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Measured gravitomagnetic field contradicts general relativity theory
Posted on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 @ 07:36:48 UTC by vlad

koen writes: The theory of general relativity (first formulated by David Hilbert, later stolen by Albert Einstein) predicts an earth gravito-magnetic effect which is a small effect compared with earth gravity.

An ESA (European Space Agency) team conducted experiments with a fastly rotating superconductive ring that generates a gravito-magnetic effect that is one million trillion times larger than predicted by General Relativity theory.

The results were so astonishing that the team did not believe the results themselves, but it soon turned out that the inconceivable had entered the realms of reality. "We ran more than 250 experiments, improved the facility over 3 years and discussed the validity of the results for 8 months before making this announcement. Now we are confident about the measurement," says Tajmar, who hopes that other scientists will now repeat his team's experiment to verify the results.

The ESA researchers did not conclude that general relativity theory is incorrect with respect to gravito-magnetic effects, but obviously general relativity is not correct.

Full story:

Technical papers can be found here:



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"Measured gravitomagnetic field contradicts general relativity theory" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Measured gravitomagnetic field contradicts general relativity theory (Score: 1)
by FDT on Saturday, September 16, 2006 @ 08:10:05 UTC
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The gravitomagnetic effect exists for sure. We have all witnessed it often, and in a much more convincing manner than that described in the ESA article above. The very fact that a precessing gyroscope does not fall over under Newtonian gravity is the manifestation of the F = vXB force.

The F = vXB force arises when motion occurs in a vortex. In the special case of electromagnetism, a charged particle moving in a sea of aligned molecular vortices experiences the F = vXB force. See 'The Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field',


 A precessing gyroscope, which has got nothing whatsoever to do with electromagnetism, also invokes the F = vXB force. This fact is totally missing from all classical treatment of gyroscopic motion.

Prior to reading this article, I had already come across the above ESA article on the internet. I replied to Dr. Tajmar and Dr. de Matos as follows,

Dear Drs. de Matos and Tajmar,
                                          I read your article of 23rd March 2006.


                                          The forces of electromagnetic induction are given by the Lorentz Force,

                                F = qvXB + dA/dt

The origin of the Lorentz Force lies in the hydrodynamics of the aether. You can obtain it by differentiating the displacement vector.

The essence of the vXB term is motion in a vortex. This can be brought about in electromagnetism by motion of a charged particle through a sea of aligned molecular vortices.

Quite independently from EM theory, the vXB force is invoked by a precessing gyroscope.

Please have a look at this article entitled 'Gravitational Induction and the
Gyroscopic Force,


Basically the F=vXB force is the Coriolis force, and it applies to both
gravity and electricity. See,


I think that you will find that the gyroscope exhibits the gravitational
equivalent of EM induction in a very convincing manner simply by not falling
over when it is precessing and nutating.

I look forward to hearing your comments.

                              Yours sincerely
                                    David Tombe

Re: Measured gravitomagnetic field contradicts general relativity theory (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 @ 13:19:25 UTC
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Fran de Aquino has a write-up on this. He attempts to prove that the effects correlate with his own kinetic quantum theory of gravity. Here is the link to the recent paper:


Personally I would like to see more on his gravity shielding experiments, but he has been very quiet about that issue.


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