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Continous Electric Generator CEG
Posted on Sunday, February 16, 2003 @ 14:24:48 UTC by vlad

Devices bjoern writes: Dear everyone
I was so convinced that the CEG generator had so great potential that it was worth a serious try.

My first attempt was to take a standard two pole threephase motor, remove the rotor and put in a core that would produce a rotating magnetic field.
I used a rotor from a motor with a wider diameter and lathed it down so it would fit into the stator.
It was not possible to get under the grooves where the aluminium windings were cast, but I was able to chisel out the aluminium and turn the lamination straight. Then I filed up the cuts to make room for copper windings. The core was far from ideal thus it had 32 grooves instead of 24 wanted, so it gave some offset in the phase timing. I believe it was some 116 / 124 degrees instead of 120 and not a proper sinewave form.
I used three wye-coupled transformers to get a low voltage thrre-phase that would make a resonable voltage for the windings. But the test shoved no overunity or other interresteing effects. It worked like a transformer with about 50% effectiveness. The oscilloscope shoved a resonable sinewave.
Still I believed in the project so I decided to make a more serious attempt.

I dissasembled a big E-core transformer and reused the plates. I cut off one leg from each E-plate so they get the form of a U. The piece that was cut away was trimmed to fit into the hollow in each U-piece. Each U-plate and I-plate was welded together and grinded smooth. Then I had a number of 90 square plates. Plate by plate each turned 90 degr to eachother was piled up in a stack that was welded together in the corners.
A drill jig was made to drill hollows for the windings. After drillings, twelve oval holes were milled to take the wider seccondary windings.
After that the core was turned cylindric in a lathe.
I laid a lot of labour in making the core.
Every hole was isolated with paper and impregnated with varnish to protect the copperwires from being scrathed.
The core was fitted with as much copperwindings that was possible.
The three phase transformers were rewinded to make a resonable powering for the primary core windings.
However the tests did not show any overunity. It worked like a quite good transformer. The seccondary sinewave form was good but not perfect, but the efficiency would have been better than my 80% if the concept ever will be satisfactory.
I am not a scientist or electric professor, so I can't guarantee that the investigation is all proper but I have worked with electric engineering and troubleshooting for some 30 years.
My own conclusion says that there is no real rotating magnetic field. The field is just pulsating as in a transformer. Maybe there is not even possible to make a real rotating field without turning a real North/South magnet around.
It must have been there the concept failured.
I dont think it is possible to make the core so much better that makes it work this way.
I dont think better precision or fantasy material or thinner plate thickness makes it do.
I am sorry but I dont know how to make a CEG work ever. At least I gave it my best try.
Still I hope that I am wrong and that Mr. Alberto Molina-Martinez shows it's working.
I would be a happy customer.

I made a PDF-with some photos but dont know how to attach it.



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Re: Continous Electric Generator CEG (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, February 16, 2003 @ 16:50:56 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Dear Bjoern, thank you for your interesting post. Our own Rob (ZPEnergy correspondent) is also working at duplicating the CEG and we're waiting for his results soon.

Due to security reasons we do not allow attachments to posts at this site. You can use the "Downloads" section and "add download" if your file is somewhare on a web file server (just enter the URL and the file description). Else you can send (e-mail) the pdf file to us (webmaster@zpenergy.com) and we'll add it in the downloads section of our server (pls send us the description part too).

Re: Continous Electric Generator CEG (Score: 1)
by Rob (rob@zpenergy.com) on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 @ 02:57:01 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Thanks Bjoern for your post.

Your statement that there is no real rotating field is quite interesting. If true, this would mean that field superposition doesn't exist, invalidating a fundamental assumption of EM.

If you can, try to run a single wire at max radius (i.e. no loop) to see if you get a peak voltage across it acc. to pi*f*B*r*l. If you do, then a rotating field should be present. Mind you, a fairly large B flux and/or dimensions are necessary to perform this test.


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