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Rockefellers go green!
Posted on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 @ 20:50:20 UTC by vlad
Via The Independent: "Rockefellers go green: Rockefeller foundation divests funds in fossil fuel industries
American oil dynasty to pull all investment in fossil fuel industries on eve of global climate change summit, placing it as an unlikely champion of the push towards alternative energy sources
The American family that for decades has been synonymous not just with great riches but with riches created by oil said on Monday that it was moving to divest itself entirely from all oil and fossil fuel interests.
Descendants of John D Rockefeller, who tapped the black gushers of Texas and California more than a century ago to forge Standard Oil, a company that was later to spawn such names as Exxon, Chevron, Amoco and Mobil, announced the decision on the eve of the climate change summit in New York.
It means that his heirs’ giant philanthropic foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund which holds investments totalling almost $900m (£550m), will join a growing movement that began on university campuses just a few years ago to liquidate all stakes in companies that can be tied to global warning.
And it will propel what was once America’s royal family of oil to the front ranks of the fight against climate change and the push for alternative energy sources such as wind, tidal and solar... "
Full article: Rockefellers go green: Rockefeller foundation divests funds in fossil fuel industries
Dear Valerie & Brothers, Stephen,
Congratulation for this long overdue wise decision!
I would honestly say, if sincere, coming from a Rockefeller, this could be another turning point in human evolution. But to be that, you have to have the guts to invest (even only one billion, to start) into the "real breakthrough" energy technologies. Those would change this world as we know it, and ensure the survival and thriving of all future generations to come, not just on this planet but, why not, all over this infinite universe!
To know what I'm talking about and to take a look at ZPEnergy's proposal to help ushering that revolution (put forward in 2007), please see the post below (Forbidden Energy proposal) and my comments there.
Of course, you are already a foundation with more than adequate funds, but my Xtreme Science Foundation (XSF) could be a branch of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and do its intended job: to carry out independent, objective, unbiased and widely accepted scientific validation of "private research" in the field of new energy technologies, research that most of the present scientific community and media would otherwise consider an unacceptable departure from the conventional thinking. Thank you and good luck to all.
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Do not be fooled! (Score: 1) by Kadamose on Wednesday, September 24, 2014 @ 00:33:34 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | This has been the plan from the start! Of course, this all started with Tesla and his Wardenclyffe venture -- and the only reason why this never took off then is because the evil, jewish international bankers had no idea how to charge for, or put a meter on, free energy. Now that they have had more than a century to think about it, they've finally figured out how to con the masses into paying for something that is their natural birthright -- but they are patient and they always start small. They take baby steps and always test the waters before they fully commit to anything. First, it will be the green movement and renewables, then it will be onto the bigger stuff that really matters - the zero point field.
The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds have commited treason against humanity - and their entire bloodlines deserve nothing less than the total accumulation of misery and despair that they have forced upon everyone else on this planet.
And for the record, Climate Change (aka Global Warming) is a complete and total scam that has been pushed down our throats long enough. We live in a dynamic universe where everything is in motion and nothing remains the same for very long. The REAL source of so-called climate change is the SUN - which is an electric component in an electrical universe. Sometimes, depending on our orientation in the galaxy, the sun will receive a surplus of electrical energy and the direct result of this is warmer climate. The same is also true for the lack of electrical energy received which results in colder climates. It's all so simple -- and completely out of our control. Therefore, why waste any more time, energy and resources on this global warming scam, when we should be focusing on how to neutralize nuclear disasters such as Fukushima. The pacific ocean, as we speak, is 90% dead already...and the entire world is next.