I think he is going about it all wrong take donations the public will support you're discovery if given the chance. Let the public in on what you know it'd be a shame if he passed away and so would his knowladge of how to create such a thing. Dubbed the petroelectrical device.

The other way its being worked on is by the study of the human brain and knowing what is responsible for memory and how to invoke a deeper train of thought using differnt medical methods.

Finally there is work being done in I guess you'd call it cyborg development where chips are being implanted into peoples head...

I personally if I could learn more I'd implant as many chips as possible to obtain and know the most I could make me a guinea pig I dont care it is my lifes journey to do nothing more then gain knowladge.

To create something physically you could do it with nanotech really anything could be created from the very soil under you're feet with the proper placement of things on the molecular level... However we are not at that stage and to develop such a thing we need experts from many differnt aspects of science and computers...

The other problems is social upbringing and religion if you violate the ways society functions or mess with religion in a manner where people feel scared or god fearing then you have a problem.

Literally no you cannot create something from thought alone but it is from thought that things are created and technically with the knowladge of the brain completely known we could transmit our thoughts to have something carry out actions to create something so technically I guess you could but without first being well versed and knowladgeable as we need to be it is probably something that is unlikely.

Anythings possible though I suggest you keep an open mind and investagate all possibilites cause no matter what you will first need to seek knowladge on some level.

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