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Wikileaks’ Podesta Email Mentions “Zero-Point Energy”
Posted on Monday, October 10, 2016 @ 13:18:15 UTC by vlad

Testimonials From collective-evolution.com site: ... Above is the email sent from Apollo 14 astronaut and 6th man to walk on the moon, Dr. Edgar Mitchell to Johan Podesta, the head of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and long time politician.

You can read the rest of the email straight from Wikileaks here, and also download the documents attached on the website. 

You can read a more in-depth discussion of the leaks and what the Clinton campaign knows of extraterrestrial intelligence, here.  As far as zero-point energy goes (mentioned in the email) you can read more about that below.

Zero-Point Energy

A great quote below shedding light on one possible method of how extraterrestrials could be visiting us dealing with the zero-point energy field.

There is another way, whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way. – Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of physics, University of Nebraska. (source)

It’s the energy that exists within the fabric of ’empty space,’ and it can be accessed. Possibly the best known ‘mainstream’ science example of this comes from The Casimir Effect. It  illustrates zero point or vacuum state energy. It predicts that two metal plates close together attract each other due to an imbalance in the quantum fluctuations(source)(source). You can see a visual demonstration of this concept here.

Vacuums generally are thought to be voids, but Hendrik Casimir believed these pockets of nothing do indeed contain fluctuations of electromagnetic waves. He suggested that two metal plates held apart in a vacuum could trap the waves, creating vacuum energy that could attract or repel the plates. As the boundaries of a region move, the variation in vacuum energy (zero-point energy) leads to the Casimir effect. Recent research done at Harvard University, and Vrije University in Amsterdam and elsewhere has proved the Casimir effect correct (source).

Below is a video of  renowned Physicist Harold E. Puthoff explaining what ‘zero-point’ energy is. He’s  An American physicist who earned his Ph.D from Stanford University.  He is the director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, and has served various government agencies throughout his years.


The interview is a clip taken from Dr. Steven Greer’s disclosure project.

“These are not just fringe scientists with science fiction ideas. They are mainstream ideas being published in mainstream physics journals and being taken seriously by mainstream military and NASA type funders. I’ve been taken out on aircraft carriers by the Navy and shown what it is we have to replace if we have new energy sources to provide new fuel methods.” – Dr. Harold E. Puthoff


Read more: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2016/10/09/wikileaks-podesta-email-leak-about-ets-also-mentions-zero-point-energy-heres-what-that-is/



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"Wikileaks’ Podesta Email Mentions “Zero-Point Energy”" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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We are trapped here! (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 @ 18:19:32 UTC
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We've never been to the moon; therefore, his credibility is already in the shitter.

The world is FLAT.   Everything NASA has ever done is a lie to cover up the discovery in Antarctica.   Is it a coincidence that NASA was founded the same year that the Antarctic treaty of 1959 was signed?    I don't think so.  Is it a coincidence that the Van Allen Radiation Belt (i.e. the dome) was announced and named that very same year? Is it a coincidence that, out of all the treaties that have been made in the past and the present, the Antarctic treaty is the ONLY treaty that has never been contested or broken?  Hardly.

Anyone who has signed the Antarctic treaty is in on this deception - that includes Russia and China.    They are all in on it!    But they have to -- because the discovery of the translucent dome in Antarctica by Admiral Byrd in 1956, basically proves that this 'planet' is not a planet at all, but a well-designed enclosure - a terrarium, in other words.   

If this Earth were truly a blue marble, spinning at a 1000 mph on its axis, why is it that gyroscopes do NOT move at all when put on the ground?   How is it that a commercial aircraft that goes 550 mph ever gets to its destination, when the world is supposedly spinning at 1000 mph?   With this logic, a plane in California could hover vertically and be in New York in 3 hours, simply from the so-called rotation of the earth.    This is utterly ridiculous, and I have no idea why no one questions this stuff.   You are all being lied to on a MASSIVE scale.

Why is it that NASA, instead of giving us real pictures of the earth, they instead use composites created by artists?   Why can't they simply rotate the hubble telescope 180 degrees and show us what the Earth really looks like?   It's because they can't!   There are no satellites orbiting the planet - it's all a bunch of bullshit. 

But don't take my word for it - instead, research this stuff, like I have, and I guarantee you will come to the same conclusion.

Re: Wikileaks’ Podesta Email Mentions “Zero-Point Energy” (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Friday, October 14, 2016 @ 19:15:18 UTC
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Now we know it's disinformation

Re: zpe and global overview submitted by astronaut Edgar Mitchell onto US election pr (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, October 15, 2016 @ 12:43:46 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Andrew Michrowski writes: The attached discussion from the late Edgar Mitchell, one of our earliest associates (in the 1970s) who attempted to impress the White House as well as Hon. Hilary Clinton about DOD strategy factors raises some questions about Zero Point Energy.

This is a thema of significant implication for global resolution of numerous anti-life tendencies, about which Hal Puthoff and his UNAM colleagues in Mexico City), Mark Porringa, Lt Col Thomas E. Bearden, our Swiss/German "chapter" fellowships, Russian science net-workers, Astronaut Brian O'Leary, and still others, most of whom we have published and facilitated.

It remains a "know-how" about which the world knows little, and has not benefited from the resultant implications, despite the nearly 80 year-old December 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which throughout its articles assured that such knowledge would not only be known, but also universally available world wide to all peoples, as well as for the benefit of living systems and, by default, to the globe itself.

Even the courage of such role models as astronauts has not been appreciated - nor to the opportunities for peace.

Dr. Andrew Michrowski

Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc.
A non-profit, charitable corporation whose objects are to facilitate the discovery, research, development, demonstration and evaluation of clean energy systems. 
http://pacenet.homestead.com/ [pacenet.homestead.com]

See : Observations of vacuum fluctuations suggests the existence of Zero Point Energy (ZPE)
From attachments:

Calculating ‘g’ Strain Energy per LEV DAVIDOVICH LANDAU

In reference no. 1, page 115, Unified Theory, concerning the Uncertainty Principle of Werner Von Heisenberg for rotating mass like events, this ‘g’ strain energy is negative and simply proportional to the ZERO POINT ENERGY of Albert Einstein and Otto Stern.

Please refer to Analen Der Physic 40:551, 1913, for ZPE that emanates from the centers of the Sun and Planets. It is known that the ‘g’ strain energy of:

E=--(g^2)/ (8*pi*Gamma) =--5.7291*10^11 [erg/cm^3]

Where: Earth’s surface acceleration of gravity g=980 [cm/sec^2], and  Newton’s  constant of universal gravitation Gamma = 6.67*10^8 [dyn*cm^2/g] . ‘g’ strain energy is the reality of our terrestrial space. This is a Space Energy that could become available in great quantities. (Reference No. 2).

This energy is quite different from ordinary electrical power because it is negative. It will have a low temperature (Reference  No.  3).

‘g’ strain energy is limitless and free. With the transistored coil, one can obtain continuous supply of electric power, where and when it is required; and beyond the limits of sources of supply and transport requirements. For its realization the sets of conversion apparatus are required. Justification of the project originates in the pair production concept of Paul Dirac, that matter and particles can be generated in space.

Thus the ‘Space Age’ follows the ‘Atomic Age’. The power of ‘g’ strain energy supersedes the Nuclear Power (Reference No. 4).   


1    Unified Theory by Steven Basic, ISBN 978-1-4349-9649-7, National Uni0n Catalog OCLC, World Cat-Public View. Unified Theory, by Steven Basic, Abstract web site, ‘Pictorial Explanation’: http://www.highenergyrotation.net [www.highenergyrotation.net]
2    Collected Works, Professor LEV DAVIDOVICH LANDAU
3    Prominent French Experimental Scientist Jean-Louis Naudin (JNaudin509@aol.com)
4    Professor Shinichi Seiki, Uwajima City, Japan


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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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