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Gravity Control Technologies (GCT)
Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 @ 00:55:12 UTC by vlad
"The theoretical framework behind gravity control predicted the possibility, through Zero Point Field interaction, of possible energy production directly from the ZPF. To a limited scale this prediction has been confirmed during our work...
Initial planning was conducted to determine if large scale utilization of limitless and virtually free energy productions was possible. We now believe that the Zero Point Field can be "tapped" for power and environmentally friendly, clean electricity produced in limitless quantity.
The energy production department of Gravity Control Technologies will be responsible for the development of ship based power sources and for the commercialization of these units as "Distributed Generation" equipment.
More will be posted in the future as energy production prototypes are built."
From their site: GCT
These are Hungarians but somehow Joe Firmage is involved in this one too! [Vlad]
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Re: Gravity Control Technologies (GCT) (Score: 1) by vlad on Friday, August 29, 2003 @ 01:04:54 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Posted by Eric Krieg on his Yahoo list:
X Prize Rejects Gravity Control Rocket Group
By Leonard David
Senior Space Writer
posted: 05:30 pm ET
15 June 2003
It was a weighty decision, not taken lightly, but X Prize officials
voted last week to bar a group attempting to harness gravity from
entering the contest aimed at promoting space tourism.
The X Prize Foundation notified Gravity Control Technologies (GCT) of
Budapest, Hungary that its application to become an X Prize team had
not been accepted.
GCT was founded in 1999 and is a privately held aerospace research
firm delving into superconductivity and Zero Point Energy Field
physics in the hopes of achieving one-hundred percent propellant-less
propulsion technology for flight.
The X Prize is a $10 million prize to jumpstart the space tourism
industry through competition between entrepreneurs and rocket experts
around the world. The purse is to be awarded to the first team that
privately finances, builds and launches a spaceship able to carry
three people to 62.5 miles (100 kilometers) altitude, then returns
safely to Earth, repeating the launch with the same ship within two
GCT is on a quest to prove the existence of an underlying sea of
energy at every point in the universe predicted by Quantum physics.
This sea of energy is different from the cosmic microwave background
and is also referred to as the electromagnetic quantum vacuum, since
it is the lowest state of otherwise empty space.
By utilizing a zero point field energy/superconductor-based
propulsion system, GCT contends the door to space travel can truly be
But in an X Prize Foundation letter to GCT, the rationale for closing
the door on the group's X Prize team status is up-front.
"In light of the novel and untried technology you propose, the
Committee has a concern of the credibility of this technology. The X
Prize Foundation strongly encourages the use of all technologies for
the X Prize competition. However, over the past years, we've been
besieged by a variety of groups making technological claims that
weren't real," explains Ken Davidian, Director of Operations for the
St. Louis, Missouri-based X Prize Foundation, in the letter to GCT.
"We will be happy to reconsider your application when provided with
evidence of the feasibility of your proposed technology. We strongly
encourage GCT to continue with its research and keep us posted as
developments warrant our attention," the letter states.
Gravity of the situation
Asked to comment on the GCT situation, Gregg Maryniak, Executive
Director of the X Prize Foundation told SPACE.com:
"Our policy is that we do not discuss pending applications. We only
discuss them when they are approved," Maryniak said. "We have not
accepted their [GCT's] application.and we haven't foreclosed the
possibility of accepting their application," he said.
At present, there are 24 teams in seven countries that are officially
registered as X Prize teams -- all vying for the $10 million purse,
Maryniak said. "I'm ready to issue that check to somebody that
actually does it."
Victor Rozsnyay, GCT's Founder and Chief Executive Officer, told
SPACE.com he's not surprised by the X Prize Foundation decision and
return of the $1,000 X Prize application fee.
"Since Gravity Control Technologies is working on developing
propulsion systems capable of controlling gravity for flight -- a 180
degree departure from what is currently accepted as feasible -- it
was likely that our application would not be approved. All other X
Prize teams are developing variations of rocket technology, including
some ingenious designs," Rozsnyay said.
Rozsnyay said that rocketry has been around for over half a century.
That technology is tested and proven, he said. "Gravity control on
the other hand does not -- and could not -- even exist according to
traditional science," he explained.
Credibility level
One of the primarily goals of GCT research aims at introducing
affordable, commercial scale space tourism vessels. A craft dubbed
the "Space Tourist" would be capable of non-stop space excursions,
carrying over a thousand people on each 8-hour flight.
Preliminary design specifications call for a triple deck craft
equipped with "Hull Wide Propulsion Assembly" technology. Seating
will be provided for 1004 passengers, 25 flight attendants, and
operated by a three-person crew.
Given appropriate funding, GCT envisions flying an initial prototype
of the Space Tourist around 2012.
"We feel that the X Prize committee acted in the best interest of the
Foundation when rejecting our application," Rozsnyay said. "A certain
level of credibility must be met for such a widely visible and
respected organization. In the opinion of the X Prize Team
Registration Committee, in its current stage of development, gravity
control does not meet that credibility level."
Rozsnyay said the X Prize letter offers to review another GCT
application - as long as the group shows evidence for the feasibility
of their propulsion idea. "We will continue to work toward this goal,
and when successful, resubmit our application," he said.
Rozsnyay said he thanks the X Prize for considering GCT's work and
wished all the other teams in the race continued success.
"May the best one win the prize," Rozsnyay said.
Re: Gravity Control Technologies (GCT) (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, August 29, 2003 @ 06:37:42 UTC | I'm not a skeptic since I know that the "book of physics" is incomplete and is still changing. Therefore I am willing to believe that gravity control, faster than light travel, energy from the vacuum etc may be possible. I can also believe that an experiment in one lab may not be reproducable in an another, especially if the mechanism is not well understood. For example doped silicon behaves differently from pure silicon so a "dirty" lab will get different results from a very controlled clean lab. Without knowing why the dirty lab experiment is seen as a con since the clean lab should have produced a better result....not!. However the world is full of scam artists so the proof of any new technology is that it works. To this aim I have compiled a simple list of the ongoing product developments.
Delivery date is when a marketable/useable product will be available.
Company : Unitel Inc
Main Individual :
Product : Quantum Spaceship
Technology Name : Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling
Base Material :
Asking For : $39.95 for the book
Announcements :
Jul-03 Prototype to be built
Delivery Date : none given
Latest Status :
Comments by me
Company : Gravity Control Technologies
Main Individual :
Product : Space Vehicles, Communications, Energy Production
Medical Diagnostics
Technology Name : Electrogravitic Propulsion
Base Material :
Asking For : Sponsorship to a total of $1,000,000
Announcements :
"To date" Over $1,200,000 invested so far
Jun-03 Application for X Prize refused
Delivery Date : within 5 years
Latest Status :
Comments by me
Why sponsorship and not the selling of shares in the company, I find
this supicious. If it works then the sponsors get nothing except for
the "pleasure" of knowing they have helped some people to get very
very rich. Why not share the spoils with those willing to be sponsors
via a share scheme ? Sponsorship is usually reserved for charities.
I've bought shares in a Steam engine and the money is then used to
restore it. So the method of raising funds this way is very simple
and does not have to involve stock markets. But you do need to
have GM's and minutes to stay legal.
Company : Archer Enterprises
Main Individual : Mark Tomion
Product : Stardrive
Technology Name : Electrodynamic Field Generator
Base Material : Permanent magnets and rotating field coils
Asking For : $39.95 for the book
Announcements :
Jun-03 Proof of concept experiment tested
Jun-03 Second POC with ballast capacitors to be built
Delivery Date : none given
Latest Status :
Comments by me :
The pictures of the tests have been taken on a surface covered
with a tablecloth ?! Why not photo the lab itself or is it that
everything in those photos is literally evertything !
Company : Lutec
Main Individual :
Product : Electric Generator
Technology Name :
Base Material : Permananet magnet motor
Asking For : Electricians
Announcements :
4-Mar-03 Unit for display within a couple of months or so.
Talks with US Corporation for global rights are
Delivery Date : none given
Latest Status :
Comments by me :
Company : Chukanov Quantum Energy
Main Individual :
Product : Electric Generator
Technology Name : Quantum Macro Object (or Atom)
Base Material : Artificial Ball Lightening
Asking For : Investors
Announcements :
Mar-03 100Kw generator to be built
Delivery Date : 4-5 Years
Latest Status :
Comments by me :
Company : Evolved Technology
Main Individual :
Product : Electric Generator
Technology Name :
Base Material :
Asking For : Investors
Announcements :
Jun-03 Project X a non energy new technology that
will generate funds
Delivery Date : none given
Latest Status : Aug-03 Website has been suspended
Comments by me :
Company : Genesis World Energy
Main Individual :
Product : Electric Generator
Technology Name : gCell and eCell
Base Material : Hydrogen Fuel Cell (eCell) using water as Hydrogen
Asking For : Investors
Announcements :
Jun-03 $20billion business in US, 100's of nations
Delivery Date : Next 12 months
Latest Status :
Comments by me :
Company : Perendev Power Developments
Main Individual :
Product : Electric Generator
Technology Name :
Base Material : Permanent Magnet Motor
Asking For : Investors
Announcements :
Jun-03 Motor built with computer modelling to tune
Delivery Date : none given
Latest Status :
Comments by me :
Company :
Main Individual : Tom Bearden
Product : Electric Generator
Technology Name : MEG (Motionless Electromagnetic Generator)
Base Material : Permanent Magnet Transformer
Asking For : Donations to ADAS
Announcements :
early 2003 100 times over unity achieved
Delivery Date : none given
Latest Status : Aug-03 (Unconfirmed) Device achieves very
slightly higher than over unity
Comments by me :
Company : UCSA
Main Individual : Dennis Lee
Product : Electric Generator
Technology Name :
Base Material : Permanent Magnet Motor
Asking For : $25 for book, $30 for video
Announcements :
Nov-02 30Kw generator built need a million witnesses
Delivery Date : million witnesses
Latest Status :
Comments by me :
Is a million witnesses a known unachievable target and thus provides
the excuse for non-delivery ?
Re: Gravity Control Technologies (GCT) (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Friday, August 29, 2003 @ 12:39:28 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Wow! What an impressive web site. I actually think that if they devoted as much effort into researching their ideas as they do promoting them, that something like this might actually be developed. Now, lets look at some motivations for all this stuff. But for reference lets go back in history to an earlier day to a time somewhat similar to whats going on now. At the beginning of the development of radio and modern communications there existed a myraid of individuals that were sitting close by the door of discovery waiting for someone to find the key to opening the door. When that door was finally opened they wanted to move in and claim the prize behind the door that was there. what better way than to proclaim that YOU had found it first. The best example of this was the Armstrong/DeForest suit over the invention of the Audion Tube. As it turned out DeForest had merely claimed to have invented the Audion(the triode vacuum amplifier) before Armstrong. Deforest's claims and his patents were way off of the mark. When it got down to the actual court case testimony before the patent court it turned out that Deforest had no idea how the Audion tube worked and the patent was awarded to Armstrong, one of the great engineering minds of the last century. Deforest was a promoter who just got lucky for a while, history only remembers him in association with Armstrong and little else. He knew very little. Anyone working in this field should wisely heed this story, because if you do happen to stumble onto to something real, there are a lot of people out there willing to take it from you. They are already claiming success in an area that they have no knowledge of except its promotion. Those that have gained some honest knowledge can see right through most of the smoke and mirrors. |