Book Review of “The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity"
Posted on Saturday, September 30, 2006 @ 16:51:41 UTC by vlad
Patrick Bailey (INE) writes: Here is my book report (1 yr old) on the book: “The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity" By Peter Lindemann, D.Sc. at:
Copy (do not change) and please distribute widely...
I was also at Tom Valone's COFE2 conference during both days, which was very, very good. Congratulations to Tom and Jackie!!! ...
So - for all of us:
Do you want to really make something happen - or do
you just want to complain?...
[Hi Nick! Where is the Hunt for
ZP book 2?... I want to do the TOC, again...]
At 08:56 PM 9/29/2006, William Alek wrote:
Pat Bailey,
Heard your
interesting discussion captured on video:
applying impulse functions across Carbon/Copper gaps will produce this excess
energy. High voltage high rise time as you mentioned is
a requirement....
Book Review of
“The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity” Presented by
Patrick G. Bailey
Golden State College S.R.I.C.F.
Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatis Foederatibus
Los Altos, CA
August 28, 2005
The book being reported on is:
The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity
By Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.
C 2001, 2004
Published by *
Clear Tech, Inc.
PO Box 713
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
This is a very hard-to-find book, as only 1500 copies were published in 2001, and only 1000 copies were published in the second edition, c 2004, which is being reviewed.
The subject of this book is the work that a very few researchers have done in the area of high-voltage spark-gap electronics. When done correctly, these experiments result in a huge net power gain in the electrical system. As no know potential energy source has yet been identified in the mainstream physics community for this effect, it is generally identified as a “Free Energy” or “Over-Unity” device. The excess energy is thought by these researchers to “come from the components of the aether.” The “aether” (or “ether”) is usually defined (as in by serious scientists as: “a medium that was once supposed to fill all space and to support the propagation of electromagnetic waves” - i.e. the fabric or building blocks of all space itself.
The author believes that most accurate model of the aether that he has found is that set of ideas put forward by Dr. Rudolf Steiner. (Masons, wake up!) He also says, on page 60:
“The best source book to study Steiner’s Ether model is “Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth, and Man” by Dr. Guenther Wachsmuth.”
I am actively looking for a copy of this particular very hard-to-find-book!
If you know where I can obtain this book, or borrow a copy, please let me know!
The Table of Contents of “The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity” is given at the end of this paper.
The principle of the operation of this type of device was first reported by Nikola Tesla in his later research in the late 1800’s, after he had already completed his work with alternating current (AC) generators and generators. His key patent, “Electrical Transformer,” number 593,138, was filed in March 1897, and was issued on Nov. 2, 1897. Tesla followed this with two other important patents within a few years: “Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy,” number 685,958, dated November 5, 1901; and “Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy Through The Natural Mediums,” number 787,412, dated April 18, 1905. These patents form the basis for this repeatable and observable effect.
Lines 122 to 130 on page 2 in this later patent by Tesla
“I have found it practicable to produce in this
manner electrical movement thousands of times greater than the initial – that
is, the one impressed on upon the secondary by the primary A – and I have this
reached activities or rates of flow of electrical energy in the system E’ C E
measured by many tens of thousands of horsepower.”
All three of these patents by Tesla are reproduced in the Appendix of this book.
In this book, on page 26, we find:
[Pages 15 through 29 are actually excerpted from Chapter 1 of “Secrets of
Cold War Technologies: Project HAARP and Beyond,” by Gerry Vassilatos,
Adventures Unlimited Press.]
“Tesla viewed voltage as streams of aether under
various states of pressure. Raising
these stresses could produce enormous aether streams, where the observed voltage
would then be extremely high and luminous. This was the very condition which
Tesla had come to believe had been established in his Transformers.”
It should be firmly noted that all references to Tesla’s “Transformers”
near the turn of the century refer to this direct-current, impulse aether
technology, and not his AC Tesla coils.
From page 42:
“So, now we have what I believe are ample and
sufficient references in Tesla’s own words supportive of Vassilatos’ main thesis
that, indeed Tesla was actively engaged in charging capacitors with high voltage
DC sources; he was discharging them through magnetically quenched spark-gaps; he
was doing this at extremely high rates of vibration, even up to many millions of
times per second, and finally, that this was the method of operating his
“magnifying transmitter,” the device that produced and captured what Tesla
called “Radiant Energy.”
From page 44, there is this “Summary of The Electro-Radiant Even 1. The Electro-Radiant Event is produced when a high-voltage, direct current is discharged across a spark-gap and interrupted abruptly before any reversals of current can occur 2. This effect is greatly increased when the source of direct current is a charged capacitor.
3. The Electro-Radiant Event leaves wires and other circuit components perpendicular to the flow of current.
4. The Electro-Radiant Event produces a spatially distributed voltage that can be thousands of times higher than the initial spark discharge voltage.
5. It propagates instantaneously as a longitudinal, electrostatic “light-like ray” that behaves similarly to an incompressible gas under pressure.
6. Electro-Radiant effects are solely characterized by impulse duration and voltage drop in the spark-gap 7. Electro-Radiant effects penetrate all materials and create “electronic responses” in metals like copper and silver. In this case, “electronic responses” means that an electrical charge will build up on copper surfaces exposed to Electro-Radiant emissions.
8. Electro-Radiant impulses shorter than 100 microseconds are completely safe to handle and will not shock or cause harm.
9. Electro-Radiant impulses shorter than 100 nanoseconds are cold and easily cause lighting effects in vacuum globes.”
From page 33:
“Obviously, Tesla did not agree with the work of Helmholtz, Hertz, and Maxwell! For those readers who do not know who these gentlemen are, Hermann von Helmholz laid the foundation for what is now known as the “First Law of Thermodynamics,” which states that “Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it is neither created nor destroyed.” James Clerk-Maxwell’s equations are the backbone of modern electromagnetic theory, and Heinrich Hertz’ supposed verification of Maxwell’s work was deemed so important that they named the measurement of frequency after him. These esteemed gentlemen are pivotal personalities in the way electrical science is taught today. But, as we can see, Tesla dismissed them all as not being relevant to his experimental findings. In other words, if we follow the path back to the aethers, we must be willing to leave behind the ideas and limitations defined by the “First Law of Thermodynamics” and Maxwell’s equations. We now will peer beyond the boundaries of these roots, and move into a completely different realm of study.”
The author also presents quite a lot of material on the following devices, showing them to all be related to Tesla’s Radiant Energy work:
1. Edwin Gray’s Motor
US Patent 3,890,548 June 17, 1975 “Pulsed Capacitor Discharge Electric Engine”
“EMS – Electric Power That Could Change The World’s Economic Power Picture,” NewsReal magazine article by Tom Valone, 1977
2. Paul Baumann’s Testatika Machine (The Swiss M-L Converter)
"Status of the Methernitha Free Energy Machine," Paper presented at the 1991 IECEC by Dr. Patrick G. Bailey - A Wimshurst electro-static device that sits on a table and generates 1kW to 5 kW of power out of the air.
3. T. Henry Moray’s 1930’s Radiant Energy Device
“The Energy Machine of T. Henry Moray,” Book by Moray B. King Adventures Unlimited Press, C 2005
Three of Edwin Gray’s complete US Patents - the one above 3,890,548 (1975), 4,595,975 (1986), and 4,661,747 (1987); several sensational newspaper and magazine articles with on Gray with pictures of his motor/engine apparatus; and some of his motor schematics hand-drawn by an actual witness, John Bedini, are also included in this book.
My conclusions are after reading this book are:
1. This book could change the energy network of this world as we know it.
2. Only a few daring researchers will take this book seriously.
3. The Masonic network needs to know of the existence and value of this book.
4. Independent verification of these effects and these motors is absolutely required.
5. Any negative impacts of using these aether streams needs to be fully understood. Any new technologies must be carefully proven to not cause greater harm than the benefits that they create – such as the out-of-control carbon cycle in current Global-Warming.
6. The US Patent Office - today - will absolutely and immediately classify (under military law, National Emergency War Powers Act) any Patent Applications containing any of these types of ideas or technologies.
7. This work can be labeled as a “Trade Secret,” just like the formula for Coca Cola, and can today be inserted into the now-private US electrical utility network, on a one-by-one utility basis, by leasing closed and locked containers containing these technologies to a utility, under security guard, within exiting nuclear reactor or similarly secure sites.
8. You may contact the author at the address below to become involved in the development and insertion of these new technologies, to assist and support the human race on this planet in moving toward a meaningful future.
Dr. Patrick G. Bailey President, Institute for New Energy P.O. Box 201 Los Altos, CA 94023-0201
Permission is hereby given by the author for you to be able to distribute UNALTERED copies of this paper, in either paper copy or electronic copy form, widely through all SRICF Bodies, Masonic Bodies, the internet, and the general world public.
Golden State College S.R.I.C.F. Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatis Foederatibus August 28, 2005
* Further Information and an Order Form is available at the author’s website, at:
The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity By Peter Lindemann, D.Sc. C 2001, 2004
Published by Clear Tech, Inc. PO Box 713 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 509-921-6960
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 The Edwin Gray Mystery 1 Edwin Vincent Gray (1923-1989) 13
Chapter 2 The Rosetta Stone 15
Chapter 3 Verifying Tesla’s Secret 31
Chapter 4 Decoding Gray’s Pictures 47
Appendix I Three U.S. Patents by Edwin V. Gray 65
Appendix II Three U.S. Patents by Dr. Nikola Tesla 101
Appendix III Three Articles by Dr. Peter Lindemann 117
Appendix IV Gray’s Motor Schematic 139
References 147
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