Vlad writes: This interview was conducted 20 years ago by Luís Balula for Akronos Publishing, with Dr. Paulo N. Correa and Ms. Alexandra N. Correa as a: FOLLOW UP ON LABOFEX: POWER FROM PULSED PLASMAS and constitutes a powerful requisitory of the Alternative Energy field and the struggle of the legitimate revolutionary research to be considered (and not ignored) by the mainstream scientific and business community. Many times I ask myself what has changed in two decades?
I end with a quote from their essay "
Timely considerations at the edge of space" (1996): "...No New Energy Revolution can in fact do for us what we are not willing to do for ourselves. Reactive forces will have won a trashed out, sterilized, overpopulated, desertified, miserabilized planet."
LB - It's
been 8 years since your autogenously pulsed, abnormal glow discharge
technology first became public. I know there's a great deal of
curiosity out there. What has happened since to the Labofex technology
- why has it not yet been commercialized?
PC - In the first three
years after filing the three US patent applications, we made a
concerted effort to interest 320 of the world's largest multinationals
in its development. It was an attempt to commercialize the technology
by targeting those who had the most to gain or the most to lose
from its introduction and also had at their disposal the most
efficient means to implement the technology. But they were, without
exception, totally uninterested. Then we moved on to the private
investor game - the promoter and venture capital circuit. But
here the risk was perceived as being too great - and even though
we were asking only US$10M for the PAGD technology, it was considered
either too much for a startup or too trifling a matter for a
quick in-and-out speculative venture. We were not, of course,
one bit interested in dealing with carpet-baggers, and we remember
only too well what happened to Gray's engine - the classical wrap.
The simple answer to your question is that, to the best of our
understanding, no one with capital, whether institutional or not,
is minimally interested in seeing it come to fruition.
AC - That's not to say
that speculators haven't repeatedly dreamt of having a crack at
LB - But
for years you were negotiating with some very large companies
- what happened there?
AC - It's a long story.
We never encountered any real desire to get to the bottom of what
the PAGD was all about, to understand it, to verify it, let alone
provide the capital so that we could run with the development.
The only reason why the engineers at Ontario Hydro went through
the motions of testing our system at all was because the OH chairman
became personally involved - following our letter to him. They
dragged their feet - always wanting more and more corroboration
and proving at each step that they understood nothing about the
physics involved. Not one test was negative, and we have already
told the rest of the story elsewhere - how, after two years of
this rigmarole, they sent us a one-liner fax promising investment
if we did one more set of tests with an analyzer which they were
unable to provide us with and unwilling to help us acquire. One
day, if we have time and patience, we may publish the whole story.
PC - IAI was perhaps the
one company that gave us the highest consideration - but there,
too, shortsightedness prevailed after another three years of negotiations.
AC - After five years of
this, with other companies, like GM, Alcoa, Alcan, Duracell, etc,
we found ourselves in the circuit of the alternative energies
and cold fusion where, aside from a very few serious workers -
people like Edmund Storms or Evan Ragland - mysticism and escroquerie abound.
There, specific lobbies associated with certain american churches
and brands of mysticism monopolize the field and prop it up.
PC - And they are very
devious, these people - they send their emissaries, one after the
other, as if you were so stupid you could not see it. One of these
moronic emissaries even made us a proposal that was partly based
upon the notion that there should be PAGD-propelled missiles in
a star-wars scenario. Next, he walked out of a dinner meeting
protesting he had two or three other inventors in his pocket that
cost him less than 50K a year, and all with the promise of 'free-energy'.
Of course, he's gone nowhere.
AC - Then, once you refuse
to play their game, you find that they drop the free subscriptions,
the free ads, the positive mentions and even go as far as demoting
your own technology on their websites by making arbitrary classification
rankings of the status of alternative power technologies based
solely on their own financial interests and not on the validity
of the science at stake.
PC - These were the same
people that could not stop declaring the autogenous PAGD reactor
to be either a Moray valve, or a ZPE diode, or a cold fusion reactor.
AC - Yes, they're very
practiced at free association - but completely unable to read
or make distinctions.
PC - The best part is that
one of these websites managed to rank the original OR motor technology,
which we ourselves have rediscovered and improved at the ABRI
(see below), but for which there is no concrete record remaining
as to how it actually functioned, as being at an even greater
stage of development than our own patented Labofex/PAGD technology!
That should give you the breadth of the misinformation planted
in this field. Some is carefully crafted, and the rest is a direct
expression of the malignant character structure of most scientists,
including those in the alternative venues. The malignancy is protected
by an impenetrable cloak of mysticism, and everything is thrown
in with everything else, New Age, Mormonism, Orgone energy, Cold
Fusion, Searl discs, Children of the Sun, you name it - there's
a cult, a last ditch church and a cottage industry. No wonder
that 'Fromages' with their 'Truths' and Theories of Everything
and Nothing find the ground so ripe. Frenetic marketing and incessant
noise. Entirely filled with blackholes.
AC - Yes, it's all about
the same endlessly repackaged recipe discovered decades back by
the born-again preachers. Particularly in the early years, we
were approached by all sorts of religious and ideological groups
- Catholics of the Virgin's Bleeding Heart, Zionists from the
Negev, White Supremacy survivalists, envoys of Synarchy, a procession
of mentally debile and unstable people looking for a fuse. All
offering dollars and a place in heaven or history - which really
boils down to the same thing in their minds. And curiously enough,
Labofex has never once been approached by any 'green' group or
organization - despite the numerous openings made to them. In
fact, they refused to give any coverage to our media release in
1996, and again at the Rio Conference. In the end, the green projects
seems more concerned with producing things like biologically degradable
golf tees than with exploring actual and practical alternatives
to combustion fuels.
LB -
You felt that you were being accosted by both sides, in and out,
in a pincer movement. It is difficult at times to know where stupidity
begins and malevolence ends. Has your posture harmed you in this
PC - Indeed, people often
think that the enemy are the Parks and Zimmermans, the enemy from
without, only to forget that the enemy is here at home, the enemy
from within, in the organized lobbies that act as marketeers of
speculative ventures, in the venues that so often pose as having
the interest of the world at heart - publication venues, conference
organizers - in the greed that destroys even the most promising
of friendships. It's no secret that alternative organizations
are all too frequently filled with debile, mentally deranged people.
That is the sordid reason why alternative science seldom disturbs
established science. It's a game of shoddy science, of greed and
knives in the back.
AC - What's more, these
lobbies are often religious and political corporate bodies, effective
or candidate technobureaucracies, some of which share a slice
of the intelligence market itself. But stupidity is even more
complicated than you put it - since I think that you cannot be
malevolent without being stupid, and that stupidity itself is
malevolent - a mal volere, a will to nothingness that is quite
satisfied with slow burning fascisms. There are fanatics on both
sides, and they often collaborate, wittingly or unwittingly, like
birds of a feather. Together, they constitute the greatest impediment
to any open airing of ideas - the infernal dance of their positions
and anti-positions only serves to generate confusion, delusion
and disinterest in what are very serious matters affecting all
life on this planet and our knowledge of nature.
PC - Yes, yes, you see,
together, these enemies and false friends of knowledge generate
a deafening noise where good or brilliant work becomes equalized
to mediocrity and mediocrity is exalted. It 's all about assimilation,
about vagueness - Zimmerman confuses the pulsed abnormal glow
discharge with cold fusion cells, even imagines we invented the
term abnormal glow discharge just to rile him up; but that's just
as stupid as the persistence of others to reduce the PAGD reactor
to a Vacor tube or a Moray valve. This dance of the foes and false
friends is a form of goose stepping. Some years back I found out
that a certain prominent fellow was for four months advertising
my name as key speaker at a conference that he organized - supposedly
hosted by the US government - without so much as having invited
me. Then, in the process of straightening out this mess, I came
to discover that the fellow was trapping us into a stacked test
at the State Department where Zimmerman and Park would be the
appointed peers and judges - and by the way, this we only discovered
afterwards, for he always claimed to me rather innocently that
he was powerless to select any of the 'judges'. If it were his
show, why was he so impotent to determine anything - even an equal
representation of views? So, I ask you - is he a fool or? Then
there is the case of his sidekick - who has not only caused untold
harm with his contention that perpetual motion is a matter of
religious faith, but once phoned me posing as a representative
of some wealthy american catholic cult of the Virgin's Bleeding
Heart or other, on a millennium-doomsday mission that called for
Labofex to equip the private residences of the cultists with XS
NRG power plants before the year 2000. These people are like typhoid
Marys - whatever they touch turns to rot. They either have a dire
need to believe or else they are impostors. I remember, years
back, when Moore stupidly fell into a similar - if more ominous
- caper, with the result that the serious, lifelong work of Stanton
Friedman was suddenly hijacked and transformed into a mere pillar
for the hysterical fad of the abductees. Power is rather complex
and works with many tentacles, most of its designs being carried
out by unconscious carriers of the contagion. To think that there
is anything self-correcting about power mechanisms is the ultimate
in delusion.
AC - ...not to mention
the fact that these contagious epidemics are often seeded by those
who think they can take advantage of them.
LB - I
understand that your lab at Labofex very nearly suffered a break-in
during this period. Did you ever get to the bottom of this?
PC - Well, it is a difficult
bit - we never managed to secure absolute proof, but the circumstances,
and the timing suggest that, when our negotiations with an Australian
Co. fronting for the Republic of China broke down on very basic
questions of legal protocol, the Chinese resorted to an attempt
at breaking into our laboratory. And even though we had a signed
NDA stamped with all sorts of official seals, the Republic of
China, the Embassy in Ottawa, the Consulate in Toronto and the
Chamber of Commerce in Beijing all refused to confirm the existence
of the company, let alone of the officers. This while we were
receiving assurances from Australia that proper accreditation
would be forthcoming from the Republic of China. Less than two
weeks after we put our foot down on this process, the break-in
occurred, carried out by an Asian gang operating well outside their
urban area. Fortunately I was working in the lab at the time -
finishing our theory of the electric and nonelectric interactions
of the electroscope - and was able to abort it. Suffice it to
say it was the only attempted break-in we have ever experienced.
Unfortunately, our current publishing effort will likely draw
in even more cuckoos. The good thing is that, despite all the
security we had installed since, the company will soon be dissolved
and our laboratory is currently being relocated.
LB - But
there were people out there who freely gave you support -
PC - Yes, I presume you
are referring to those who, in a sense, are public figures in
this field. Most notably, we received unconditional support from
our friend and teacher, Harold Aspden. He spared no effort to
push our case forward. Likewise, Rui Silva, our lifelong friend who did
everything he could for us for as long as his health permitted,
and even after... In a very real sense, this site is dedicated to his memory.
Another dear friend who has given us support
and, everywhere he went, searched for investment high and low, was
Eugene Mallove. And still another impeccable friend, Uri Soudak,
who was second in line at IAI, and since leaving it has never
ceased encouraging us nor spared his time or money in looking
for possible financing. More recently, another good friend of
ours, Jack Ajzenberg, spent over a year trying to find venture
or private capital for our project. In one's life, a few excellent
people more than make up for the sea of rotten apples. But a few
excellent people cannot change, by themselves, this massive machinery
of lies, graft and corruption - they cannot turn the tables on
the stupidity and malevolence that reigns in every corner of this
LB - Did
development at Labofex then come to a halt, given that you never
succeeded in finding a sponsor?
AC - After six or seven
years of this madness, we knew that there was simply no way we
could proceed in this manner. The pressure was enormous, we did
not succeed in finding financing for our world patenting effort,
despite glowing exams in Munich. One potential corporate sponsor
even went as far as telling us 'they' would still be around when
our patents expire. They were in no hurry. Our failure at obtaining
comprehensive protection opened the doors for others, particularly
in Russia and Hungary, to go ahead and carry on with their own
development of the PAGD technology. Well, with the laboratory
facilities we have we couldn't push the technology much further.
However, we still managed to develop new reactor designs, one
of which completely controlled the problem of metal deposition
- one of the engineering targets of our proposed R&D program.
Reactor design has also reached the 1 kW average output. We had
to do all this by ourselves - the financing, the building of the
reactors, the metal, the glasswork, the circuitry, the testing,
the engineering work, and so on.
PC - Then we managed to
corroborate the converter results with a DAQ system and demonstrated
the feasibility of closing the circuit loop with our ping-pong
experiments. Few seem to understand this, but it is not chemically
possible to charge a battery while it is being discharged; moreover,
the cathode voltage drop never permitted the input and output
battery packs to have identical potentials. Then you come to realize
that any system of repeated switching will always entail considerable
losses and what is more, much more, will interfere with the breakdown
of the vacuum and the circuit tuning of the PAGD. Relays, IGBTs,
SCRs, time-actuated mechanical gaps, you name it - they simply
take a beating. Engineers invariably have these bright ideas when
they know nothing of the medium one is working with. We have lost
more time following useless engineering solutions to the mirroring
problem, the close-the-loop problem, the single-pack problem and
so on, than one could care to hear about. We knew we would be
in for a rough time on the converter track.
LB - On
the other hand, it appears that recently you have had considerable
breakthroughs on the PAGD inverter front. How did that come about?
PC - In the research proposal
which Labofex presented in 1996-2000 to interested sponsors, we
had in mind to explore the inverter solution. The notion was to
eventually provide a flywheel coupling to the motor being
driven by the autogenous PAGD inverter. Our dear friend, Harold
Aspden, also had in mind resolving this problem by designing a
pulsed DC PM motor that was particularly suited to absorb the
PAGD signature. But the results we ourselves had previously obtained
with the inverter circuit, as shown in our inverter patent, indicated
that there was no overunity motor action - for any of the AC motor
types we had examined. At the time we had also tested drag-cup
spinners, and this was discussed in our inverter patent, but we
never realized the importance of tuning these also to the circuit,
by employing fractional motors with high rotary inertia and low
impedance. True, we had also never run across the right type of
drag cup motor, and this was not possible until 2000, when we
succeeded in driving a high-speed flywheel with the right type
of motor, and reached a condition where we were absorbing the
entirety of the transduced autogenous PAGD impulses. This finally
enabled us to emulate the converter results employing the inverter
circuit and is the present focus of work at Labofex. We have succeeded
in driving these flywheel-coupled spinner motors to outputs of
near one horsepower, with a fractional input five to ten times
lower than the mechanical output of the loaded rotor.
AC - Yes, though quietly,
work at Labofex has not stopped, despite all the obstacles and
the lack of funding. To this day, the PAGD and IVAD research at
Labofex has never received a single cent from government, corporations,
or private donors. No donations, no grants, no material support
of any kind. Others have received grants from institutions such
as the NRC - ostensibly to improve upon our work - unsuccessfully,
let it be said! - with the promise of obtaining better patents
than ours for the Canadian Government. But we have not. And in
a very real sense, we are happy that we have not. For ultimately,
this permitted us to pursue research as we saw fit - with complete
independence from innumerable hidden agendas and their arbitrary
LB -
Why do you feel that now is the time to release this material
- through Akronos publishing - concerning your work at Labofex:
has anything changed?
AC - No, nothing really.
We cannot justify any longer the research budget of Labofex -
not only because of the growing cost, but above all because the
next step requires the kind of capital that we do not have. We
have been contacted by many people who wanted to do something
for us, they wanted to put their economies into some form of a
publicly traded company, but we were never in a position to either
do that or consider it a viable way. Maybe we should. We have
therefore come to the end of the road with regard to Labofex,
and we contemplate closing down the company soon. Before we do
so, we would like to publicize most of the material that we published
internally, as well as publicize our own extensive experience
of the phoniness and fakery of the enemies and so-called friends
of alternative science, a green earth and so on. Let others know
in no uncertain terms what kinds of escroqueries are organized
to suck the life out of science, discovery, creation and invention.
LB - Well
good luck to you both. I hope that the launching of the AKRONOS
site will bring something more interesting to you than what clearly
has been an unbelievably dreary experience of attempting to share
this work.
PC - We think we have very
few illusions left along these lines. We expect that most people
who visit the site will be unwilling or unable to read it or make
sense of it. But perhaps this is good. A sort of natural selection
if you will. This body of work is not really for them anyway.
As for something more interesting... we shall see...
Source (click on Events): https://www.aetherometry.com/index2.html