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R.I.P. Jerry Decker (KeelyNet)
Posted on Monday, June 26, 2017 @ 11:34:47 UTC by vlad

Testimonials Chuck Henderson writes: It is with a heavy heart that I send this e-mail to you.

Monday night (6/19/17) I received an e-mail from Jerry’s sister, Susie. In it, she told me that she had been contacted by a consular with the U.S. Consulate in Guadalajara.

Jerry was found dead in his home by his friend Ricky on Wednesday, June 14th. No foul play was involved and given his recent health issues they are saying his death was due to natural causes.

We have all lost a good friend and the world has lost a brilliant mind. He will be sorely missed.

At this time, the details of his burial or a memorial are unavailable. I will let you know more when I have them.


Chuck Henderson

Extract from KeelyNet.com: Who is Jerry Decker? [in his own words]: Jerry Decker, founder of KeelyNet, has long been devoted to the quest for authentic free energy, gravity control and electronic health technologies.

KeelyNet began as a BBS in 1988 and moved to the InterNet in 1994, having inspired many other websites along the way, as well as promoting the active sharing of useful and interesting information related to both orthodox and alternative science.

Jerry worked for 23 years as Technical Manager for 3 different large photoprocessing labs. KeelyNet has long promoted and freely shared huge amounts of focused information gathered from many sources, emails and other contacts with an emphasis on correlation that would lead to successful experiments to develop working, authentic, verified and reproducible free energy and gravity control methods.

Through KeelyNet and its many associates, Jerry is actively involved in networking and communicating with scientists, technicians, researchers and interested people wanting to cut through the vast amount of false, fraudulent and often erroneous claims relating to alternative science experiments.

To date, realists understand there is no working free energy device that has been shared that others can at least duplicate the basic phenomena.

Currently, Jerry is studying, experimenting and working to develop a private research lab to carry out advanced experiments involving many aspects of 'alternative science.'

My main goal is to acquire funding for my Vanguard Sciences Research Lab.

The plan was to setup an all inclusive list of projects to test but I have narrowed it down to practical gravity control...

[Vlad] To see the depth and breadth of Jerry's research interests visit KeelyNet.com or Jerry's tweeter feed (before they are taken down), and you will certainly learn something new and interesting. Jerry was a good friend of mine & ZPEnergy.com (he might have been the inspiration for me to start my site). I'm sure Jerry will not just "rest in peace" where-ever he is now - I wish his spirit will guide somebody from this earth to accomplish what he aspired to do himself. At least, through your KeelyNet, you will live forever Jerry. - Vlad.



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"R.I.P. Jerry Decker (KeelyNet)" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Something isn't right here. (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Monday, June 26, 2017 @ 13:35:29 UTC
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Yes, Jerry had health issues, but he was managing it quite well.   A week before his death, his house had been broken into and robbed.   He knew who did it because he came home at the time the place was being ransacked.    The thieves were unable to complete their robbery and made a quick getaway.  Jerry suspected his neighbor was the one who coordinated this and confronted him.   This was the last update we heard from Jerry.

It could have been natural causes - but, considering who we are dealing with here, and the circumstances prior to his death, it is very much doubtful.   I suspect that he died from strangulation.

Re: R.I.P. Jerry Decker (KeelyNet) (Score: 1)
by solaris on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 @ 23:37:15 UTC
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We'll miss Jerry for sure (God bless his soul!), but we should not forget his sound principles on extraordinary claims and commitment to share such valuable information for the benefit of all. Here are some extracts from his Keelynet.com site we should save here (from the About/Overview section):

...Our purpose here is quite simple; that is - to facilitate the practical discovery and implementation of;

Free Energy / Gravity Control & Electronic Health

These topics correlate not only to each other but with other areas of information as well. We seek to discover those correlations in order to lead to practical experiments.

1 - What IS KeelyNet?

KeelyNet is a loose network of researchers, experimenters, interested people and groups who communicate freely and share information. We long ago realized the ONLY way we will ever see these advanced technologies used in our everyday lives is by freely sharing our ideas and discoveries.

To achieve that end, we collect and correlate information from many sources which provide insights and direction toward making these goals a reality. This information is then freely and openly shared with all in the form of files and through the discussion list. Our hope is to engender novel experiments which might yield phenomena and independently reproducible results.

We try to use the K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) approach (as in limited 'pop and flash' graphics), after all, this is a content based website intended to inspire, evoke thought and induce people to question what they are told about science, physics and the nature of our reality. Should you have a project, invention or device you might like to have independently duplicated, we suggest you read two documents that might be of use in your quest;

  Proof of Principle [www.keelynet.com] and Technology Shareware [www.keelynet.com]

Only if you are willing to at least provide a basic experiment that others can use to prove your principle will anyone take any claims of success seriously...

We seek to duplicate not only Keely but other alternative researchers claims for the purpose of enhancing and enriching our lives through practical understanding and use of natural forces.

2 - Beware Claims without Proof!

There are far too many claims which are either never duplicated or hide behind the excuse of being 'proprietary', seeking solely to garner YOUR MONEY without any reliable requirement for independent proof.

As long as you keep giving your money to such people in hopes of making a fortune for yourself, they will continue to USE your willingness to believe and even more of them will be tempted to crawl out of the woodwork hoping to get their share of your easy money.

After all, it IS your money and your choice but after 30 years of personal involvement in this field, we urge you to adopt a skeptical view until you can buy or are allowed independent access to a machine that you can test and USE for yourself. Consider the fact that this material has been floating around in various forms for nearly 300 years and still we have nothing viable to show for it. Isn't that odd?

Secrecy, greed and suppression have been part of the reason these discoveries have not been put into use. We learn from this and take the stand that only by freely sharing such information and discoveries will anyone ever be able to USE these discoveries. As long as planets and electrons orbit, thinking people will continue looking for a way to tap into those mysterious driving forces.

One other point, it is one thing to be skeptical, it is another to discard everything which does not fit orthodox paradigms or teachings. There is nothing wrong with asking for proof which is the attitude that is taken by the fair minded detractors (such as Don Lancaster [www.tinaja.com]) of free energy, gravity control and alternative health.

Until there is working hardware that we have built and/or independently tested, we MUST admit that we have no proof and are basing our statements on historical and current anecdotes, as well as many correlations and anomalous observations that point to new science and technology. In other words, 'Pick your fights.' Get your facts straight and don't waste your time with people who just can't or won't open up to new ideas.

Jerry Decker... Free Energy Pioneer Passes (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, June 29, 2017 @ 23:35:20 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com

Legendary free energy/alternative medicine researcher,

Jerry Decker, has passed away on June 14, 2017. Jerry has been active in the free energy world for as long as I can remember. He created KeelyNet, first as a bulletin board, later as a website to disseminate as much information as possible.

I was fortunate enough to have attended his 2000 Conference in Dallas TX. Jerry was a lot of fun to be around, but he  didn't mince words when it came to technology. Those who had their facts together could generally hold their own... others may have had their feelings hurt.

Our condolences are extended to the Jerry's friends and family in their time of grief. I too have lost many my closest friends in the past three years, and while the sharpness of pain eventually diminishes with time, they are never far from my thoughts…

More importantly, each friend's passing is a reminder that we don't know what tomorrow will bring and it is best not to put off things we really want to do... for there may not be a tomorrow. I do know that I share Jerry's interest reversing aging with the hope that I can extend my life and share my secrets with our members once I figure it out!

Rest in peace JerryDecker.... You will be remembered here!


Steve Elswick -- steve@...

Publisher/Editor - ExtraOrdinary Science & Technology

(520) 252-0374 -- http://www.teslatech.info [www.teslatech.info]

Jerry Decker Remembered - Infinite Energy Magazine 135 - Sep-Oct 2017 (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, October 03, 2017 @ 16:42:27 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
It is good to see that the Infinite Energy Magazine published the "In Memoriam" piece by Chuck Henderson.

Here is the link: http://www.infinite-energy.com/iemagazine/issue135/DeckerObit.pdf [www.infinite-energy.com]

Rest in peace Jerry, and I hope you indeed try to help us here get faster to the truth about FE we all are seeking and so desperately needing.


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