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A New Energy Pathway
Posted on Thursday, October 12, 2006 @ 22:34:45 UTC by vlad

General techmac writes: This is a compilation of a group of new energy FE/OU thesis found on New Energy Movement.Org website transcribed with their permission for re-posting here.

The text lays out a pathway for pioneer inventors and physics innovators of the new energy sources to follow in presenting and facililtating their work through industrial, political, cultural and social ways.

I believe this work should be a part of every energy pioneer and executives handbook.



The field of emerging technologies broadly termed 'New Energy' is distinguished from conventional alternative methods of energy generation.

This new class of innovative energy machines spans several disciplines, from chemistry and physics, to electrical, electronic and mechanical engineering. What sets these advanced designs apart is their superior ability to access the primal forces of the cosmos. Their performance forces us to see Space itself as the repository of near-infinite energy.

'New Energy' connotes a range of technology that shows clear evidence of being an evolutionary leap in the understanding of Nature. The New Energy Movement is devoted to bringing expert attention to what is a budding field of technology development. We also seek to widen public inquiry into the potential for positive social change this movement heralds.


Energy is viewed within the current paradigm as an inherently limited property of the universe. Its motions and economy are assumed to be governed by self-limiting functions, while the anomalies are left unexplored. However, it is in these anomalies we are finding exceptions to the heretofore 'established' laws of physics.

Science has evolved from experimental beginnings, and in order to reconcile the findings of early scientists, a common theory was adopted. This is most particularly centered around the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics which, as currently applied, pre-supposes the Universe to suffer from a condition known as 'entropy'. It surmises, despite much contradictory evidence, that energy can never appear at any one point in space without being drawn out of another. The theory rules out the existence of a 'perpetual motion' machine that could power itself without depleting its source of power.

The 2nd Law's Primary tenet, simply stated: "All energy is converted from one form to another, never created or destroyed."

The gross assumption implicit in the 2nd Law rests on the premise that the Universe, as a whole, is an "isolated system" into which no (as yet unmanifest) energy can flow. This is indeed an assumption based upon purely metaphysical constructs. If empiricism is the guiding philosophy of science, how can such an unfounded assumption be so religiously adopted by the so-called rationalists who champion it?

It appears most of these conclusions are based on a consensus reality that mirrors the past 200-years of early industrial development. As all inventions to-date have been largely inefficient and consumptive, there is no precedent in science for the advent of 'New Energy' -- pollutionless, totally renewable, free energy from space. Numerous examples of such technology now exist that cannot be reconciled with the prevailing theoretical constructs.

All that awaits is a scientific renaissance that can transcend 'the known' and admit another paradigm.


In the evolving cosmology that informs our scientific world-view, it is critical to accept that it is most often the conceptualizations which limit undertanding.

One of the most pervasive misunderstandings of nature, enshrined in the very heart of physics, is the concept of 'equivalence'. 746 watts of electricity is conventionally held to be 'equivalent' to 1-horsepower of mechanical force, which is in turn viewed as 'equivalent' to 10.694 kilocalories of heat. These standards which form the basis of Thermodyamics are rooted in a theoretical assumption about energy itself.

There are numerous effects in nature that, quite patently, do not conform to this conceptualization of energy. New Energy Movement aspires to be the most vocal proponent of their recognition and further acceptance into the body of mainstream scientific knowledge.

Einstein employed the theory of equivalence to unite two self-evident properties of nature -- gravitation and inertia. By pointing to the lack of a definitive experimental proof that distinguishes to the two, he assumed no difference existed. Paradoxically, Einstein also admitted, "1000 experiments cannot prove me correct, yet one experiment can prove me wrong."

Indeed, such experiments do exist and, despite having been discovered long ago, they still have not unseated the false assumptions of 'equivalence'. It is incumbent upon today's scientific establishment to adopt Einstein's empirical philosophy around the issue of New Energy. The insights of Quantum Theory compellingly suggest that the way we view nature (the type of instrument or method of observation we use) conditions the way reality appears to us. It is logical to then deduce that the machinery we employ in generating energy does not reveal the characteristics of cosmic energy so much as the current conceptualization thereof. It also follows that should the prejudice remain that no more energy than its so-called 'equivalent' amount can ever be liberated from an experiment it will surely become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Another significant error of perception is that which sees universal space to be empty. Whereas, it is becoming clear that space is rather the most energy-dense and fundamental medium of all, the repository of all potential. The hypothetical 'Big Bang' is instead viewed by orthodoxy as the only truly creative force in the universe, with all energy that followed in its wake being mysteriously 'converted' from one form to another. Not only is there no attempt to explain the actual mechanism of so-called 'conversion', this theory presupposes the universe will end in a 'heat death' once its limited energy supply is exhausted.

Prior to the advent of Einstein and the relativistic worldview, a commonly held natural philosophy was that of the Luminiferous Aether. Its nature was thought to be much akin to what is now known as the Quantum Vacuum -- the underlying field of absolute potential energy that unites all properties of the physical universe. Such a reservoir of unseen power must exist in order to account for the anomalous energy that appears in New Energy technology. Indeed, in light of there being even a single experiment that defies Thermodynamics with an 'over unity' output (UNITY being the theoretical limit of 'conversion' - 1:1) we can begin to look at each form of energy as an individualized expression of unlimited potential. And the relative efficiency of specific machinery can then be seen as a function of its capacity to transduce this infinitely potent Quantum Field.


Why has New Energy not yet been adopted by the mainstream, bringing about a widespread revolution in thought and culture?

How are we to move beyond the stifling pre-conceptions of the Industrial Revolution, which chiefly stem from the early class of inefficient technologies developed since its inception?

The governing theoretical principles of modern industrial science, that insist no surplus energy can ever arise in nature, form a critical stumbling block to the advent of New Energy. For, anomalous effects have been heretofore pre-judged by many orthodox pundits as being unworthy of deeper study.

It is as if empiricism alone has dogmatically informed the world-view of Physics, such that no grasp of more subtle realities can evolve out of its philosophy. Yet, empiricism must necessarily borrow from the intuitive and interpretive realms of thought in order to lead to balanced insight. Philosophy is about how we see the world, and Natural Philosophy (the predecessor of Physics) must accept all empirical evidence, even that which contradicts prevailing theory.

Perhaps more importantly, the social (and even religious) convictions that suggest there is 'no such thing as a free lunch' reinforce the view that the Universe does not have the capacity to release an overabundance of power. Whereas, even at the theoretical limit of thermal energy (Absolute Zero) there has been observed incessant kinetic activity known as 'Brownian Motions'. These so-called 'vacuum fluxuations' are also the basis of the term 'Zero Point Energy', for they are attributed to a primordial field of force that arises from where there should exist 'zero' energy (capacity to do work). This is the clearest evidence that the vacuum of space is not empty, but rather pregnant with as yet undetermined potency.

This realization has led to the evolution of the term 'PLENUM' in lieu of 'vacuum' as it connotes an abundant reality behind the spatial dimension in which the visible (phenomenal) Universe resides.

As this concept has not yet been satisfactorily proven to have practical utility in revolutionizing our approach to energy generation, New Energy Movement strives to demonstrate an array of unconventional systems that promise conclusive resolution of any doubt.

It is often asked: Why have these advances not been commercialized and made to replace existing sources of energy?

The best answer to this honest query is that we are at the very inception of the New Energy Revolution. It is a situation akin to the early work of Marie Curie, discoverer of atomic energy, when she wrapped a radium needle in beryllium foil to produce bursts of radioactive 'rays' visible on photographic film. This was some of the earliest evidence of nuclear fission. And while her researches confirmed the powerful energy that showed up in radioactivity was a fundamental property of every atom of matter, it would take a prolonged industrial effort to turn these discoveries into the X-ray camera, nuclear reactor and atomic bomb.

This is where we stand today: on the threshold of a New Energy Age.

As with all revolutions, only by persevering toward an unequivocal 'proof of principle' can the coming paradigm be inaugurated. Until then, its early examples will be relegated to the sphere of academic debate.


In a world that is increasingly polarized around moral values, we have to recognize concerted, well-informed action is the mandate of our times. New Energy Movement advocates collective organizing at the grassroots level, with an ultimate aim of shifting the balance of power from the corporate sphere to de-centralized, relatively self-sufficient communities.

New Energy technology alone will not bring about the re-distribution of power necessary to sustainable economy. Yet, it is the undeniable solution to our present system which relies on a constant influx of natural capital (planetary resources) to maintain the expansion of debt-based growth. New Energy portends an abundant, virtually non-consumptive trend in economics that no other fundamental advance can boast. This is a function of the cosmic, rather than earthly source of New Energy, dramatically altering the impact of technology upon the biosphere.

It is an enduring principle of indigenous peoples that actions contemplated in the present should take into account the 'Seventh Generation' before they are performed. Where energy is concerned, it touches every aspect of our lives and thus requires the greatest forethought in its continued use and development.

Growing a sustainable economy is the responsibility of individuals empowered with the vision of true community. As the knowledge of New Energy is one of the most transformative resources we have at our disposal, bringing this information to our community leaders is among the first steps we can take. Also, we should challenge academic authorities to examine the evidence of New Energy discoveries, embrace broader theoretical understandings and shepherd the introduction of these technologies into society. A cooperative economic model, one which establishes 'natural capital' as its fundamental standard of value, might incorporate New Energy as a measure of economic wealth. In other words, now it is becoming clear that energy need not be sourced only from limited terrestrial resources but may be precipitated from the quantum field of universal potential, we can say that the prevalence of New Energy technologies demonstrates a greater abundance of 'natural capital' in a local economy. Such communities that are infused with this power can rightly claim a form of basic 'equity' that others without it surely cannot.

If we want to see a fundamental shift in the power structure of this world, New Energy clearly presents an unparalleled solution. It is as if the blinders have come off, and no one can pull the wool over our eyes any longer. Energy is not a private commodity of a few industrialists, but the cosmic birthright of all who share breath. Social policy must reflect this essential wisdom, and government must uphold it or be forced by the common people to accept a more equitable compact.


What does New Energy promise the future?

The restoration of balance to the Ecology. Humanity will no longer have to source its basic energy supplies from the limited deposits found in the body of Gaia. In turn, burning of fuel will no longer foul the atmosphere and the Greenhouse Effect may be steadily reversed. Local sustainability will become the cornerstone of economics, as opposed to global commerce. Preservation of natural systems can be given central focus in this new era, where ensuring quality of life is paramount. This ethic of sustainability will encourage cultivation of renewable and biodegradable resources for use in construction of homes, automobiles, and all other areas of industry. Where toxic waste has spoiled the environment, comprehensive bioremediation will be undertaken to restore its formerly pristine condition.

Indeed, it is only once humanity has ceased the consumption of hydro-carbon and nuclear fuels to generate societal momentum that true planetary renewal may begin.

The freedom to pursue expansive economic development without marginalizing people or denuding culture. As regional economic independence is facilitated by de-centralized sources of New Energy, the insidious trend toward a globalized mono-culture will lose thrust. Simultaneously, the autonomy and self-determination that may arise in these areas will afford their populations a renewed sense of common purpose beyond mere industrialization. Creative endeavor, characterized by aesthetic and even philosophical advancement, may replace the society's former emphasis on economic gain through trading their natural resource base. A purely knowledge-oriented economy could emerge as the rebirth of business. This form of economic development would elevate human potential and guard against the exploitation of the labor force for the emancipation of the few. Just as the greatest wealth of biodiversity is preferable to a continued extinction of species, cultural diversity is an equally critical barometer of sustainability. New Energy promises to ensure a world of multifarious varieties and infinite shades of culture, rather than one homogenized by enforced slavery to artificial limitation.

Political stability and the hope of true world peace. Heretofore, most of the world's political strife has arisen from the perception of lack and the resulting competitive mindset that dominates human relations. With the advent of abundant, non-consumptive energy resources, sociological tensions will steadily dissipate as economies are thereby bolstered. Heralding unprecedented prosperity, a New Energy infrastructure promises a resurgence of egalitarian principles, humanitarian philanthropy, and the establishment of a holistic, wisdom-centered culture. The inevitable result this portends is surely a widespread, peaceful co-existence among all peoples. The re-direction of military assets and expenditures toward meeting the essential needs of every human person will symbolize the transition from a fear-based order to one of social uplift.

What need is there for a policy of tyrannical violence when life can be equally enjoyed by all?

Radical clarification of theoretical physics leading to a new era of innovation and social advancement. Once the existence of space as the repository of all potential energy is embraced and this primordial reservoir is productively harnessed to the wheelwork of human endeavor, many prevailing scientific theories will have to be re-examined. Rather than disputing the relative merits of cosmological conceptualizations, the thrust of science may be turned to pure innovation. A stream of creative insights will be unleashed as effects formerly considered anomalies are integrated into an ever more simplified understanding of phenomena. Fundamental physical truths and natural philosophy will supplant the sophistry and intellectual debate of the past. And these will inform a paradigmatic shift in our approach to scientific research, igniting a revolution in the design and magnitude of technical developments. For, it is envisioned that a proper perception of space (primordial energy) contains the nascent seeds of every possibility ever conceived by science fiction: anti-gravity & directed force-fields, super-luminal space travel & communication, teleportation, time-travel, fusion & the creation of new materials. The radical reformulation of scientific knowledge that boundless, free energy brings us to contemplate is likely to involve dispensing with the classical laws of Thermodynamics. Yet, in the wake of this, perhaps the bizarre notion that the Universe is a slowly grinding to a halt (the result of its purported entropy) will be decidedly out of fashion.

Psychological and spiritual renaissance. The pre-occupation of humanity with ego-centric motives blinds us to our common birthright. With the popular acceptance of New Energy, what were the formerly unseen, numinal underpinnings of reality will have been manifestly revealed. The ready availability of life-affirming choices that proceed from this realization will rekindle the spirit of altruism necessary to dispel fear and greed. Suddenly, the collective consciousness shall have been initiated into the transpersonal desire to promote the common good above all relative moral concerns. Caring for the welfare of all our relations, down to the least dominant species and most infinitesimal element of Creation, honors the perfect symmetry of what is an implicitly unified whole. While the strict adherents of science may eschew such language as purely poetical and without practical significance to their chosen discipline, a rigorous social ethic is an inalienable concomitant of New Energy. One cannot be merely concerned with eliciting effects in pursuit of mechanistic ends. But, rather, devoting oneself to be of the greatest benefit to humanity must take overarching precedence. It is with this noble bearing that scientists might adopt a Hippocratic Oath, like their physician cousins. More importantly, the self-evident purpose for which life is geared, i.e. the awakening of cosmic consciousness, must be deeply integrated into the scientific mind. This is what has already begun to occur with the subtle melding of mysticism and the emerging consensus of Quantum Theory. May the perfection of our knowledge be occasioned by its convergence with the gnosis (direct perception) of the heart.

Compiled by permission from New Energy Movement newenergymovement.org



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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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