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Pilot-wave theory strikes back
Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2016 @ 17:19:35 UTC by vlad

Science Anonymous writes: With few decades of delay the Pilot-wave theory  seems to be proven trues. A Team of physicists from Toronto, using the latest gentel probing techniques succeeded to prove the Pilot-Wave theory in the double slit experiment.

From Quanta Magazine: New Support for Alternative Quantum View

An experiment claims to have invalidated a decades-old criticism against pilot-wave theory, an alternative formulation of quantum mechanics that avoids the most baffling features of the subatomic universe.

Of the many counter intuitive features of quantum mechanics, perhaps the most challenging to our notions of common sense is that particles do not have locations until they are observed. This is exactly what the standard view of quantum mechanics, often called the Copenhagen interpretation, asks us to believe. Instead of the clear-cut positions and movements of Newtonian physics, we have a cloud of probabilities described by a mathematical structure known as a wave function. The wave function, meanwhile, evolves over time, its evolution governed by precise rules codified in something called the Schrödinger equation. The mathematics are clear enough; the actual whereabouts of particles, less so. Until a particle is observed, an act that causes the wave function to “collapse,” we can say nothing about its location. Albert Einstein, among others, objected to this idea. As his biographer Abraham Pais wrote: “We often discussed his notions on objective reality. I recall that during one walk Einstein suddenly stopped, turned to me and asked whether I really believed that the moon exists only when I look at it.”

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Re: Pilot-wave theory strikes back (Score: 1)
by RBM on Monday, May 30, 2016 @ 10:25:53 UTC
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Hahaha this is a good laugh.

Humans abhor uncertainty and QM has lots of it due to it's probabilistic nature. That's also why QM is called counter-intuitive, because the perspective is a limited one from a philosophical materialist/physicalist perspective. Science isn't a straight line trajectory, so this media attention will not last long.

Re: Pilot-wave theory strikes back (Score: 1)
by profraccoon on Saturday, June 04, 2016 @ 02:15:34 UTC
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Modern physics (QM, SR/GR) was heavily influenced by Maxwell's totally inconsistent theory of electricity and magnetism. Maxwell's theory only describes vacuum field waves in the form of TEM waves with phase velocity equal to c.  The reason pilot waves were rejected by most physicists: these have to be superluminal, even hyperluminal, and such waves are not predicted. Also other aspects of the nature of pilot waves (in terms of classical electrodynamics) was not understood.

My theory of classical electrodynamics (electro-magnetism) is consistent, and it describes TEM waves as well as LEM waves (longitudinal electromagnetic) and superluminal Phi waves. Phi waves are also longitudinal electric waves, that only depend on the electric potential (Phi).

So the Bohm-DeBroglie pilot wave might be a superluminal Phi wave, and now we have for the first time in history a fully physical theory of De Broglie's 'particle-wave mechanics'.

The difference between Pilot wave theory and QM should be testable, it is not just a matter of 'taste' about the physical and "unphysical". So my suggestion is that the so called Pilot wave is a Phi wave (see my consistent CED theory) that can carry energy, momentum and information with superluminal speed.  The so called "non-locality" of QM wave functions does not allow for energy nor information transfer with superluminal speed.

I derived general power- and force theorems in the context of my GCED (general classical electrodynamics) theory, and TEM/LEM/Phi waves all carry energy and momentum.


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