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APEC 2021: The World's First Online Antigravity Conference!
Posted on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 @ 22:58:22 UTC by vlad

General Anonymous writes: Dear ZPEnergy Members:

Please join us for APEC, the Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference! You can learn more online at http://www.americanantigravity.com/events - and while you're there, please register for our email announcement list!

So far, we've completed five major events, typically between 4 to 6 hours each in length! We've got them all posted on the American Antigravity and AlienScientist YouTube channels, reaching a combined audience of over 110,000 subscribers.

APEC is an ALL-STAR EVENT focused on practical, hands-on engineering for gravity-modification, inertial & reactionless propulsion, and other cutting edge propulsion experiments. Each session typically has 2 guests presenters, along with a lab & experimental demonstration. 

Past Guests Include:

- Ron Evans (BAE Greenglow)
- Nick Pope (UAP Expert)
- Paul Murad (STAIF & Morningstar)
- Gary Stephenson (STAIF & Seculine)
- John Brandenburg (Kepler Aerospace)
- Tom Valone (IRI)
- Mike Gamble (Boeing)
- Robert O'Keefe (Tachyon Aerospace)
- Ron Kita (Chiralex)
- Bill Alek (Intalek)
- Mark Sokol & Jerimiah Popp (Falcon Space Program)
- Jeremy Rys (AlienScientist)
- and many more!...

Our conference began during the COVID lockdown in November 2020, and our goal is to provide the same level of interaction you'd get at an in-person event using Zoom.

The APEC conference is a free, open & friendly environment where innovators, experimenters & physics buffs can come together and share ideas & insights.

We typically have 25 live attendees in Zoom 200 YouTube Livestream viewers, and 3,000+ viewers for each conference session replay in the first 24 hours. It's big, we reach a lot of people, and we want you to join us as well!

Thank you;

Tim Ventura



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"APEC 2021: The World's First Online Antigravity Conference!" | Login/Create an Account | 1 comment | Search Discussion
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Re: APEC 2021: some comments for Tim (Score: 1)
by solaris on Friday, February 19, 2021 @ 21:33:48 UTC
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Thanks Vlad for letting us know about Tim's APEC on line conferences. I was very impressed by most of the presenters so far, and by Tim's moderation style, but I do have a few comments for Tim (maybe he'd listen through you ?;-).

The conferences are too long (in my opinion) and significant time seems to be taken by people with mostly theoretical interests in the problem at hand (anti-gravity, harnessing ZPF, etc.). The mentality: "If science is the God, then physics is my religion" does turn the attitude of some of our theoretical physicists into that of dogmatic priests of science ... see Jack Sarfatti, who seems to know everything and claims to have solved all the mysteries of the Tic-tac operation since the aliens (actually humans from the future!?) told him the secrets over the phone a long time ago! David Chester (a brilliant guy, no doubt) got away easy (because he praised Jack) but others, who have different theories or don't agree with him and his claims (even Puthoff!), are immediately reprimanded by the Science Pope Jack (their claims are bull or a waste of time, etc.)!

We should all remember what Richard Feinman said: "Physics is to mathematics what sex is to masturbation". I was personally impressed by those presentations that don't abuse the math and theoretical physics, but present some daring experiments as well. I find these people most instructive and useful for most of the APEC attendees, and I take my hat off to guys like the Falcon Space team.

Tim may want to separate somehow (different APEC sessions?) the experimental physicists, who are much more interesting and useful to the cause of breakthroughs progress in this field, from the pure theoreticians who actually and openly admit are not at all concerned with the practical engineering issues of anti-gravity and ZPF tapping for useful power!

Thank you.


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