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The impossible atom engine predicted by Einstein, manufactured
Posted on Wednesday, May 08, 2024 @ 08:47:42 UTC by vlad

Devices Via ecoticias.com: The impossible atom engine predicted by Einstein, manufactured: breaks the law of the universe by D. GarcĂ­a (Google translate)

Innovation in the field of sustainable mobility knows no limits, and is setting new proposals that challenge EVs and even FCEVs. If a few days ago we saw the first alcohol-based fuel in history, now we see the atom engine that Einstein predicted decades ago and that has now materialized. What’s more, it has the potential to revolutionize the roads forever.

New atom engine to revolutionize the roads: how it works?
Nuclear fusion has been looked at as the most wonderful solution for energy harvesting ever since it first seemed. Through the mode of action imitating outcomes from the mechanism by which the sun and stars operate, the nuclear fusion has been the most controversial source of energy, not renewable.

Fusing processes, on line of fission reactors, don’t lead to high-level radioactive waste which stays radioactive in a long-termed prospect. Finally, such fusion reactors will not have the potential to have a meltdown like fission reactors, as traditionals do.

Since persistently fussion energists strives for ‘ignition’, that is, a self-sustaining fusion reaction, for years. That, however, in 2023 a tiny business called Rocketstar got launched with a working fusion reactor. The company says their reactor is capable of producing more fuel than is put into it.

They also state that it´s the first time ever to achieve net energy gain. Indeed, this could prove one of the greatest achievements of modern human history. RocketStar states that its reactor works through using lasers to bunch up hydrogen atoms into a state of fusion by which the two nuclei are pulled together, releasing energy.

Einstein predicted this engine, and now is materialised: attention to this detail


RocketStar Inc. has successfully demonstrated the FireStar Drive, a groundbreaking electric propulsion unit for spacecraft that uses nuclear fusion-enhanced pulsed plasma. This innovative device significantly boosts the performance of RocketStar's base water-fueled pulsed plasma thruster by utilizing a unique form of aneutronic nuclear fusion. The base thruster generates high-speed protons through the ionization of water vapor. When these protons collide with the nucleus of a boron atom, the atom undergoes fusion, transforming into a high-energy form of carbon that rapidly decays into three alpha particles. By introducing boron into the thruster's exhaust, the FireStar Drive enables this fusion process. Similar to the way an afterburner enhances thrust in a jet engine by introducing fuel into the exhaust, the fusion occurring in the thruster's exhaust significantly improves its performance...




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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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