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Instructions for Building a Quantum Dynamo
Posted on Sunday, April 23, 2006 @ 19:08:24 UTC by vlad

Devices randy writes:
According to Magnetic Power Inc. "Atoms are the only recognized objects in which the electric charge is sustained by an inexhaustible resource".

The Nobel Physicist, Paul Dirac (1902-1984) described the universe as filled with energy, not empty, but containing enormous energy in the form of visible and invisible electromagnetic waves. The source of these waves may not be completely understood, but their presence constitutes an enormous gift of free energy that we can not ignore. Nanotechnology, the science of the ultra-small is our most advanced science. It may now be possible to use semiconductor devices discovered in the early 1980’s called quantum dots, to imitate the structure of the atom and build a larger version of the quantum dynamo.

As a basis for our design, consider the quantum electron pump. The first of these rudimentary quantum electron pumps was developed a few years ago using the principle of quantum confinement and using a form of tunnel junctions. The device was built with tiny particles of aluminum each with a thin oxide shell of alumina.

Although not very efficient, the device provides a demonstration of the use of abundant free energy thus producing a measurable electric charge at room temperature without any apparent application of voltage. With the application of an applied magnetic field, this charge can be controlled.

This device: the quantum electron pump undoubtedly is tapping into the Dirac Sea, and producing electricity. This may be the first step we have taken toward ending the domination of fossil fuels, and the start of a long awaited energy revolution.

Quantum dots utilize the same principle as aluminum-alumina particles but are much more efficient. Quantum dots are reported to have an efficiency greater than 100% due to resonance conditions provided by quantum confinement.

Modified quantum dots might be employed to build a more efficient quantum electron pump. The dots could be magnetically aligned into a series of tunnel junctions, a linear arrangment if you will, and incorporated into a glass motor shaft. This would be done by attaching ferromagnetic atoms to each dot, each with built in tunnel junctions.

In our experiment, we would construct a radial dynamo or gyroscope. This gyroscope structure separately constructed would be placed in a spherical vacuum enclosure formed by superparamagnetic tunnel glass.

The surfaces of the gyroscope that face toward each end of the shaft would be made concave so that they could be made reflective in order to concentrate and focus the incoming energy. Only one of the concave surfaces would be made reflective however, as to heat one end of the energy-producing shaft to provide a further potential difference. This would be a form of pyroelectricity.

Permanent magnets would be attached to the outside of the tunnel glass confinement providing the magnetic polarization needed to use this design as an energy system.

The tunnel junctions would produce electronic cooling of the unheated end of the shaft. One way that is presently used to provide efficient electronic cooling is through a superconductor-semiconductor-superconductor double Schottky-junction structure.

Capacitance built into the spherical enclosure would charge and discharge producing alternating current. The basic principle of the induction motor can now be updated using solid state materials.

Our device so built would accelerate electrons through magnetic means and tunneling. The electrons would follow the path of a toroid producing a magnetic field in the shaft and an induced magnetic field, each field opposing the other causing the gyroscope-rotor to spin.

The device would be tapping into the universal sea of free energy that we can not explain with present physics. This endless sea of energy is a resource that we must not ignore if we are to survive and prosper in the coming years. This is an enormous energy supply provided by the inexplicable workings of nature – a gift if you will.

This is a gift we must not ignore.

For further information related to this article, click your mouse on randy writes at the beginning of this story to find other articles written by this author.

Ralph Randolph Sawyer



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"Instructions for Building a Quantum Dynamo" | Login/Create an Account | 10 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Instructions for Building a Quantum Dynamo (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 @ 19:44:07 UTC
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This is one of the most right-on posts i have seen here

Re: Barkhausen induction (Score: 1)
by Randy on Saturday, May 20, 2006 @ 06:43:28 UTC
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Does anyone know if there is any over unity device in which the Barkhausen effect is used as "accepted science" to induce current in a circuit either by induction or self induction?  Is any over unity device considered accepted science?

Re: Vice President''s office contacted (Score: 1)
by Randy on Monday, May 29, 2006 @ 09:46:13 UTC
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I wanted to let the free energy community know that I e-mailed the Vice President and informed his office of the posting of the article, "Instructions for Building a Quantum Dynamo".  The Vice President's special assistant put a letter in the mail for me the very next day, so I may be on to something.  At least they acknowledged the email.

How the device works is by combining the magneto-caloric effect and the Barkhausen effect.  ie cooling the device electronically to induce the growth of magnetic domains.  This growth in the ferromagnetic quantum dots leads to an increase in the magnetic field strength leading to induction in the circuit and self induction.

The Coler generator of the 1930's used this principle, although there was no electronic cooling.  Magnetic Power Inc. informs the community that a national laboratory is to reproduce the Coler generator in order to validate this concept since it was not understood in the 1930's.  We have a better understanding of materials science now, so this may become accepted science soon.

Ralph Randolph Sawyer, Houston, Texas

Re: Giant magnetoresistive effect (Score: 1)
by Randy on Thursday, June 01, 2006 @ 06:43:17 UTC
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The Giant magnetoresistive effect (GMR) is observed in thin film structures composed of alternating ferromagnetic and nonmagnetic metal layers.  There is a significant decrease in resistance of adjacent ferromagnetic layers from a zero-field state (no applied field) and an increase of resistance due to an applied field.

One can extrapolate how this could be applied to a quantum electron pump composed of aluminum particles with superconductor thin film layers alternating with ferromagnetic quantum dots also with superconductor thin film layers.

The superparamagnetic housing for our dynamo applies a field opposing the field that produces it, so we have a changing of resistance and a reversal of the allignment of the spins in the nonmagnetic atoms with the production of alternating current in the circuit.

Producing alternating current is only a matter of modulating the resistance magnetically in the circuit.

See Giant Magnetoresistive effect explained in Wikipedia.

Re: Submitted to General Electric (Score: 1)
by Randy on Saturday, June 03, 2006 @ 06:40:04 UTC
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I submitted this idea to GE on May 25, 2006.  I was encouraged to do so because of the quick response I received from the Vice President's office.  After one week, I received a very polite thank you but not interested.  Why should a private firm spend billions on development of controversial technology when the Federal Government will eventually spend public money developing a cure to the energy crisis.  The Federal Government as yet does not recognize over unity as a legitimate science.

There is no guarantee that GE would be granted the patent rights, so it would be a big gamble for them.  It would require clean rooms and special equipment.

I did find a few references to spin pumps and superconductor-ferromagnetic junctions on the internet, so we are just not there yet.  Perhaps, when we get the new Nanotechnology labs built, someone ther will look into it.

Ralph Randolph Sawyer

2007 Nobel Physics Prize Issued in Error (Score: 1)
by Randy on Sunday, May 04, 2008 @ 23:37:20 UTC
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These three wise guys could not have discovered Giant Magneto-Reisitance in 2007 as it was already listed on the free internet encyclopedia in 2006.  I described the parameters exactly in "Instructions for Building a Quantum Dyanamo."  I e-mailed Vice President Cheney in 2006 and got a letter put in the mail the next day.  I will have to write the Nobel Prize Panel.  The prize is about six million dollars.  Sometimes you have to fight for your rights.  Ralph Randolph Sawyer


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