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Spontaneous spinning of a magnet levitating over a superconductor
Posted on Monday, July 28, 2003 @ 23:00:21 UTC by vlad

Science Authors: J.E. Hirsch, D.J. Hirsch

"A permanent magnet levitating over a superconductor is found to spontaneously spin, overcoming resistance to air friction. We explain the physics behind this remarkable effect."

Read the paper here:Spinning Magnets

I also found very interesting the following post on the Sweet-VTA yahoo group:

Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 10:28:53 +0200
From: "Koen van Vlaenderen"
Subject: Re: my two cent rant


Does anyone know how Sweet conditioned a MOTIONAL FIELD? This field is defined as an electric field E = vxB.

Read Sweet´s "nothing is something":

Once unity has been achieved and the gate to the Dirac Sea opened, over-unity is affected by loading the open gate more and more which opens it further to the point where direct communication/interaction with the nucleus of the atom itself is achieved. Output of the vacuum triode is not proportional to the excitation input as the output produced by the device is directly proportional to the load which is placed upon it. That load is the only dependent variable for device output. The triode's output voltage and frequency always remains constant due to the conditioning of the motional E-field in the permanent magnets and the small regulated excitation signal which is provided through a small oscillator. Regulation remains constant, output locks into an in-phase condition (cos=1 Kvar=1) under all load characteristics.

Another clue provided by Sweet in "nothing is something":

The fundamental magnets have been broken free of their binding forces which constrained them to be steadystate single pole uniform magnetic flux devices. They are now able to simply support mass, as demonstrated with the transformer steel illustration. They can now easily be made to adopt a dynamic motional field by applying a tiny amount of excitation. Specifically, 10V @ 1 mA (10 mW) of excitation at 60 Hz. will enable the coils of the triode to receive from the Dirac Sea in excess of 5000 watts of usable negative energy; how much more can safely be removed has not yet been determined.

The conditioning process diminishes the molecular bonds in the magnet. Then an "elementary magnet" can move more freely. Actually the "elementary magnets" are electrons with spin, and the freedom of electrons are not enhanced by breaking some molecular bonds, so THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. The underlined red lines, however, provide important clues how Sweet conditioned his magnets.

In order to understand these lines, I assume that an electric field is involved (the motional electric field) and that the "fundamental magnets" are molecules that can shift more freely in the molecular lattice after special conditioning. An electric polarization in some solids is caused by a position shift of the positive nuclei in a particular direction, while electrons shift into the opposite direction. I assume that this also happens in a functional VTA magnet. This contributes to the idea of a conditioned "motional" electric field. In other words, the VTA magnet is an electret.

Anyone who assumes that the VTA is only about magnetic spin waves, or a dynamical Bloch wall, has not read Sweet´s "Something is nothing", or is mentally blind !!!!!!!!!!!!

One way to condition a motional electric field is to ROTATE the magnet during its conditioning. Then "v" in E=vxB is simply the rotational movement. Sweet provided examples of moving objects in a magnetic fields, because this explains the VTA. Much harder to understand is Sweet´s reference to the Dirac sea and the Higgs field. The Higgs field is about broken gauge symmetry, and the Dirac sea is the activity of virtual electrons/positrons/photons in the vacuum. This can be put into a consistant picture, if one assumes some sort of gauge invariance breaking on the CLASSICAL level of classical electrodynamics. This is what my theoy is all about: a classical scalar field S (which is not exactly the Higgs scalar field) and its effects. Field S, in interaction with a longitudinal electric field E, takes the form of longitudinal electro-scalar radiation, and this might explain the overunity factor of many OU devices as absorbers of this type of radiation, INCLUDING the Sweet VTA. The motional electric field is LONGITUDINAL (radial), in case the magnet is rotated during its conditioning. The S field is induced (in theory) by the divergent/convergent polarization currents in the magnet.

Even the cooling effect can be explained as a scalar field effect: the wire currents are organized as charge density waves that diminish the copper lattice vibrations (temperature), because of the longitudinal scalar field forces. Such charge density waves have frequencies much higher than the VTA operating frequency, but this is consistant with the idea that the VTA electrodynamics is non-linear and difficult to control, therefore I assume much higher frequencies are involved. Even the use of bucking bifilar coils for picking up the VTA energy (most unusual) can be understood as a scalar field effect, because of the longitudinal scalar field force that amplifies a current into its original direction, no matter if clockwise or counter clockwise. I have not linked yet scalar field S to inertia or gravity in theory, but Podkletnov´s latest experiment shows a possible connection. Micro-gravity is a very difficult subject, because of the lack of experimental data.

No, I have not tried this theory for conditioning magnets (or should I say electrets) like this, but I am convinced that the obvious magnetic spin wave / dynamical Bloch wall ideas are inadequate in order to understand the Sweet VTA. Or can somebody explain to me how magnetic spin waves cause an overunity effect, such as the absorption of electro-magnetic radiation ??????????? Good luck.

It is your choice: ignore Sweet's outlines and chew on Bearden´s "conjugate mirror" nonsense, or the Ivor Cat nonsense, or try to interprete Sweet´s most direct clues about the unusual conditioning process. Sweet´s handwritten notes do NOT contain information about the non-conventional aspect of the conditioning process, so the concepts of "motional" E-field, and "breaking molecular bonds", Higgs field and Dirac sea, are the only valuable clues. My background theory of extended electrodynamics that include scalar field effects, is much closer to Sweet´s original outlines (and to Tesla´s "unphysical" practical results) than anything else I have studied.

Regards, Koen



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