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How to Build a Mesoporous Silica Artificial Sun
Posted on Saturday, June 18, 2011 @ 12:12:38 UTC by vlad

Devices Randy writes: In space, there is abundant energy everywhere in the form of electromagnetic waves of all frequencies, and space is the perfect place for solar energy conversion. There have been proposals for beaming down solar energy converted by large arrays of solar panels in space, but the effort would be difficult and costly. An artificial sun might be a more practical solution.

Recent research has shown that light can in theory be used to produce ferromagnetism in tiny voids made with CoFe otherwise known as Prussian blue. Light driven chemistry is the basis of life in our solar system and is driven by our sun.

Mankind have always been builders of increasingly more complex structures. We have advanced so much that materials science is our economic driver. Solid state electronics are commonplace, and with the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope, we now have automated nanoassembly of complex structures that are built atom by atom.

As advanced as our electronics industry has become, we still do not have many fuel cell powered cars on the road and funding for the research on solar energy and fuel cells seems to be inadequate considering the severity of global warming today. If we can improve solar power by solving the energy storage problem, we could solve most of our energy woes.

Fusion research is much touted, and has been going on with not much success for about forty or fifty years. So, why do we not try something a little simpler-water dissociation. Water dissociation can be accomplished with light, with electricity, and with pulsed magnetism. The power requirements for water dissociation are not that great, and can be provided by ambient zero point energy.

An artificial sun could be built in space using robotics out of mesoporous silica glass in the form of a hollow sphere. Tiny voids formed out of Prussian blue about two nanometers in size would produce light driven ferromagetic distortions of the voids. As magnetic dipoles form automatically in dielectric spheres exposed to electromagnetic energy, the dipoles would vibrate slightly and there would be an interaction of changing magnetic fields and the production of tiny magnetic waves inside the voids.

The boundaries of the voids would vibrate back and forth and the waves thus produced would be amplified by the resonance conditions of the boundaries. If our artificial sun was indeed made from silica glass, condensation of water would occur inside the voids due to the extreme cold of space. Water is the quasi stable state of free hydrogen and is abundant in space, so we need not worry about a fuel supply.

The water droplets in the voids would dissociate into hydrogen and oxygen in the presence of the light driven pulsed magnetism, and the automatic recombination process would emit light, which would further drive the production of ferromagnetic distortion. This would cause further dissociation, and further recombination. When hydrogen and oxygen recombine there is always an emission of light because the process of recombination gives off the energy that was stored in the dissociation process. So, the process would be self-sustaining.

If found to be necessary, thin films of superconductor-semiconductor-superconductor junctions can cool the surface of the sphere electronicly. The space agency presently cools the electronic components of space satellites using a variation of this principle.

Some day, we will have to leave the cradle of earth. According to Professor Steven Hawking, our earth will continue to get hotter as the sun continues to grow larger. An artificial sun would allow us to colonize the outer planets, and even some day perhaps leave the solar system, and start again.

As fantastic as it sounds, the galaxies have been observed to be growing further apart at an exponential rate, and perhaps in fifty thousand years we will be marooned here in our solar system with nowhere to go. Our sun will eventually die. So we may have to start over with a man made solar system somewhere else. In fifty thousand years, this may be our only choice. We will have to build an artificial sun and new earth.

Ralph Randolph Sawyer



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"How to Build a Mesoporous Silica Artificial Sun" | Login/Create an Account | 5 comments | Search Discussion
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Artificial Photocatalyst (Score: 1)
by Randy on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 @ 03:26:03 UTC
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At Berkeley Lab at the Helios Solar Energy Research Center, two men are experimenting with cobalt oxide nanocrystals that are highly efficient and high-speed photocatalysts. The man-made photosynthetic system utilizes a scaffold of mesoporous silica.

It has been found that cobalt oxide nanocrystals can effectively be used to split water molecules to achieve artificial photosynththesis.

"Photooxidation of water into oxygen, electrons, and protons (hydrogen ions) is one of the two essential half reactions of an artificial photosynthythisis system – it provides the electrons needed to reduce carbon dioxide for fuel." Said Heinz Frei, a chemist with Berkley Lab in California.

Cobalt oxide nanocrystals can effectively be used to split water molecules to achieve artifical photosynthysis.

The result of the research is an effort to scrub the atmosphere of excessive carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.

Mesoporous silica nanoparticles used for fighting cancer (Score: 1)
by Randy on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 @ 03:05:04 UTC
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Fluorescent mesoporous silica nanoparticles are biocompatible and uses include targeted delivery of anticancer drugs to cancer cells. The delivery of cancer drugs to cancer cells induces the inhibition of proliferation. Research into rational delivery and targeting of therapeutic and diagnostic agents is at the forefront of cancer research.

Source: Nanobiology. 2007 May 1.

Re: How to Build a Mesoporous Silica Artificial Sun (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 @ 07:21:53 UTC
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Tesla and others showed that what we call matter and material substance is in actuality a collection of whirl patterns in the background ether.

Here is his quote:

""According to an adopted theory, every ponderable atom is differentiated from a tenuous fluid, filling all space merely by spinning motion, as a whirl of water in a calm lake.  By being set in movement this fluid, the ether, becomes gross matter.  Its movement arrested, the primary substance reverts to its normal state.  It appears, then, possible for man through harnessed energy of the medium and suitable agencies for starting and stopping ether whirls to cause matter to form and disappear.  At his command, almost without effort on his part, old worlds would vanish and new ones would spring into being.  He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, adjust its distance from the sun, guide it on its eternal journey along any path he might choose, through the depths of the universe.  He could make planets collide and produce his suns and stars, his heat and light; he could originate life in all its infinite forms.  To cause at will the birth and death of matter would be man's grandest deed, which would give him the mastery of physical creation, make him fulfill his ultimate destiny."

This means that when we can electrically slow, stop, and restart the spinning helical patterns and learn to catalog and recreate/replicate these whirls in the ether, we can transmute and manufacture all manner of material substance, including novel, pre-designed never-before-seen forms of matter and materials, and, we can extract nearly unlimited electrical power from the ether, and, use it for anti-gravitational purposes, and, heal damaged/diseased tissues and eradicate disease germs.

solar powered self-cooling glass (Score: 1)
by Randy on Monday, June 20, 2011 @ 07:23:25 UTC
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A new type of solar cell technology has recently been developed that utilizes hollow silica spheres and dyes instead of silicon that must be purified. This is what is called mesoporous silica solar cells.

Hollow silica spheres two nanometers in diameter when exposed to blue light develop a changing magnetic field known as ferromagnetism. Monodispersed CoFe spheres that are two nanometers in diameter also develop ferromagnetism. If CoFe, known commonly as Prussian blue were deposited in some of the pours of the silica glass, this would amplify the energy waves developed in the silica spheres, and also cool the solar device adiabatically. Prussian blue could therefore be used to make a porous glass that would cool the air that it is in contact with below the dew point and extract cold water from the air.

Adiabatic cooling involves the exposure of a coolant such as water to a magnetic field that switches on and off. The water is heated this way and the heat is carried away by the water vapour leaving the device cooler. This is known as magnetic cooling and is similar to perspiration in the human body.

Magnetic cooling could help us solve our water shortage problems and also help with localized outdoor cooling. I have an idea for a structure based on the cooling tower that would be built with a self-cooling mesoporous glass that could provide solar outdoor air conditioning.

For a description, see the article, "Geoconditioning-The Underground Pyramid".
Randolph Sawyer

Saw creation process in my sleep. (Score: 1)
by Randy on Sunday, June 26, 2011 @ 00:01:43 UTC
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Tiny bubbles formed that expanded due to the vibration of space-time as product of phase change temperature and light formed in these quantum confinement of silica glass.  The bubbles glowed due to heat.  The process formed a vapour deposition scaffold of silica glass.  The process took place everywhere growing a matrix of glass as a scaffold and forming a ball of glass with a thin shell and pores two nanometers in diameter.  Light in each pore of the scaffold was amplified and this produced more light and heat caused further growth, adding on layer on layer of growth.  Iron and oxygen passed through the pores and was passed out as a tenuous vapour.  The vapour formed a thin glass scaffold with pores.  Many universes formed and continued to form almost instantaniously.  All are growing exponentially. Pressure on each tiny bubble inside and vapour forming in the center of each bubble formed a vibrating Casimir disc producing a giant Casimir force in the quantum cavities distorting the ionized disc causing it to rotate, and producing a changing pressure which shrank each bubble.  Vapour passed through the pores of each sucessively smaller universe causing a reduction in overall size of each atom, and smaller bubbles.  So, the quantum realm is growing smaller and this appears from our perspective as an expansion of a larger universe.  But is really a reduction of each galaxy.  Overall perception for us is the the same, but is an increase of mass and increase in gravity due to the  pressure on each disc, and on the inside of each confinement.  This is why the galaxies appear to be growing apart.  Each galaxy is becoming smaller.  We are passing into the quantum realm.


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