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D-Wave prepares for a quantum revolution.
Posted on Monday, February 05, 2007 @ 07:25:58 UTC by vlad

Science Sigma writes: The Canadian company D-Wave is preparing to display its 16-qubit quantum processor titled "Orion" on Feb. 13. Orion will be the first commercial quantum processor and could usher in many profound changes in energy, information, and material research. By 2010 D-Wave hopes to have a 1000+ qubit processor that is far more capable than any computers in specific applications like quantum chemistry.


Its an exciting time we live in. Many conventional researchers believed that a practical quantum computer was 15-20 years away, but D-Wave has shown that the law of accelerating returns is alive and kicking. Not only will this technology allow for a quadratic increase in research speed, but the energy to perform the calculations will be many orders of magnitude smaller than the best super computer.



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Re: D-Wave prepares for a quantum revolution. (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Monday, February 05, 2007 @ 16:18:56 UTC
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To me(and many others) this represents one of those paradigm shifting technologies, like ZPE, anti-gravity and molecular manufacturing. I truely wish D-wave the best of luck with their endeavors and hopefully everyone, including the free energy community will reap the rewards of this astonishing technology.

Research integrates photonic circuitry on a silicon chip (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, February 05, 2007 @ 21:08:24 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
In work that could lead to completely new devices, systems and applications in computing and telecommunications, MIT researchers are bringing the long-sought goal of "optics on a chip" one step closer to market.

In the January 2007 inaugural issue of the journal Nature Photonics, the team reports a novel way to integrate photonic circuitry on a silicon chip. Adding the power and speed of light waves to traditional electronics could achieve system performance inconceivable by electronic means alone.

The MIT invention will enable such integrated devices to be mass-manufactured for the first time. And, depending on the growth of the telecom industry, the new devices could be in demand within five years, said co-author Erich P. Ippen, the Elihu Thomson Professor of Electrical Engineering and Physics.

The new technology will also enable supercomputers on a chip with unique high-speed capabilities for signal processing, spectroscopy and remote testing, among other fields.

"This breakthrough allows inter- and intra-chip communications networks that solve the wiring problems of today's computer chips and computer architectures," said Franz X. Kaertner, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science.

In addition to Ippen and Kaertner, other members of the MIT team are Tymon Barwicz (PhD 2005), Michael Watts (PhD 2005), graduate students Milos Popovic and Peter Rakich, and Henry I. Smith, professor of electrical engineering and co-director of MIT's Nanostructures Laboratory...

Full story: http://www.physorg.com/news89911715.html [www.physorg.com]

Re: D-Wave prepares for a quantum revolution. (Score: 1)
by modernsteam on Tuesday, February 06, 2007 @ 07:32:34 UTC
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Now all we need is to do that with "Free" Energy. And all we need is money!

Hal Ade

Re: D-Wave prepares for a quantum revolution. (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Thursday, February 08, 2007 @ 19:41:29 UTC
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Since the demo is only five days away I am planning to write a little article based on what I can find out when the Orion debuts. I'll probably just post it here, unless Vlad wants to post it on the front page.

D-Wave's presentation. (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 @ 19:20:34 UTC
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Well looks like the presentation went well. There of course were many people who were skeptical that such a device could even function, relating it to the idea of free energy(Another field that will no doubt have a breakthrough soon), but D-Wave proved that they did indeed have working technology. Next year they plan to go commercial with a 1000+ qubit system, which they intend to be used to compliment existing computers, not supplant them.

"February 13, 2007
World’s First Commercial Quantum Computer Demonstrated
New System Aims at Breakthroughs in Medicine, Business Applications and Expanded Use of Digital Computers

Venture-funded Canadian company shows new product applied to pattern-matching database search

VANCOUVER, B.C. or MT. VIEW, CA – February 13, 2007 – The world’s first commercially viable quantum computer was unveiled and demonstrated today in Silicon Valley by D-Wave Systems, Inc., a privately-held Canadian firm headquartered near Vancouver.

Quantum computing offers the potential to create value in areas where problems or requirements exceed the capability of digital computing, the company said. But D-Wave explains that its new device is intended as a complement to conventional computers, to augment existing machines and their market, not as a replacement for them.

Company officials formally announced the technology at the Computer History Museum, in the heart of Silicon Valley, in a demonstration intended to show how the machine can run commercial applications and is better suited to the types of problems that have stymied conventional (digital) computers.

“D-Wave’s breakthrough in quantum technology represents a substantial step forward in solving commercial and scientific problems which, until now, were considered intractable. Digital technology stands to reap the benefits of enhanced performance and broader application,” said Herb Martin, chief executive officer.

Quantum-computer technology can solve what is known as “NP-complete” problems. These are the problems where the sheer volume of complex data and variables prevent digital computers from achieving results in a reasonable amount of time. Such problems are associated with life sciences, biometrics, logistics, parametric database search and quantitative finance, among many other commercial and scientific areas.

Quantum technology delivers precise answers to problems that can only be answered today in general terms. This creates a new and much broader dimension of computer applications,” Martin said.

“Digital computing delivers value in a wide range of applications to business, government and scientific users. In many cases the applications are computationally simple and in others accuracy is forfeited for getting adequate solutions in a reasonable amount of time. Both of these cases will maintain the status quo and continue their use of classical digital systems,” he said.

“It’s rational to assume that quantum computers will always contain a digital computing element thereby increasing the amortization of investments already made while expediting the availability of the power of quantum acceleration,” he said.

The idea of a computational device based on quantum mechanics was first explored in the 1970s and early 1980s by physicists and computer scientists such as Charles Bennett of IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Paul Benioff of Argonne National Laboratory, David Deutsch of the University of Oxford, and Richard Feynman of the California Institute of Technology. But to make the technology commercially applicable required the full-scale, full-time business effort of an interdisciplinary team such as that organized by D-Wave Systems.

D-Wave overcame this challenge in part by using the processes and infrastructure associated with the semiconductor industry. This and components such as a new type of analog processor, one that uses quantum mechanics rather than the conventional physics associated with digital processing, to drive the computation.

D-Wave’s approach allows the building of “scalable” processor architectures using available processes and technologies. In addition, its processors are computationally equivalent to more standard devices. Any application developed for one type of quantum computer can be recast as an application for the other.

D-Wave intends to deliver products to end users via a channel-marketing and partnerships with major-brand corporations with existing customer relationships and vertical-industry expertise, according to Martin.

He added that D-Wave is pursuing a partnership strategy as well to develop and deliver the software applications necessary to attract customers faced with solving the kinds of NP-complete problems for which quantum computing is ideally suited.

About D-Wave Systems Inc.
D-Wave Systems is a privately held company focused on building commercially viable quantum computer systems designed to solve complex problems that lie beyond the capabilities of conventional computing technology. For more information, please visit www.dwavesys.com.


Being able to solve problems that normal computers could never solve in the lifetime of the universe is nothing to sneeze at. We may find answers to questions that we haven't even asked yet, and possibly learn far more about the subatomic world than we do now... perhaps how to tap ZPE. Here is to D-Wave!

Re: D-Wave prepares for a quantum revolution. (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Wednesday, February 14, 2007 @ 18:32:31 UTC
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Here are some links to news articles covering the Orion demostration:

http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1558,2094849,00.asp?kc=ETRSS02129TX1K0000532 [www.extremetech.com]

http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9011245&intsrc=news_ts_head [www.computerworld.com]

http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/T/TECHBIT_QUANTUM_QUANDARY?SITE=WIRE&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT [hosted.ap.org]

and here is a link to the videos:

http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=LUXVIBES [www.youtube.com]

Just like "Free Energy", this type of technology is meeting with much skepticism.

Thanks to Brian Wang( http://advancednano.blogspot.com/ [advancednano.blogspot.com])

D-Wave PDF presentation. (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Friday, March 02, 2007 @ 22:33:55 UTC
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Here is the presentation that D-Wave presented in PDF format at the demonstrations:

http://dwave.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/20070301_demo_slides.pdf [dwave.files.wordpress.com]

It contains a lot of useful information including what their goals are for the next few years and what their intended markets are.


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