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The existence of zero point energy modules in a biomolecule
Posted on Sunday, April 02, 2006 @ 13:00:34 UTC by vlad

General solaris writes: Vlad, I know you send me to the Forum with these articles, but this time, they're not only well written but also have a good message and... although published on April Fool's Day, we should all pay attention. Please let them go on the main page.

Using Magnetic Resonance Force Microscope to perceive the existence of zero point energy modules in a biomolecule

India Daily Technology Team
Apr. 1, 2006

Scientists all over the world are trying to achieve something that will change the world forever. They are trying to understand the existence of zero point energy modules that in essence forms our soul in the middle of biomolecules.

It is almost like trying to see what life really is and what is there beyond the biological and physical existence.

They combine magnetic resonance (MR) with force microscopy. MR provides the signal by manipulating electron or nuclear spins in the sample; the force microscope provides the detection. Experimenters are settling on force microscopy because the performance of induction coils, the detectors in conventional MR, scales unfavorably with size. At least 1012 nuclear spins are needed to yield a detectable signal. Shrinking the coil to encompass fewer spins pushes the signal irretrievably below the noise. By contrast, a force microscope becomes more sensitive as you make it smaller. Experimenters are realizing that a magnetic resonance force microscope (MRFM), is really giving some signals of existents of ZPEM beyond physical existence.

Source: http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/7758.asp

A scientific interpretation of how you can elevate your energy level to enter the universe of indestructible integrated consciousness below the Hyperspace

India Daily Technology Team
Apr. 1, 2006

According to quantum physics and modern science we are trying to achieve the higher energy level required to enter the universe of indestructible integrated consciousness below the Hyperspace. Not all of us will achieve this. Who will and who will not?

Modern physics, quantum mechanics, superstring theory, all point to the existence of zero point energy modules or life forms that need even higher energy concentrations to enter the universe of indestructible integrated consciousness below the Hyperspace that holds all creation together, maintains the same and even periodically destroys the same to recycle the existence.

The physical spatial existence is just an illusion but it provides an exciting opportunity for our actual existence in the Hyperspace to elevate our energy levels.

Science for the first time is interpreting that the combined electromagnetic and gravity radiation energy vectors of the energy modules or life forms get scalar boost and even some times a directional change when in a specific time dimension, we perform something that involves our sacrifice. For example, pardoning someone who has hurt you will boost your energy level the most. Knowingly hurting someone will equally lower your energy levels. Compassion, love, pardon, taking care for those who are helpless all involves sacrifice. And sacrifice in physical spatial terms is what can elevate your energy levels. Revenge is useless because it represents a lost opportunity of elevating your energy levels that you could have achieved through the pardon.

Very few human beings understand and follow the facts that the modern science of zero point energy modules is unveiling for the first time.

Extraterrestrial civilizations of advanced order understand this very well. Even our terrestrial civilization thousands of years from today will be based on compassion, love, pardon, taking care for those who are helpless and personal level sacrifices in the physical spatial universe.

Source: http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/7757.asp



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Re: The existence of zero point energy modules in a biomolecule (Score: 1)
by 7ical on Monday, April 03, 2006 @ 07:43:28 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
1st April fool...LOL, what a garbage


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