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AMDG Scientific
Posted on Sunday, January 25, 2004 @ 20:55:28 UTC by vlad
Here is another company claiming simmilar results as BlackLight Power, Gardner Watts, GWE, Papp, etc. From their Technologies section:
After years of research and development, a sequence of ever improving lab set-ups for these technologies has led to the recent start of activities to construct proto-types of various power generating systems.
Hydrogen Technologies:
A plasma process, which makes use of a ‘nuclear catalyst’ and one or more solid metals, converts hydrogen into so called ‘fractional hydrogen’, the electron of which has lower energy states than the ‘ground-state’. Energy becomes available as relatively low energy photons (extreme UV to Soft X-ray). Both heat and electricity can be produced. This process has an energy ‘over-unity’ of better than 3/1, which was twice certified by Applied Technical Systems Inc. (ATS), of Marietta (Atlanta), GA; report # M 21774.
Application: General power generation, typically for industry and where both heat and electrical power are useful.
Trans-mutational Processes:
Processes, between solid metals, which involves a ‘nuclear catalyst’ and which are placed within a hydrogen plasma environment. Energy becomes available in the form of heat and or electricity, if use is made of plasma vortexes. These processes show substantial energy ‘over-unities’.
Applications: as under Hydrogen Technologies. One process provides a totally new type of fuel for automotive and other engines, whereby the combustion energy is part from hydrocarbons and part from a low energy nuclear reaction.
Zero Point Energy (ZPE) Extractions:
The ZPE is the primordial energy in our Universe. Physically it can be expressed by the product of the density of the fluidum continuum (FC) and the square of the speed of light. This energy per unit of volume of space is much greater than either fission or fusion energy between atomic particles. The ZPE extraction technologies listed here just take a minute part of the ZPE from the location where the extraction equipment is placed. The ZPE is for free (other than for the investment in equipment) and is inexhaustible.
The technologies and related systems, as listed, are all of the ‘solid state’ type, nothing moves, no liquids or gases to be contained, wherefore they should run indefinitely. The product of all these technologies is electricity.
1. Magnetic Power Cells (MPC); these feature: electro-magnetics, which are combined with permanent magnetics, high frequencies. These systems can be made relatively small, wherefore electrically charging is a typical purpose, e.g. of a laptop.
2. ‘Brownian Motion’ energy of free electrons (in matrixes) conversion into electrical power; these feature permanent magnetics and ‘polarization of electrical charge’, high frequencies. This technology provides for a circumvention of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Applications in the building industry are being foreseen.
3. Dry battery type systems; these feature 'electret' technology combined with permanent magnetics. Application: storage of electrical energy.
4. Tube and Toroidical devices; these feature combinations of electro-magnetism and permanent magnetism. Applications could be larger power producing units.
These listed technologies are the sole property of the inventor, Arie M. DeGeus, with exception of the Hydrogen and some Trans-mutational technologies, which have been assigned to the AMDG Scientific Corp., of which Arie M. DeGeus is CEO and largest stockholder.
See their site at: http://www.amdgscientific.com/
(be patient...loads very slow)
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Re: AMDG Scientific (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Monday, January 26, 2004 @ 14:22:58 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Similar results as GWE, Blacklight, Gardner Watts and Papp? Do you mean SEC investigations, stockholder lawsuits and fraud indictments? |