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New Bedini Release: Intrigue & The Bedini/TUV Affair
Posted on Saturday, August 07, 2021 @ 13:06:12 UTC by vlad

Anthony Craddock writes: Part 42: Intrigue & The Bedini/TUV Affair

Photo: John Bedini working inside the Faraday cage during filming by Hamilton Productions.

This DVD, featuring interviews with John Bedini and his financier Jay Edington, spans a time interval of several decades, and should have been the documentary about one of the 20th Century's biggest success stories — certification of a free energy device by the world's leading electrical testing company, TÜV, headquartered in Germany.

In 2000,  TÜV were hired by Jay Edington to send an engineer from their San Diego office to the Bedini Lab in Idaho to test and validate the Bedini motors' performance.

The resulting report was expected to attest to the Bedini motors' overunity capabilities.

This would then have allowed widespread commercialization.

What followed next was a saga that stretched from 2000, disappeared for a while, then surfaced many years later, and is dealt with in this DVD.

It even involved some clever sleuth work, the use of a Private Detective, and a surprise ending.

And as part of the comprehensive validation process, the entire testing process was filmed and time-coded over four days by a professional film production company from Spokane, and all the equipment and batteries were locked up every night by TÜV to avoid any adulteration of the testing process. Even the test table had to be moved to ensure that there were no hidden power sources underneath.

We are now releasing this film for the first time ever—both the Bedini and Edington interviews, and the complete unedited 10 1/2 hour Test Film.

It is absolutely fascinating to follow John Bedini, Tom Bearden and TÜV test engineer Frank Hensel discussing all the aspects of the testing, and especially to listen to Tom Bearden and John explaining to Frank how in fact the true extended electromagnetic theory, much of it hidden in the physics and other textbooks, does in fact “allow” the production of free energy.

This entire ten plus hour testing video is available as an addendum to the basic interviews with John Bedini and Jay Edington and is well worth the extra price as it is essentially a Master Class in how to commercially test for electrical overunity performance.

This lively, informed, and comprehensive interchange between the three major protagonists is indeed worthy of this separate movie release.



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DVD's or Streaming? (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, September 20, 2021 @ 13:33:19 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Anthony Craddock writes: We at Energetic Productions Inc. (producers of Tom Bearden and Energy from the Vacuum™ books and science videos) are well aware of the convenience of instant streaming to satisfy immediate viewing needs.

But are the needs in fact immediate?

We have produced all these books and films as a permanent record of science that has been “lost,” found, and may well be lost again, and have invested a considerable amount to ensure that the film production values elevate the subjects and the science to a level that does them justice and enhances credibility.

Likewise with the book production design and artwork.

Our material is not instantly consumable entertainment. It is a permanent record designed to educate and make sure that the pioneering work of Tom Bearden, John Bedini et al. doesn’t disappear down the drain.

That is why we will continue to publish books as books, and film as DVDs.

The following article entitled “What Will Happen to My Music Library When Spotify Dies” exactly underlines why this is our policy.

The shipping is expensive and labor intensive, but it does give you peace of mind that you will have in your hands something that, you can take your time with and digest the contents at your pace.

Video is a different matter, especially as many of today’s laptop computers do not have the means of playing DVDs, which is our preferred medium.

There are a number of workarounds, and inexpensive DVD players are easily available and can be connected to TVs, which most people still have. The GOM software on laptops is quite popular for playing DVDs, and Play Stations also play DVDs.

For those of you that want to see some free video, we have posted on YouTube a one hour video of John Bedini in the lab that can be seen here.  There are also 19 video trailers for the Series and the trailer for Tom Bearden's video "Aids - Biological Warfare”.

The streaming “landscape” continues to be in an almost daily state of flux, and we are monitoring it to see if there is a niche that we can use for video, but this is a complex issue and meaningful analysis for the long-term takes time.  Regardless of which direction we take, we will still continue to produce DVDs in parallel with any streaming attempts.

It is also extremely labor intensive, as with over 50 titles, our catalog will have to be reformatted to fit the streaming requirements “du jour.”

We hope this clarifies this issue.
The Energetic Productions Team


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