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IRI - Future Energy eNews (Aug 2018)
Posted on Sunday, August 26, 2018 @ 21:30:09 UTC by vlad


As you may remember, IRI is an advocate for the  solar lights  made by MpowerD.com called “Luci”. They are a wonderful, sturdy, long-lasting investment in portable renewable energy with hours of light from a short time in the sun. Now the company is conducting  Operation Gratitude to help troops overseas. If you buy one “Luci Americana” model of solar light, they will send one to the troops too. You can also simply donate $15 for a care package from the Operation Gratitude webpage.

Another great cause that keeps evolving is the XPRIZE. Specifically, IRI is following the “Off-Grid Energy Access​ Design Challenge ” with a goal of providing a breakthrough in energy for the developing world. Check out the short video on their site which includes three other design challenges of global proportion. Also noteworthy for future energy researchers is the extensive “ Energy of the Future” Wiki page  which reviews “affordability, efficiency, and generation” in separate sections and “barriers to progress” for a realistic summary of the new energy design challenge.

Our Story #1 is a nice announcement of the recent  Tenth Conference on Future Energy (COFE10) DVDs now being made available. I particularly suggest getting a copy of the remarkable presentation by Dr. Brian Ahern who reviewed the intriguing Manelas Device, which has a long history of anomalous energy output based on a solid state strontium ferrite billet in the core of a battery. His impeccable awareness of the facts versus speculation was admirable and he fielded questions at the end better than most. Most importantly, one is left with the desire to see this project advanced, since it was able to charge an electric car without any outside energy or power input, under high security monitoring.
Story #2 offers a new view of the Great Pyramid in Egypt with a  Journal of Applied Physics  https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5026556  article summary that was just published in Newsweek magazine. This is the first time that the “Electromagnetic Properties of the Great Pyramid” have been analyzed which found that a 230 meter (1.3 GHz) electromagnetic wave was the most resonant with the Great Pyramid. The German and Russian authors find that with the most up-to-date chambers included in the analysis, the pyramid on a substrate of sand will direct all of its energy downward into the ground but it is only a preliminary report. 
Story #3 offers a new view of small electric vehicles now becoming popular because of their extended range, besides the flashy new electric BMW Roadster being featured first. The  Related Links to New Electric Cars  are extensive and proves how the electric car market has exploded. How about a 2019 Chevy Bolt for only $36,000 or a Nissan Leaf for only $29,000? 
Story #4 is a great encouragement for electric clothes of the future. MIT researchers now have proven the capability of basic electronics being incorporated into fabrics along with sensors for biological monitoring. 
Story #5 is one more addition to our number of citations for building substances that ABSORB significant quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere. In this breakthrough announcement, the mineral magnesite has been shown to speed up the process of absorption dramatically, with industrial capability. For those concerned about this most vexing problem of carbon capture associated with global warming, check out our  Future Energy eNews Archive Page : for March 2018; December 2017, September 2016, October 2015, March 2015, August 2014, May 2014, April 2014, December 2013, October 2012, April 2012, and May 2011. These give any student you may know looking for an environmental report topic a wonderful assortment of proven technologies for conversion or storage of carbon dioxide for practical use or permanent sequestration.


Tom Valone, PhD




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Some COFE10 Presentations Abstracts (ZPE related) (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, August 26, 2018 @ 22:18:07 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Ion Oscillations

There are two approaches to cohere the zero-point energy (ZPE) using plasma: 1) Abrupt electric discharge, 2) Oscillate the plasma ions. The abrupt electrical discharge typically results in production of microscopic ball lightning, extensively researched by the late Ken Shoulders who called them “electrum validum” (EV) and later “exotic vacuum objects” (EVO) when he became convinced they trapped excess energy from the quantum vacuum. The principle of harvesting excess energy from plasma ion oscillations was manifested by the inventions of T. Henry Moray and Alfred Hubbard in the 1920’s. In 1990 Paul Brown appeared to have successfully replicated Hubbard’s invention and attempted to commercialize it, calling it a “resonant nuclear battery.” All inventors used weak radioactive material, typically 1 millicurie of radium, to maintain glow plasma. The electrical circuits were tuned to oscillate at the ion-acoustic frequency of the plasma where huge (kilowatt) energy manifestations would occur. Nuclear power was not the explanation since the weak radioactive material could only provide milliwatts at best. Moreover, T. H. Moray claimed to produce “cold current” where appreciable power could be guided by thin electrical wires without heating them. Details of the inventions of T.H. Moray, Hubbard, and Brown will be presented to show how the ion oscillations in a plasma tube or within a coil could coherently guide the zero-point energy into oscillating displacement current, which surround the conductors to manifest the cold current phenomena.

NanoCrystal Electricity Technology 

Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower and his dream of worldwide wireless energy were destroyed in 1917 by J. P. Morgan, and his work was publicly shunned for the next 25 years by the powerful titans of American industry. Free energy, tapped from the aether that surrounds us, would have shattered their profits. Recently, a new technology emulating the Wardenclyffe system has resurrected the hope of worldwide wireless power. One hundred years later Tesla’s dream could be coming to fruition with an ironic twist by the breakthrough introduction of NanoCrystal Electricity technology and an FCC-approved receiver device. Inspired by Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, NCE creators claim it’s a revolutionary method of dynamic charging based on the new technology and radio waves that can provide power anywhere and everywhere. The famous physicist, Stephen Hawking, in response to the new technology reportedly said, “It’s about to change your life.” The presentation will explore the new NanoCrystal Electricity technology: How it works; how it supports an understanding of free energy; and, how it parallels Tesla’s original Wardenclyffe vision. NCE technology reveals new information that promises to enhance the research and development of many other future energy projects. “The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.” – Nikola Tesla


The Manelas Device presents a solution to fossil fuel use. Strong experimental evidence; the conundrum is that the output is too good to be true. The source of the energy is undetermined but nanograined SrFe12O19 is hypothesized since EDAX analysis of the solid billet uncovered strontium ferrite as a major ingredient of the “battery.” The battery has operated for 20 months and continually lit a 60 watt bulb. One anomaly is that the battery does not cool during operation but the billet itself does lose heat and cools down, which appears to be some type of energy conversion from the environment. Manelas has since passed away and this slideshow is from Brian Ahern who spent months working with Manelas and his device, along with his analysis of the billet contents. Very challenging energy generation information that defies debunking or fraud. Dr. Valone will present some of the physical properties of the strontium ferrite billet, which must contribute to an explanation of the excess energy output. Energy localization is a process that offers an apparent route to circumvent the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This process is a feedback mechanism that is only operational between 5 - 15 nanometers. Nature has evolved to take advantage of this energy transfer mechanism as all enzymes have at least one of their dimensions in this size regime.

The Manelas technology challenges our understanding of the Laws of Thermodynamics. The discovery of energy localization in 1997 offers a viable pathway for novel energy transfer mechanisms. This results from nonlinear interactions in specific materials systems. Energy Localization is a feedback effect that accounts for all biological systems and is the central mechanism for superconductivity and ferromagnetism. Of course, the possible vacuum energy source coupling to the nanostructure of the crystal billet will not be ignored. Brian Ahern, who worked directly with Manelas before his passing, will take over after Dr. Valone’s introductory overview.


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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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