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The ITER Power Amplification Myth
Posted on Friday, October 06, 2017 @ 20:12:31 UTC by vlad

Steven B. Krivit (NewEnergyTimes.net) writes: Dear Vlad,

More than $20 billion will be spent on the ITER fusion reactor, now under construction in southern France. The ITER reactor has been publicized to give the impression that it will produce ten times the power it consumes. It will do no such thing. The reactor is designed to produce only 1.6 times more thermal power than it consumes in electric power. With a more conservative calculation, the reactor will lose more power than it produces.

Three independent sources have confirmed the power values:

1. Daniel Jassby, former principal research physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.
2. Hartmut Zohm, head of the Tokamak Scenario Development Division at the Max-Planck-Institute of Plasma Physics.
3. Steven Cowley, chief executive officer of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.

Thank you,

Full article:http://news.newenergytimes.net/2017/10/06/the-iter-power-amplification-myth/



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"The ITER Power Amplification Myth" | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: ITER Corrects False and Misleading Statements (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, November 08, 2017 @ 20:47:56 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
One month ago, New Energy Times published an investigation about the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). The ITER project, under construction in southern France, is the largest and most expensive science experiment on Earth today. Its cost is second only to that of the International Space Station.

New Energy Times revealed how managers of the ITER project have, for years, been using false and misleading language to deceive the public and legislators about the promised performance of the ITER fusion reactor. The project managers had claimed that, when complete, the fusion reactor would produce 500 megawatts of net power. In fact, according to its design, it won't produce any net power. 

Yesterday, New Energy Times reported that the ITER organization, without making any announcement, had corrected most of the false and misleading statements on its Web site. There are repercussions not only for ITER, but every nuclear fusion research project in the world.

Reports in this series:

List of Corrected Fusion Power Statements on the ITER Web Site [news.newenergytimes.net], Nov. 7, 2017 
ITER Organization Corrects Fraudulent Fusion Claims
[news.newenergytimes.net], Nov. 7, 2017
EUROfusion’s Role in the ITER Power Deception [news.newenergytimes.net], Nov. 7, 2017
The ITER Power Amplification Myth [news.newenergytimes.net], Oct. 6, 2017
Former ITER Spokesman Confirms Accuracy of New Energy Times Story [news.newenergytimes.net], Jan. 19, 2017
The Selling of ITER [news.newenergytimes.net], Jan. 12, 2017

Steven B. Krivit
Publisher and Senior Editor, New Energy Times
369-B Third Street | Suite 556 | San Rafael, California | USA 94901
www.stevenbkrivit.com [www.stevenbkrivit.com]
www.newenergytimes.com [www.newenergytimes.com]
Author of Hacking the Atom: Explorations in Nuclear Research, Vol. 1
Author of Fusion Fiasco: Explorations in Nuclear Research, Vol. 2
Author of Lost History: Explorations in Nuclear Research, Vol. 3
Editor-in-Chief Wiley & Sons Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia: Science, Technology, and Applications
Co-editor of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions and New Energy: Technologies Sourcebook Volume 2 (ACS Symposium Series)
Co-editor of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions Sourcebook Volume 1 (ACS Symposium Series)
LENR Contributor to the Elsevier Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering
LENR Contributor to the Elsevier Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources

Re: The ITER Power Amplification Myth (Score: 1)
by profraccoon on Thursday, December 21, 2017 @ 13:55:04 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
This is the most sobering news on our future. ITER is most likely a hoax,  the publicity propaganda about ITER is not a little "mistake", this is 100% deliberate, and for all the bad reasons.

Many thanks to Steven Krivit for exposing this costly hoax, billions of tax Euros wasted.

Evidence of the ITER Power Deception (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, March 03, 2018 @ 12:03:06 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Evidence of the ITER Power Deception, by Steven B. Krivit (NewEnergyTimes)

Reports in This Series:
Evidence of the ITER Power Deception [news.newenergytimes.net], Dec. 11, 2017
EUROfusion Organization Corrects All of Its False ITER Fusion Claims [news.newenergytimes.net], Nov. 23, 2017
List of Corrected Fusion Power Statements on the ITER Web Site [news.newenergytimes.net], Nov. 7, 2017
ITER Organization Corrects Some of Its Fraudulent Fusion Claims [news.newenergytimes.net], Nov. 7, 2017
EUROfusion’s Role in the ITER Power Deception [news.newenergytimes.net], Nov. 7, 2017
The ITER Power Amplification Myth [news.newenergytimes.net], Oct. 6, 2017
Former ITER Spokesman Confirms Accuracy of New Energy Times Story [news.newenergytimes.net], Jan. 19, 2017
The Selling of ITER [news.newenergytimes.net], Jan. 12, 2017

Short url: https://tinyurl.com/yc4zonsq

Recently, some organizations involved in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) program have corrected false and misleading information published on their Web sites, after reading articles published by New Energy Times.

This report summarizes the way that some ITER proponents have misled non-experts about the potential power output of the ITER experimental nuclear fusion reactor, once it becomes operational. The misrepresentation is not exclusive to ITER; it has been a systemic problem in the fusion community for decades. ITER is simply the largest and most recent fusion project...


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