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Time for a "Triple Play"
Posted on Thursday, October 18, 2007 @ 22:53:18 UTC by vlad

General Time for a "Triple Play": Reduce Oil Prices and Dependence on Fossil Fuels, while Meeting the Growing Demand for Electric Power

1. The Cost of Oil

Oil prices are climbing towards $100/barrel. In two years there will be one billion automotive vehicles worldwide. If current trends continue, by 2030 world oil supply, projected to be 70 Million barrels per day, will fall far short of the estimated daily demand. The projected shortfall of 50 Million barrels of oil per day will drive fuel costs far beyond tenable levels. The world will see more wars, such as the one we are waging in Iraq, unless a path is opened that can dramatically reduce demand.

2. Fossil Fuels and Global Warming

James Hansen at NASA Goddard speaks for many scientists, stating that we must dramatically reduce the use of fossil fuels in less than a decade to avoid life threatening catastrophe. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore, concluded that drastic shifts are happening much more rapidly than earlier predicted. It seems that by 2050, one billion Asians will lack enough water and up to six hundred million people will suffer climate induced hunger. As the average global temperature increases, each 1 degree Celsius rise deprives between 400 million and 1.7 billion people of sufficient water.

Greenland now loses more ice each year than all the ice in the Alps. "…the process is running faster than the models," said Konrad Steffen, at the University of Colorado at Boulder, a Greenland expert who serves as a U.S. government advisor on abrupt climate change. "It is scary," said Steffen. Not only in Greenland, but in Antarctica and elsewhere there is massive melting of ice. More than 180 nations have coastal areas at risk. Two-thirds of them have over 5 million people under threat of serious flooding. Included are cities such as New York, London, Miami, Shanghai and Tokyo.

3. The World’s Huge Appetite for Energy

Energy consumption is at the core of human existence. It virtually controls what we eat, how we live, where we go, how we are entertained, our health, knowledge, defense and exploration. The world's demand for energy is surging.

The International Energy Outlook 2006, by the U.S. Department of Energy, forecasts electricity use will grow by an average of 2 percent per year worldwide and almost twice as rapidly in the developing world. Robust economic growth in many developing nations is expected to boost demand for electricity for air conditioning, cooking, space and water heating, and refrigeration. Global energy consumption is projected to increase by 71% from 2003 to 2030. We need to accelerate development of cost-effective, sustainable, alternatives.

The Triple Play

A revolutionary new technology, GENIE™ (Generating Electricity by Nondestructive Interference of Energy) is being developed at Magnetic Power, Inc. (MPI).

MPI has dedicated more than 20 years of research and development into exploring breakthrough technologies. To reverse the trends discussed above MPI envisions a technological revolution, developed commercially, that has limited impact on available planetary resources. GENIE is projected to be easy to manufacture and use, as well as inexpensive, thus capable of rapidly achieving global impact.

Based upon proprietary breakthrough discoveries in MPI's labs, GENIE generators are being designed operate continuously, without fuel, extracting electricity by converting an energy source that exists everywhere in the universe. This process create no pollution. The cost of electricity is estimated to be significantly less than any competing form of power generation, today or in the foreseeable future.

GENIE generators with no moving parts can be made in many of the world's electronics factories. Household units will produce power 24/7. Larger units will replace automobile engines. GENIE will eliminate any need for fuel to run a vehicle. It can also allow future cars to become income producing power plants when parked.

GENIE is a magnetic device. Nobel physicist Werner Heisenberg once stated: "We could utilize magnetism as an energy source". Hans Coler demonstrated a 6 Kilowatt, solid-state, magnetic "space energy receiver" in Germany during 1937. It was destroyed by an Allied bomb during WWII. The invention was confirmed by British Intelligence after the War. However, at the time, there was no comprehension as to the source of the energy. Coler wrote: "These fundamental researches…have made the first real and large breach in the citadel of present scientific belief."

Advanced GENIE prototypes are currently being constructed by MPI. Lee Felsenstein, EE, evaluated an early proof-of-concept prototype. He felt it to be analogous to the first examples of the transistor, which eventually led to a Nobel Prize and the creation of Silicon Valley (and similar high-tech complexes throughout the world).

A near-term MPI goal is a 1 kW self-sustaining generator perhaps 5"x5"x16" in size. In 2008, a plug-in hybrid car, with a pair of these 1,000 watt GENIE prototypes, is expected to demonstrate that a connection to the grid is not necessary in order to recharge the battery. That will herald the beginning of an end to the need for fuel.

The urgent need is for an emergency changeover, in less than a decade, from burning fuel, to widespread use of new sources of energy that eliminate the need for fossil fuels. The Triple Play made possible by GENIE makes that a practical goal. We applaud all efforts to replace oil and reduce greenhouse gases. However, nothing short of revolutionary new technology can act fast enough to save millions of lives.

Scientists may express skepticism, since the energy source is not yet widely understood. Acceptance will come when one sits on a desk in front of them and produces electricity. MPI is developing Demonstration Devices and toys. Young people with open minds will probably teach their parents how they function. This Triple Play can and will accelerate, as rapidly as the required funding will allow.

www.magneticpowerinc.com © 2007 Magnetic Power Inc. All rights reserved.



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Re: Time for a "Triple Play" (Score: 1)
by malc on Friday, October 19, 2007 @ 00:34:32 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley
Is this news item on auto submit? Let me see now:

If (Weekday(Now()) = 5 And Day(Now()) > 14) Then
      Article = Site("Zpenergy").Application("News").Publish("MPI")
      Article.HideBullshit = False
      Article.Verifiable = False
End If

Re: Time for a "Triple Play" (Score: 1)
by PacketSender on Friday, October 19, 2007 @ 08:52:43 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Must be that time of the month again: more formula driven nonsence from MPI.
Be sacred - we are running out of fuel
Be happy - projections from MPI about limitless energy

Same crap yet again, Mark? More vague nonsence? Still developing, and still nothing developed? Haven't you been developing for 20 years now?
Seems to be a long time with nothing to show but projections, always advancing timelines, and a regular monthly dose of BS.

This is not news, it's the same tired fishing expedition. Save yourself some time Mark, since it'a always the same drivel in a slightly new wrapper I suggest you simply post "See last months article: Same Old Shyte".

Re: Time for a "Triple Play" (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Friday, October 19, 2007 @ 11:30:17 UTC
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Vlad, why do you even give MPI the time of day? Out of all of us here, you are the biggest skeptic - you even said so yourself - so why do you allow Mark Goldes to spout his bullshit on here? It's people like him that make us, who take ZPE very seriously, look foolish.

Silence him until he can backup his claims. Or do you know something we don't?

Re: Time for a "Triple Play" (Score: 1)
by Veryskeptical on Friday, October 19, 2007 @ 13:06:51 UTC
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Please, less talk, more action. You keep posting these long bromides about the state of the world. Perhaps so, perhaps no. Just produce a motor! The talk just wastes the light of flat screen diodes.

Re: Time for a "Triple Play" (Score: 1)
by mach946 on Friday, October 19, 2007 @ 14:48:57 UTC
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IM glad folks are starting to let Mark Gold know that they are sick and tired of his never ending time frames and products that never seem to come to fruition. He does nothing but make this site a toilet for his dribble. It's no wonder why credible investors avoid ZPE energy research. I for one would run in the opposite direction. I have indicated this to VLAD , that this " Inventor" just trivializes this site.

Too much smoke & mirrors (Score: 1)
by sterlingda on Friday, October 19, 2007 @ 22:12:40 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://PESWiki.com
I wish Mark could just report his progress without always cloaking his reports with emotional appeals about the end of the world as we know it.  We all know the need for new energy.  Why can't he just get right to the point and stay with the point --- his companies contribution -- rather than preaching to the choir about how badly the world needs this stuff, and how much a difference this could make.  That he does so, to me, is the mark of a wizard of oz persona -- the smoke and mirrors to make things appear grander than they really are.

I don't see that he's claiming to be running O/U.

His wording is "...GENIE generators are being designed to operate continuously, without fuel..."

That could be on paper, or it could be via prototype.  His wording is vague, to give the impression of prototypes, which is probably still wishful thinking.

He's too much of a hype artist for me to take him very seriously without evidence to the contrary.

Time to be Triple Played (Score: 1)
by illuminaughty on Saturday, October 20, 2007 @ 02:03:57 UTC
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If the world is collapsed under the weight of water rushing off melting glaciers in 2050, I suspect the last thing we'll hear is that the GENIE device will be ready for production in 2051.

From my collection of MPI's best predictions:

January 2006
We have several OU devices, but production of a demo unit requires more working capital. If enough money comes in quickly, I believe we can meet the goal of having a pre-manufacturing prototype of a self-powered motor or generator by the end of June.

June 2006

Demonstration Devices are designed to begin to enter the market later this year. These will make it difficult for scientists and skeptics to maintain that such technology is impossible.

December 2006

MPI has applied to Present our technology at the O'Reilly Energy Conference in San Francisco which will run from August 22nd thru the 24th, 2007.

October 2007

1 kW GENIE generators are moving toward the market. And while some may find it hard to believe, they are likely to be in production by the end of next year.

Re: Time for a "Triple Play" (Score: 1)
by ornithopter on Monday, October 22, 2007 @ 04:47:15 UTC
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Where are al this so called "open minded " people on this site?

To Vlad: meant without You


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