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What to do about Dennis Lee?
Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 @ 18:05:00 UTC by vlad

Testimonials Mathew G. Whitney writes: Forgive me for using "we" or "our" in reference to the ZPE movement but I truly feel a sense of community, at this site anyway. My hesitance in using "we" lies in the fact that this movement from the outside is perceived differently than from the inside - for reasons we all understand. But for convenience's sake I'll assume I'm as valid/in as anyone here.

In the Harry Potter series there is a character known as "he whose name shall not be spoken" or something to that effect. In this community that man is D.L. (D).
I am in a unique position because I can empathize with D and the serious researchers both; I'm in and out simultaneously. I am overzealous and I believe God gave me the ability to conceive my disruptive technology for the sole purpose of disruption, it doesn't always jive with the business end but it doesn't mean I'm incapable of seeing a working invention in my head either...
It may be our instinct to never discuss or address D but that instinct will not make him go away...

Our concern besides getting a working prototype together is in distancing ourselves from D and those like him.
I can't help but wonder what would happen if he actually comes through? Will his overzealous past undermine his success or push an otherwise suppressed invention past the mass media tipping point?

At one point (before I learned about SEAS) I thought it would be a kind of ironic poetic justice to see someone give D a working prototype so that his big plan could come together, because fundementally D is right on about alot of issues.
After reading up on D from Eric Krieg's PHACT page I solicited my IP to D for the seed capital I needed, he had blindly given other inventors capital in the past so I figured I'd give it a try. D never replied to me and that's good because I'd be partnered with a fool with a bigger ego than mine instead of a grounded, well intentioned, professional, humbling entity which is infinitly more appropriate for my needs.
I guess what I'm driving at here is that D is a thorn in the side of ZPE but nobody seems willing to pull him out. He has tainted the name of TESLA, he has reduced us all into quacks in the eyes of the public and he has shown no respect to the other serious inventors and researchers. The only entity really critiquing him is PHACT and they never bother to discern D from Tom Bearden, we're all the same...so it really is up to us to give TESLA his name back!
Is D allowed in the mainstream media despite his claims of suppression simply to discredit US? The only way to deal with him seems to be to help him or do what he does, just better.
I believe that the ideals and plans of Space Energy Access Systems is exactly how we go about playing D's game and winning it. That is D's one virtue, he is good at publicity. The fact he is no inventor or physicist doesn't change that.
What SEAS (hopefully partnered with my IP upon proof-of-concept) can do is NOT offer empty promises, NOT bandstand until 3 in the morning with religious/patriotic rhetoric AND show off an amazing piece of technology - this will win the game, glorify TESLA (and our other founding fathers of fringe) and inoculate the free energy meme as legit in the mainstream media. The defeat of D's BS will only make this victory the sweeter.
Next time you run across an article about D and get ill, remember this post and consider these thoughts. If you feel any of my statements are incorrect please correct me.

Thank you.



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