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More fresh FE machines claims
Posted on Monday, November 22, 2004 @ 22:41:35 UTC by vlad

Devices Message from the "free-energy" yahoo group:
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 17:51:51 +0000
From: "Twagirayezu Pierre"
Subject: About my free-energy machine

Hello free-energy family members!

I am contacting you again following the message I posted on 11/19/2004, claiming that I have successfully invented a free-energy machine. After that message, I received some feedbacks, most of them seriously doubting my claim and accusing me of trying to rip off people money by making false affirmation.

I would like to tell you that I truly believe that I have successfully invented a machine capable of generating indefinitely mechanical energy without any kind of input and I am not trying to steal any one money. To prove that this is not about flaming people I am offering to fully disclose the design of this machine to any one interested. I am not afraid of giving this information because this invention is already patent pending. Just give me your address and I will send to you the information about this machine by regular mail. You can use my e-mail address that is: twagirayezu_pierre@hotmail.com. I will be very glad if any one can even prouve to me that I am wrong.

Hoping to get your feedback as soon as you get the information about this machine, I am thanking you for your interest in free-energy.

Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 20:48:40 -0800 (PST)
From: AliBali Gumba
Subject: Hello free-energy family members!

Dear Mr. Twagirayezu. Of course we would love to see the plans and or pictures for youre free energy machine. Please post then on our Yahoo Group pages.
This could be at:


We will help you analyse your great invention and discuss its possibilities. I must remind you that there have been many such claims in the past, all of which have been proven false. Perhaps yours will be different.


Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 10:27:39 -0000
From: "Robert Lerwill"
Subject: Diffusion Machine Update

A reminder. I posted a design for a free energy machine last week to the files section under the name "Diffusion Machine". I am pleased at the positive response this idea has generated so far. A couple of people have expressed interest in building it. To those, and to anyone else out there who is interested by this idea, Can I suggest that they post any results, questions or comments to the Maxwell_Demon group

So far, however, with the single commendable exception of Gary S, there has been no comment from the Sceptics. I would like to think that this is because they have looked at the idea, seen no flaw and have come to the conclusion that it must work. However I doubt it. I think it more likely that they are still puzzling over it. Perhaps they haven't looked at it because I have not come in with a blazing declaration that conventional science has been overturned and that perpetual motion has at last been invented. Sorry, that is not my style. But that doesn't mean that the idea is not important!

So come on Sceptics. Please give your comments. There are people out there spending time and money. If you think you know why it won't work, make yourself and your reasons known. I for one am genuinely ready to accept that there might be a flaw in it that I have not seen and would be ready to state that the idea is flawed if you can demonstrate the flaw. You offer your skill at debunking other ideas if they are published. Why not this one?

Bob Lerwill

P.S. I am posting some practical notes on construction to the files section.



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Re: More fresh FE machines claims (Score: 1)
by bodebliss on Tuesday, November 23, 2004 @ 11:14:12 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://picoscience.8m.com/
Quote:"To prove that this is not about flaming people I am offering to fully disclose the design "

I wish this was about flaming people because that would produce real energy.


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