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New Science and a Revolutionary Energy Breakthrough
Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2005 @ 21:38:06 UTC by vlad
Overtone writes: By Mark Goldes, Chairman & CEO, Magnetic Power Inc.
New science is opening the way to fuel-free power and propulsion and a turnaround of Global Warming. Conventional wisdom suggests we will be dependent on oil, gas, coal and nuclear power for the foreseeable future. Alternative energy is thought to be limited to solar, wind, fuel-cells and biofuels, etc. However, a revolutionary family of energy conversion technologies has emerged that is likely to prove extremely important. This breakthrough requires no fuel and produces no pollution. It opens a path to cost competitive electric power, automotive, and later aerospace propulsion.
Scientists have long been aware that the earth is immersed in an extremely dense sea of energy, which permeates every nook and cranny of the universe. It is only recently that it was realized that this huge reservoir could be an available source of usable energy. With some notable exceptions, e.g. Paul Dirac, we have been, like fish, unaware of the ocean.
Science employs a variety of names to describe this new field: space energy, vacuum energy, dark energy, the quantum vacuum, and Zero Point Energy (ZPE). Until about twenty years ago, scientists did not consider it possible to tap for practical use. Mathematics had suggested that great quantities of energy while theoretically present, could not be released in meaningful amounts.
Nikola Tesla, the genius who gave birth to alternating current, said in a talk to electrical engineers in 1891: "Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe. …Throughout space there is energy.”
The late Dr. Robert Forward, a physicist at Hughes Aircraft Corporation, published a seminal paper in Physical Review, in 1984, suggesting that ZPE could be tapped for the direct generation of electricity. Two years later the United States Air Force sought proposals for the utilization of ZPE for power and propulsion in a Small Business Innovation Research solicitation. Since that time other physicists have published papers suggesting that there is nothing to preclude the conversion of ZPE as a source of energy for power and propulsion.
Aviation Week and Space Technology, in the March 1st, 2004 issue, published an article headlined: “Aviation Giants Eye Zero Point Energy”. The following line reads: “Zero Point Energy emerges from the realm of science fiction, may be key to deep space travel”. The article goes on to suggest that “ZPE power plants might result in Mach 4 fighters, quiet 1,200 seat hypersonic airliners that fly at 100 mile altitudes as far as 12,000 miles in about 70 minutes, and 12.6 hour trips to the Moon”. The article reports that at least two major aerospace firms, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, are studying ZPE.
NASA data suggests that far more than 20 times the solar energy available, at the peak of a sunny day, can be extracted from the Zero Point Field per unit of surface area on earth – in excess of 20 kilowatts per square meter, around the clock, seven days per week.
Dr. Fabrizio Pinto, formerly a physicist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has obtained U.S. Patents entitled: “Method for Energy Extraction”. He states: “ZPE is expected to exhibit infinite density and to be universally present, and might therefore be a limitless source of energy.” His firm seeks to convert ZPE by means of the Casimir Force, a physical manifestation of ZPE discovered in 1947. Lucent’s Bell laboratories announced, in 2001, that it successfully harnessed the Casimir Force to operate a miniature teeter-totter useful in advanced computer chips.
ZPE can also be extracted magnetically. Nobel physicist Werner Heisenberg is quoted as stating that we “could utilize magnetism as an energy source”. Hans Coler, a German inventor supported by Hitler’s Navy, according to a long since declassified British Intelligence Report that has been posted on the web, succeeded in building a working 6 kilowatt, solid-state, magnetic "space energy receiver”. This remarkable generator was destroyed by an Allied bomb in 1945. At the time, there was no comprehension as to the source of the energy. Coler wrote: “These fundamental researches…have made the first real and large breach in the citadel of present scientific belief.”
Prototype Zero Point Energy extraction devices have been constructed in numerous laboratories, throughout the world, during the past two decades. Our own firm has a team of outstanding engineers developing pre-commercial generators. One kilowatt Magnetic Power Modules™ are expected to be in production next year by a Strategic Partner, aimed at the market for portable generators, as well as homes. Modules can be combined for greater power output, in a manner analogous to solar cells. Compact automotive power systems, as well as megawatt modules, appear to be feasible. A large firm has expressed interest in small battery replacements powering laptop computers. Demonstration devices and toys are currently being developed to illustrate the feasibility of practical designs.
Although still not widely known, increasing numbers of scientists and engineers are working with this truly revolutionary energy technology. This fact heralds the beginning of a profound transition, leading beyond dependence on oil, gas, coal, uranium, and other fuels. Great numbers of new jobs will emerge, as will a major stimulus to the world economy. Energy independence is likely to be realized by all countries, large and small, rich and poor. Reversing air pollution, and slowing of global warming, is inherent in the achievement. To the surprise of many, this is likely to be a near-term event.
© 2004-5 Magnetic Power Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Lack of vision... (Score: 1) by Kadamose on Friday, June 17, 2005 @ 08:02:55 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | " Great numbers of new jobs will emerge, as will a major stimulus to the world economy. "
Sorry, but Zero Point Energy, coupled with Nanotechnology, is going to destroy the world's economy as we know it...and in a very good way. There will be no more money system...and, most importantly, there will be no more governments to control or suppress this technology any longer. It will be anarchy on a global scale...and for once, mankind will experience its first taste of 'true freedom'.
Re: Lack of vision... (Score: 1) by Sigma on Friday, June 17, 2005 @ 15:58:44 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Perhaps not Anarchy, but a federation of somekind like that seen in StarTrek. You are right about the Nanotech/ZPE connection altering the structure of the world. Mark once this is unveiled it will be like an A-bomb of creation! Everyone will be FREE. |
Re: Lack of vision... (Score: 1) by irjsi on Sunday, June 19, 2005 @ 20:40:31 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | reference:
New Science and a Revolutionary Energy Breakthrough
Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2005 @ 21:38:06 PDT by vlad
Overtone writes: By Mark Goldes, Chairman & CEO, Magnetic Power Inc.
. . . . Great numbers of new jobs will emerge, as will a major stimulus to the world economy. Energy independence is likely to be realized by all countries, large and small, rich and poor. Reversing air pollution, and slowing of global warming, is inherent in the achievement. . . . .
Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged", neglected to consider that someone would still have to take out the trash; someone would still have to oil the machine, perform maintenance. Make the bricks, glass and composite materials required for construction.
Astounding numbers of jobs will be created and skilled employees WILL BE PAID! Money will remain viable.
Global economic stimulus: Ladies in Africa will no longer require two to four days each week just to find and carry fuel for fires/cooking and minimal supplies of water. They can use that time for finding food to prepare.
With abundant water, home gardening could even become economically viable; flushing salts from dead soils; growing vegatative matter for the mulching of organic matter into the soils.
Possible reversal of Global Warming 1st priority/benefit "if you can't breathe, not much else matters!" Even if global events are geologically normal cycling ' ice age to tropical to ice age'!
When energy/pollution is of no consequence, SUV's are acceptable, even desireable from a point of safety for occupants!
A most interesting time would be witnessed.
Roy Stewart,
Re: Lack of vision... (Score: 1) by Kadamose on Sunday, June 19, 2005 @ 21:28:09 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | As I said, LACK OF VISION. Zero Point Energy will power the Nanomachines and the Assembler...which will be maintenance free, because the nanomachines will be self-healing..and since they will be running on an infinite power source, I do not see where the human intervention comes in, other than to program new variables into the system so that the nanomachines can create something new/different, and even then, that can be done by an AI.
Human beings are outdated, worthless pieces of garbage as they currently are, and have no place in the future. That's why the Singularity enhanced transhumans are the next best thing.
'We' shall be as gods.
Re: Lack of vision... (Score: 1) by JohnSawyer on Sunday, June 26, 2005 @ 15:29:21 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | >> Human beings are outdated, worthless pieces of garbage as they currently are, and have no place in the future. That's why the Singularity enhanced transhumans are the next best thing.
Geez, that's about as cynical a point of view as I've ever heard. I hope you're kidding.
If you're not, you should go out more and try to meet some decent people instead of the people you've apparently been around. Either that, or you should work harder at seeing the value in humans as they are currently constituted.
Re: Lack of vision... (Score: 1) by JohnSawyer on Sunday, June 26, 2005 @ 15:39:21 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | >> Zero Point Energy, coupled with Nanotechnology, is going to destroy the world's economy as we know it...and in a very good way. There will be no more money system...and, most importantly, there will be no more governments to control or suppress this technology any longer. It will be anarchy on a global scale...and for once, mankind will experience its first taste of 'true freedom'.
Well, IF ZPE comes to be, then it will certainly affect the economy, but no economy, especially the existence of money itself, is solely the result of the sales of its energy sources.
The same goes for governments, but even more so. The human need for governments of some sort, even purely democratic ones, may transcend (or sub-cend) what's going on in the economy. Ideas, mainly religious or other ideologies, play a part here that's separate from what's happening in the economy. At the very least, many people may always want someone else to make the decisions for them, and so they will gladly elect others to do that, and there will be people eager to step into that role. I haven't decided whether we need that classic kind of government or not, but it would be interesting to try living without it, though that would make each individual a lot more busy policing his own turf. |
Re: Lack of vision... (Score: 1) by guest on Saturday, December 17, 2005 @ 15:00:29 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Sorry to dissapoint you, but the only industry that will be destroyed, the oil and gas industry, would quickly be replaced by people marketing zero point technology. no Anarchy, no revolution, just the end of one market, and the start of another. There are many other world markets besides energy, so the worst case scinerio would be similar to the tech market collapse a few years ago. Lots of lost money, little impact on most people. |
Re: New Science and a Revolutionary Energy Breakthrough (Score: 1) by Neil on Friday, June 17, 2005 @ 11:32:25 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.bmaleaders.com | It's unlimited, it's powerful, it's natural, it's everywhere and it's FREE. We know how it works, we've known how to apply it since 1981, and now we have a proven strategy for developing ZPE products and marketing them directly to the world's wealthiest and most highly motivated customers!
The scientific community has known about ZPE for more than 100 years. In fact, if J. P. Morgan had backed Nikola Tesla instead of George Westinghouse when "alternating current" electricity first became widely available in North America, we'd all be using it in our homes right now. (Since ZPE doesn't need the costly transformer networks and transmission lines that electrical power uses now, our home-supplies would be low in cost, off the "grid' and virtually trouble free).
The best news is that the technology is just beginning to be widely applied, and the potential is limitless! It's being used in products right now, and it's being refined and simplified at a blinding pace... every Scientist and Engineer and Product Manufacturer in the world wants a piece of this; they know what they're dealing with and they're ready to make it happen... hold on to your hats!
Even in its current formative state of development, it's being used right now in such products as the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) diagnostic tool that is widely used in hospitals all over the world. It's used in products that apply the "Weigand Effect", such as SensorCard and in even newer proprietary products that are just now being used to extract hydrogen gas from tap water.
In it's earliest days, it was used to power the now well known Hieronymus Machine. It was at the heart of the diagnostic tool that was developed by Dr. Ruth Drown to detect non-bacterial diseases in blood samples, and it was the key to understanding the many medical breakthrough products that were developed by the now famous physician and psychologist Dr. Wilhelm Reich.
Jump on this one... it's ready to happen!
Re: New Science and a Revolutionary Energy Breakthrough (Score: 1) by pulsed_ignition on Monday, June 20, 2005 @ 12:31:55 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com | Mark Goldes "speculates" about a magnetically powered unit he's "attempting" to develop. Mark speculates that the energy is coming from the ZPE.
And Mark only needs a few more Angel Investors to really start making progress - but he refuses to mention me telling him years ago that I ALREADY had a testable prototype that radiated energy from the plasma. He was so impressed he told me to never call him again - he must have thought I was crazy or something, but now he is saying He has discovered ZPE.
Mark has done OK for himself, after all he has collected about $7Million for the Room Temperature Superconductors without producing a marketable product and now he is speculating on a ZPE device that he needs even more money for. How about marketing the superconductors first?
I also told Mark Goldes (years ago) that I believe superconductive wire coupled with my Plasma Drive might be a perfect match for producing even greater ZPE effects from my Patented device. What he refused to believe, he now desires control of - this is why scientific progress is so damn slow.
Mark Goldes would make a seamless fit into the movie "Contact" as Dr. David Drumland, the man that kept sabotaging Jodi Fosters work and ends up taking credit for absolutely every-ones scientific discoveries - but I am not Jodi Foster, I still say the radiating energy is what is now called ZPE and care needs to be taken not to over energize the Plasma..
Mark, don't you remember me telling you about the ZPE and Fusion effects being produced by the device???? Now you have discovered ZPE and you only need a few more $Million. Whats next, Dense Plasma Focus Fusion?
Chris |
Re: New Science and a Revolutionary Energy Breakthrough (Score: 1) by Overtone on Monday, June 20, 2005 @ 14:29:51 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | In this, and similar earlier rants, Chris illuminates both his arrogant ignorance, and the symptoms of a mental state that likely is a primary cause of the lack of progress in his finding financial assistance for developing his invention.
If it has merit, that is a sad reality.
Re: New Science and a Revolutionary Energy Breakthrough (Score: 1) by pulsed_ignition on Monday, June 20, 2005 @ 16:06:24 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com | Mark,
Now you are looking at rotary devices, but I already told you my rotary device produced ZPE effects.
I agree with Mark on some points - unlike Mark and others, I built functional prototypes FIRST with my own money to provide proof of this revolutionary Plasma technology. I never said I only need another $3 Million to develop something I am "speculating" over.
The problem with funding was twofold, first nobody believed I could possibly be telling the truth about any of the test results and once a few finally did believe me - they either wanted in cheap or demanded controlling interest of this most versatile and valuable discovery. The game is not over yet Goldes, I have only been searching for an honest investor for seven years now and I know there must be one somewhere.
Look closely at Wilf Ouellette of Syngas Energy in Canada at http://fairchildinternational.com. Wilf "was" going to invest until he had all the information he required - and now he is attempting to sell my cloned Plasma Reactor to Fairchild International. Wouldn't it have been wonderful "IF" my Plasma Gasification system could have gotten started right here in the USA for $1 Million - instead of in Canada where Wilf is trying to sell it for $10 Million? Fairchild International is valued at $30 Million and their sole focus is based on my Plasma Gasification proposal, as twice presented to the DOE.
Mark, you finally believe ZPE is possible and now you only need funding to explore it - wonderful, now back to my valid point which. Where are the superconductors that investors have already paid you to develop, or are you now too busy studying a "Revolutionary" ZPE idea to bother finishing the last project?
Chris Arnold
Mark Goldes wrote:
The world energy crisis is so urgent we welcome any system that can make a
Our small firm has chosen to concentrate on ambient temperature
Ultraconductors and specific solid-state and rotary devices.
His post illustrates precisely why Chris is still looking for financing.
Re: New Science and a Revolutionary Energy Breakthrough (Score: 1) by xela26 on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 @ 06:02:15 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | In our daily live we use energy. we use it in our car, our appliances and in our P.C.. this happen because scientist dedicated their lives to discover this things. I remember Nikola Tesla because of his tesla coil in the game that I played.