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A New Quantum Flux Level Over-Unity Device is Discovered
Posted on Saturday, February 01, 2003 @ 02:19:51 UTC by vlad

Devices Until we get the official transcript of the interview Dr. Steven Greer gave to George Noory on Coast to Coast last night, for those who didn’t hear it, are not subscribers to the StreamLink service, or have problems listening to the show through the link provided on SEASPower.com or DisclosureProject.org sites here is reasonable comment found on the net.

A New Quantum Flux Level Over-Unity Device is Discovered!
Presented 1/30/02 by Dr. Steven M. Greer PhD

This is as much like ZPE or HD - as described tonight on C2C by Dr. Greer - as you can get!

DESCRIPTION: (note: Discretion is required at present on all details)

Size: Small enough to be picked up by one hand.

Shape: Rectangular ?

Appearance: Transparent casing (no moving parts were mentioned)

How does it work?: Dr. Greer picked it up and took the device outside to the sidewalk. He and his scientific team (Prof. Ted Loder and others unnamed) were able to independently hook it up with their own test equipment and the device was able to draw it's initiating power from the ambient air (possibly solar cells, but it was left unanswered purposely) just miliwatts of input energy - then the device came on and put out hundreds of watts of electrical power on its own.

Dr. Greer mentioned that a 300 watt light bulb, also a 100 watt light bulb, an electrical fan, and other appliances were plugged into the outlets provided - all at the same time - without overdrawing the power output of the device.

Over the years Dr. Greer has seen other over-unity devices that could produce more energy than was initially used to start its output but nothing that could do what this device can. Also, other devices seen in the past were such that they were far from production ready and would require millions of dollars to further develop to bring them to market.

This device, on the contrary is small, and Dr. Greer's team was able to verify for themselves the reality of its authenticity. No trickery or outside power sources were detected or discovered to be present in its action.

Dr. Greer mentioned that he was going on C2C to inform a large number of enthusiasts who could become a protective body of knowers that would protect both himself and the inventor from harm from the PTB. He asked that if anything should happen to the device (suppression, seizure, etc) or to himself or the inventor between now and the next few months when all the vetting is to be accomplished, that he would want 'us' to march in the streets to get it back out in public and to bring it online in the marketplace.

He mentioned that to date this inventor has not been harassed or threatened. Greer also mentioned that meeting this inventor was a revelation akin to meeting someone like Tesla; and he feels this man (unnamed for now) who has independently discovered how to capture the ZPE from the ambient vacuum of the space of air that we are surrounded by here on earth, is a natural genius, the kind that did not copy or learn this from another person, but self- discovered the process on his own thru several years of R&D.

The device was shown freely and fully to Greer's team and nothing was omitted in the exchange of disclosure about its functionality.

The next step is to properly run the reproducibility construction independent from the inventor, and once that is accomplished with success, the devices will be tested in at least 3 independent governmental and university level labs for verification of production and output, etc.

Let's all pray that this is the device that will bring about the balance of power in the whole world. And with wisdom and security will be distributed to the far reaches of the earth for ALL PEOPLE!

PS: Dr. Greer says he is willing to take a bullet for this IF it's finally vetted fully and proves to be the very device he's been looking for, AND he says there is NO amount of money that could entice him to sell it or allow the PTB to suppress it since he feels this is for our children and generations of their children to come.

Lastly, Greer has also hooked up with another inventor who can retrofit gas powered internal combustion engines in today's cars with a simple system that plugs right into the sparkplug holes of current cars and trucks that allows it to run on hydrogen fuel. With such a retrofit our cars could be completely converted to hydrogen immediately, as the new ZPE powered devices are further developed and begin rolling off the manufacturers conveyor belts by early 2004 and the hydrogen powered vehicles could be fully converted to ZPE/HD power!

Quite a new world we can look forward to, and very soon! Let's hope and pray that this is it! This could be our finest hour!

Anyone want to speculate about how this will change the way we are now considering going into space and to Mars?!

Anthony Mark House



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"A New Quantum Flux Level Over-Unity Device is Discovered" | Login/Create an Account | 27 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: A New Quantum Flux Level Over-Unity Device is Discovered (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, February 01, 2003 @ 04:31:05 UTC
Dan LaRochelle gave following link where you can hear for free. Thanks to you and Dan.


Announcement of promising new energy device found.
Archive of 1/30-31/03 program. [Windows Media Player format - about 35 minutes]

Kind Regards

Re: A New Quantum Flux Level Over-Unity Device is Discovered (Score: 1)
by Rob (rob@zpenergy.com) on Saturday, February 01, 2003 @ 15:39:06 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
I wouldn't want to be in the 'naysayer's shoes right now. Interestingly enough, a while ago I had a discussion or rather an argument with a 'naysayer' on the possibility of extracting useful energy from the ZPE field. In this correspondence, at one time I referred to the scientific establishments failure to recognize the Wright brothers. He found it amusing that all 'free-energy crackpots' refer to that chapter of failure of the scientific establishment.

And he's quite right. It is amusing. Hilarious even. Especially in the light of this new discovery.

So, history repeats itself: It is the independent researcher/innovator that brings the world forward and the scientific establishment does what it can to prevent progress outside of the scientific dogma.

It'll be interesting to see what counter measures the 'naysayers' and the scientific establishment will come up with now. Because they will come up with something. They cannot afford to stand in the shade of ridicule.


Re: A New Quantum Flux Level Over-Unity Device is Discovered (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, February 01, 2003 @ 17:48:58 UTC
I'm missing the point. Please, someone enlighten me.

I first heard about him in Jan 1999, about the time NCAS was
finishing up the U of Colorado UFO report to go on-line. Among the claims he made was one to the effect that a company he had connections to was working on an over-unity generator, that they had produced a prototype, and that he had personally observed the prototype melt itself down because the energy output went out of control.

Why hasn't an improved prototype been displayed?

No independent lab or individuals with credentials have seen or
verfied that his device exists. No independent test results have
been offered.

If I'm not mistaken Greer is into UFOs and reverse engineering of
equipment taken from these UFOs.

What is all the excitement about??????????

Re: A New Quantum Flux Level Over-Unity Device is Discovered (Score: 1)
by vrilian on Wednesday, February 05, 2003 @ 23:49:28 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.oddamerica.com
I wrote the above report. I just wanted to know why my name was left off of it?

Mark House
Disclosure Project Rep
aka - vrilian

Re: A New Quantum Flux Level Over-Unity Device is Discovered (Score: 1)
by greenoftara on Tuesday, March 18, 2003 @ 00:09:50 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Has anyone heard anything else about this device or when more information will be announced to the public?

Re: A New Quantum Flux Level Over-Unity Device is Discovered (Score: 1)
by DanielJackson (SG1Dan@AOl.COM) on Sunday, November 27, 2005 @ 20:21:22 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
   I must confess that as an inventor myself, I know that you can do things that the establishment says you can't.  I heard this on Coast to Coast and recall it quite well.  I do listen around on the airwaves abit.
   As an inventor however, I know that I am always open to let anyone look into my devices. I do not make mysterious black boxes.  Hence, I do believe a little explaination is in order by an inventor.  I mean his concepts are copyright the moment he writes them and they are his Intellectual Property and if he has his concepts in the public domain in books and other archives then he has his position as innovator secure even before a patent.  There are Public Laws that protect inventions and innovations since you must discuss them with your researchers and other interested parties along the way of developement.  There are Limited Disclosures and Limited Public Disclosures.  I think the Patent however is a faulty thing these days since it runs out.  Intellectual Property rights do not run out.

    Everyone in the world knows that the inventions and innovations of Tesla
are his intellectual property.  Now long after his death.  No one lays claim to his property.

   Back to the point.  We must be carefull of some claims and even check into the level of skill of the supposed innovator.  Many sell all kinds of exotic ideas: some out right urban myths.  Sold as science, or sci fi designed to look like science to turn a buck in terms of book sales.  We do have to be carefull.  I am an inventor, the frauds hurt us with all of their pseudo science claims.

    I do know such inventions however exist.  I innovated a few up myself.
I am a first hand believer.  I do want to see some of these other inventions up close and I hope to someday.  I think I will get my chance to handle them and see for myself what they are.  I want to find other good inventions, and I think that there are a few promising ones out there.  I have been doing research on this for nearly twenty years now.  I know of folk such as Paul Pantone, and even the now non existant Tesla Society that was out of Colorado back about ten years ago.  I use to listen to "The Extraordinary Radio Science Hour" broadcaast by the Tesla Society on WWCR shortwave out of Nashville.  I know of Steven Elsewick, and a few others. -DJ


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