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Genesis Scientific - Current Licensing And Backlog Status
Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2005 @ 20:39:19 UTC by vlad

General Sparks35 writes: Our Current Licensing And Backlog Status

...as of 3/25/05...To date, Genesis Scientific has completed processing approximately 6% of its qualified license applications into licenses. Additional licenses will be issued to existing and new qualified applicants as Genesis' production capabilities come online.

Genesis Scientific's contractually obligated backlog of orders is substantial (not including pre-order interest). The following table provides an overview of the value of Genesis Scientific's currently issued licenses and backlog:

Current Minimum Value Of Licenses Issued To Date
$717,987,984,457 US

Current Gross Market Value of Contractual Backlog $1,894,643,587,220 US




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"Genesis Scientific - Current Licensing And Backlog Status" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Genesis Scientific - Current Licensing And Backlog Status (Score: 1)
by mlmitton on Tuesday, April 05, 2005 @ 23:52:53 UTC
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These people are unbelievable. Forget about all the deadlines we've missed--we only missed them because we found a way to make a too-good-to-be-true produce even better!! Oh, and our enemies have kept us from moving things forward. Don't be surprised if you haven't heard anything about us, we're doing things quietly, especially since we've sold everything already. Oh, and by the way, we've sold $700 billion in licenses, with 1.9 Trillion more already committed.

Is there anyone left who thinks these jokers are even worth mocking anymore? For me, there went two minutes I wil never get back.

Re: Genesis Scientific - Current Licensing And Backlog Status (Score: 1)
by Hydrone on Wednesday, April 06, 2005 @ 09:38:39 UTC
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I'm surprised these clowns are still at it. Hasn't anyone followed up with their "employment opportunities"?

I would've thought Chipotle Pickle would be all over this by now.

Re: Genesis Scientific - HICEF Photo (Score: 1)
by sparks35 on Wednesday, April 06, 2005 @ 21:56:09 UTC
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After looking closely at the HICEF photos.

HICEF photos...

Something I noticed...

The device in the photos has a sticker on it that reads...in part...



"GDT", I find, stands for "Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing"...I think this is a "A QS-9000" Requirement.

I don't know what's up with Genesis Scientific, but ..
...FYI...here's a link to GDT (Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing)
A QS-9000 Requirement...



Re: Genesis Scientific - Current Licensing And Backlog Status (Score: 1)
by ryandinan on Friday, April 08, 2005 @ 16:34:26 UTC
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Now wait a minute...
Wouldn't all these companies aquiring licenses have to have done at least a little researching on this company? Over 717 billion in licenses seems like an awefully high number for a scam to pull off, IMHO. And not to mention, an awefully lot of gullible people with a lot of money.

Unless of course, all these numbers are bunk.



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