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A Government Protection for O/U Technology
Posted on Monday, December 02, 2002 @ 22:36:00 UTC by vlad

Investors From the free_energy yahoo group:
"...The Dominican Republic has an energy crisis that has been hurting our economic development for more than 20 years, we import 100% of fossil fuels and have no other source of energy , if there is one country in the world where any one inventing OVERUNITY will be protected , supported and taken seriously - provided he has a working model already - is my country and my government, although we are a small country, a gorvement support and a country to protect you and back you is a formidable ally to count with, specially if the alleged oil-conspiracy is true. This goes to anyone concerned..." (see the entire post...)

Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 10:54:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Teo Rodriguez
Subject: magnets vs. a real working model and our support

Hi! To all members of yahoo free_energy group

I keep seeing disscusion on the possibility of OU using permanent magnets and referring to the HJ Motor and how Stephen Walker has verify this famous case... I will like to join in the issue with the following statements:

1) Althoug I believe that OU can or will be obtain with permanent magnets (as with gravity field)and other principles and sources) I find hard to believe that HJ motor is really a success -as many similar cases so far- since is all hearsay. How come no University or Thecnological Institute is supporting these claims or cases? In 20 years ,since the first prototype supposedly worked, not one serious Institution have been found to support it, just by seeing the prototype work. Are you going to tell me all Institutions are controlled or owned by the Oil-industry Giants and their allege conspiracy?

2)We - my twin brother and I - have worked with very similar ideas to that explained in the HJ case and we do not see much prospect in it -this is of course a subjective statement, a sort of "gut" feeling very much against our wish- and have to be honest about it ,we will celebrate if proven wrong.

3) 2 weeks ago I sent an email to S. Walker asking to send me a video record of his model of HJ motor working - which he spoke about in this group and even promised to send working models to some of you - and promising him that if I get such video I will then go in person to his place, to check is true, and then I will get the support of my Institution -The Dominican Institute of Industrial Technology, INDOTEC - an official institution of the Dominican Government to fully support Howard Johnson and his invention. Same we would do with any similar case that presents a true working model capable of providing energy at lower cost than oil. I am the Special Projects coordinator at INDOTEC and - I have said many times in this group - I have been researching on OVERUNITY potentials for over 20 years now, the thesis my twin brother and I elaborated 17 years ago and presented in a local university "Questioning the Laws of Conservation of Energy and Momentum" - index of which I sent to Eric and some others in this group - will be immediately validated if any of all those alleged OU devices is really working. I am still waiting for Stephen response.

4)The Dominican Republic has an energy crisis that has been hurting our economic development for more than 20 years, we import 100% of fossil fuels and have no other source of energy , if there is one country in the world where any one inventing OVERUNITY will be protected , supported and taken seriously - provided he has a working model already - is my country and my government, although we are a small country, a gorvement support and a country to protect you and back you is a formidable ally to count with, specially if the alleged oil-conspiracy is true. This goes to anyone concerned.



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