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Primary objection to relativistic interpretation of Casimir effect
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2011 @ 15:12:48 UTC by vlad

Science From The Froarty Blog: The primary objection to a relativistic interpretation of Casimir effect and catalytic action is that the equation for Casimir force at  MINIMAL cavity width provides results which would seem insufficient to manifest the necessary time dilations to contract space time enough to suddenly make the longer vacuum flux capable of fitting between the interior walls of a Casimir cavity. The concept is akin to many SCIFI story lines where the interior volume of a room can be many time larger than the exterior volume.

The concept of a MINIMAL cavity width for Casimir plates is based on plate geometry and the quantum accumulation of a field at some small distance paralell to the plate surface. This limit has been  established by Liftshitz and others but is based on our 3D perspective outside the cavity which my theory attempts to circumvent. I am positing that the 3D perspective inside the cavity is changed by vacuum energy suppression  that results in a  Lorentzian translation between space and time. The mini hydrogen, hydrino, or other anomalous forms of condensed hydrogen (take your pick) made famous in claims of excess heat would see the walls of the cavity shrink but an observer on the cavity wall would likewise see the hydrogen appear to shrink. This brings me to the crux of this issue which is, how can the equivalent acceleration inside the cavity be of such a large magnitude to achieve Lorentzian contraction and sidestep these limits of MINIMAL width and plate proximity constraints imposed by Liftshitz and others? A shortcut is needed that ignores the need for spatial velocity and directly manipulates time. We know that both acceleration and equivalent acceleration due to gravity can result in time dilation. Therefore I assume a relationship between vacuum energy density and time dilation. We see this in the twin paradox because acceleration to fractional C can be replaced by a stationary twin at the bottom of a High G gravity well such as a dead star through equivalent acceleration. time dilation would still accumulate even though both twins are spatially stationary...

Full article: http://froarty.scienceblog.com/32169/primary-objection-to-relativistic-interpretation-of-casimir-effect/



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Vlad, why do you post this stuff? (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Sunday, January 30, 2011 @ 17:58:13 UTC
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Vlad, you know, as well as I do, that Relativity is total nonsense.  Einstein was a complete and total fraud.   On another note, while Lorentz was a brilliant physicist, he, unfortunately, was bought out by the bankers, specifically, JP Morgan and company, to adjust maxwell's equations so that there was energy loss in a closed system.   The bankers did not want the world to know that we live in a vast sea of unlimited energy because they would lose all of their power and control in the many industries that they had control over.   Thus, Lorentz was hired to manipulate the equations, and the 'idiot' Einstein was used as a pawn to usher in the nonsense we call General and Special Relativity,

Which brings me back to my point.  Whenever I read articles on this website about ZPE and its relation to relativity,  I immediately pretend I didn't read the article in the first place -- because it is deliberate misinformation. 

Please filter this rubbish!!


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