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NEWSFLASH: No Shortage of Opportunities in ZPE!
Posted on Monday, July 04, 2005 @ 19:38:21 UTC by vlad

Investors Neil writes: “It's unlimited, it's powerful, it's natural and it's FREE. We know how it works, how to apply it, and now we have a proven strategy for developing ZPE products and marketing them directly to the world's richest and most highly motivated customers!”

“The scientific community has known about ZPE for more than 100 years. In fact, if J. P. Morgan had backed Nikola Tesla instead of George Westinghouse when "alternating current" electricity first became widely available in North America, we'd all be using it in our homes right now!”

“In the early days it was used to power the now well known Hieronymus Machine. It was at the heart of the diagnostic tool that was developed by Dr. Ruth Drown to detect non-bacterial diseases in blood samples, and it was the key to understanding the many medical breakthrough products that were developed by the now famous physician and psychologist Dr. Wilhelm Reich.”

“And it's being used RIGHT NOW in such products as MRI and SensorCard -- and in even newer proprietary products that are just now being used to extract hydrogen gas from tap water... the technology is just beginning to be widely applied, and it's being refined and simplified at a blinding pace.”…

... That’s the hype. And the truth is basically the same – except maybe not presented quite so rapid-fire… “Blinding pace?”… maybe not… but you get the idea...

The truth is that ZPE has the potential to be developed in at least a dozen fields: medical diagnostics, sensor engineering as well as energy and power production. But, like all new technologies it has to be simplified and refined, and the best way to do that (without going broke) is by applying it… now!

HOW? Well, we developed SensorCard more than 20 years ago with a very simple over-unity electromagnetic device that had been accidentally discovered by a machinist in Long Island, New York.

We used it to make an inexpensive ultra-simple and ultra-secure card reader that required no external power source (except the manual swipe action), was impervious to weather and temperature extremes and more than 5 TIMES MORE PROFITABLE than its leading competitor.

We sold more than $1,600,000. worth of those readers in the first year, and the product is still the leader in the industry today! (Check it out guys – do your Google searches). Just with that basic technology alone, there are at least a dozen more profitable applications in the offing!

Listen!... It doesn’t have to be perfect to be profitable – just better and sorely needed. But primarily, it has to be a great story about a product that’s representative of something very futuristic and exciting.

Still don’t believe it? Well here’s the challenge: Just tell me what field you’d most like to work in, and I’ll make you the undisputed leader in that field.

Simple enough... Okay…Let’s do it… but first, go ahead and ask me your questions… let yourself be reassured that it can be done and that you can do it… Ask away, I’ve got all the time in the world.

Neil Roberts
BMA International

Note: To make this dialog more interesting and concrete, those of you who (claim to) have a working prototype and failed (so far) to move further, please bring your case study to Neil and see how he would break the gridlock (most of the FE inventors seem to be trapped in).



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"NEWSFLASH: No Shortage of Opportunities in ZPE!" | Login/Create an Account | 14 comments | Search Discussion
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How does one make money off something that has an ulimited power source? (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Tuesday, July 05, 2005 @ 08:12:11 UTC
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Come on! You have to be a little bit more serious than that. No one, and I mean no one, can create a viable business model around ZPE, because it literally annihilates the supply and demand equation. This is why ZPE is not in use today!

Instead of proposing to use ZPE as a future business model, you should be proposing to use ZPE to destroy capitalism, and the entire money system. With ZPE, we will be able to do anything our hearts desire, with no class system in place to suppress people's dreams and desires.

ZPE and Nanotechnology are the future and they WILL destroy the money system, as well as all forms of government and religion, whether anyone likes it or not. It's just time, now, for everyone to realize this fact and prepare for the enormous transisition that awaits them.

Re: How does one make money off something that has an ulimited power source? (Score: 1)
by baldy on Tuesday, July 05, 2005 @ 21:48:22 UTC
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Since we don't have Chapoltle-pickle to kick around anymore is no one watching the 50 pages of from 5-17-5/20 and again on June 4-6 and the latest on 6-29 as Nejhla often did just before Christmas, New years. Memorial day and Labor day and once even on her birthday. You knew that I posted I was a licensee applicant, and there were a few others that rose to that bait. They no longer have a secret site to communicate with the select few. They admit now they have licensed 142 have not nations and a new water device with the edison that makes 22 liters of ultra clear water a day out of the ambient air. Announced the terms of the contracts the wording and on the 29th of June that final issuance of the licenses will be from July to Oct 05. It is like old times fellows and girls. Just because the Pickle is not here to do the work surely you are not opposed to good old private enterprise?


Re: How does one make money off something that has an ulimited power source? (Score: 1)
by baldy on Tuesday, July 05, 2005 @ 22:06:50 UTC
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Oops an old fogey blunder. The topic is Genesis World Eneregy, that became World Energy Management, and is now Genesis-scientific.org That goes back to the press release on the front page of the Idaho Statesmn 12-06-02 and was the ONLY tioic which also gave us the HICEF device that would power a car from Boise to New York City on three or four gallons of water. It shows on the fringe on the right of the site as the most popular topic.


Re: How does one make money off something that has an ulimited power source? (Score: 1)
by Neil on Wednesday, July 06, 2005 @ 13:05:36 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.bmaleaders.com
How about a business model that describes how someone could make a profit manufacturing home-based ZPE electrical power supplies... do you think that would be viable?


Re: How does one make money off something that has an ulimited power source? (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Wednesday, July 06, 2005 @ 18:59:42 UTC
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It's still not viable. Your approach is the same as JP Morgan's was 100 years ago with Tesla's technology. The 'Where would I put the meter?" mentality, is precielsy what is holding technology and the human race back. Tesla's research was abrubtly halted because of 'money'...and look where we are today because of it? If Tesla were given the chance to give free energy to the world (for free), we would have been off this shithole of a planet by now. But, unfortunately, we're still here - and that just means there's something wrong with the system.

Stop helping the very thing that is holding our evolution back.


Re: How does one make money off something that has an ulimited power source? (Score: 1)
by Doug on Wednesday, July 06, 2005 @ 20:04:02 UTC
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You could make money manufacturing the hardware. Nobody is going to set up cottage industries doing that.

But you are right that "free energy" does not fit into the present economic models, and that is PRECISELY why it isn't released (plus the scams, mistakes etc from ordinary inventors - but there is ZPE technology in "black projects", and witnesses willing to speak out about it - see the Dicslosure Project www.disclosureproject.org - and before anyone challenges that as being flake, YES I know that it is witness testimony not hard "proof", but some of us have seen enough to know it must be real, and I for one - who have met some of the witnesses and Dr Greer, can see no logical reason in God's Green Earth for these people to be lying, as they are not making diddly squat out of it).


Re: How does one make money off something that has an ulimited power source? (Score: 1)
by Neil on Thursday, July 07, 2005 @ 05:19:30 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.bmaleaders.com

Sounds logical.

I for one would really like to know how to go about achieving such an altruistic and ideal society. Why don't you publish a news article to this forum that will tell us all how to go about doing that?


Re: How does one make money off something that has an ulimited power source? (Score: 1)
by seanu on Thursday, July 07, 2005 @ 12:42:08 UTC
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You need some ideas for a business plan? Lets base some ideas on a black box that given us electricity.

Ok, so you've got this black box that produces 14kw of power on demand when/wherever you want it. But, as nothing in this universe is perfect, there could be few snags with the black box that could make for a few interesting commercial possibilities.

Firstly, its made of parts, and parts generally break, they wear. When put into use, even the ability of a capacitor, resistor, copper-wire, change over time. That black box will need to be serviced, repaired. Who is going to repair it? The black box repair man.

Secondly, this black box may not be of a size suitable for general mobility. A 14kw box may be 1-by-1 meter, 300kg. Great for a house, crap for a watch. May be good for a car, as long as it doesn't mind being bumped around.

Thirdly, by most ppls predictions on this website, if you can get a little bit of juice out of the black box you can get A LOT out of it, 14kw-14MW-14GW! Even if that wasn't possible, the Governments would put regulation in place (just like gas boilers here in the UK) to ensure all houses/places fitted with black boxes are running with legal limits and not a threat to the neighbours .

So, if you want to a business model, I think you have one in the service and regulation of black boxes.

I think there probably will not be a miraculous transition to a free-energy society. Not for lack of will, but simply manuf'ing, supplying, installing, believing takes time. Energy companies would, however, pick up on the idea and in the interim, create huge versions of the black box to take over from their wasteful power-plants, reducing the cost of electricity supply by eliminating the necessity for fuel. Only admin and profits need to be considered, saving ppl huge amounts of money (and making more for themselves in the meantime, maybe).

They could then ship out black boxes to homes and run service contracts with the home-owners. "For a paltry £100 a year, you get ALL the energy you want! Or buy your own for £10,000 and pay £30 a year for a services" (thanks to regulation placed down by our governments).

The problem with commercialising the black box, i believe, is its form factor and characteristics. If free-energy can be wiped up from a never degrading black box that’s bloody cheap to make, schematics can be bought from maplins and can be put together by a boy of 9 and a soldering iron, then yes business has a problem (as does the recipient of novel EMP weapons). But, I think you'll agree, that will not be the case (more is the shame). This is good for business, as these problems can be made into opportunities.

Whats your thoughts?



Re: How does one make money off something that has an ulimited power source? (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Thursday, July 07, 2005 @ 13:52:05 UTC
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It never ceases to amaze me how LOW the human race has truly become. An example: "Let's build a free energy device and market the hardware....but without telling the 'consumers' that the parts are deliberately only meant to last a minimum of 5 years. We can profit from this because the parts will be almost just as expensive as the device itself. PROFIT!"

These types of people are the scum of the Earth, and need to be wiped out.


Re: How does one make money off something that has an ulimited power source? (Score: 1)
by seanu on Friday, July 08, 2005 @ 05:21:08 UTC
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I was waiting for your reply.

Think about it a little. I am right in what I say. No device is perfect, parts will wear out (tell me I'm lying). Someone has to repair it. who is going to do that!? Some company/person like you will have to. Forget any pie-in-the-sky perfect parts thanks to nanotech. That’s not here, but free-energy devices (according to some here) do exist.

And you cannot tell me I am wrong in saying that Governments (at least initially) will regulate it. Unless its soo simple a 9yo could do it, these devices will be under extreme scrutiny and regulation, esp. if a 14kw black box can be made into a 14gw box. Terrorists, anarchists would love it! Bang goes your beautiful country!

There are serious consequences if free-energy black boxes SUDDENLY emerging. No money, for one. 100's of millions would be out of jobs. No food cos they don't have money. Its seems to me the best approach to getting the money out of the energy market is a gradual dissemination of the technology to allow markets to adjust and keep you in a job, with money and food for your kids.

Hopes that one can kill the money system are quite off the wall. Its cannot be done. But you can channel it into better activities, more creative activities. Free-energy devices could provide such a platform for such great change, but we have to go through that transition period of "scum" taking the opportunity to exploiting the demand. Remember, these "scum" will be agents of your desire and disseminate the free energy devices everywhere!!!! Unwittingly causing their own demise in their greed (assuming these black boxes have parts that never wear out).

Your thoughts are of interest.



Re: How does one make money off something that has an ulimited power source? (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Friday, July 08, 2005 @ 08:22:10 UTC
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I think you fail to realize the reaction the 'sheeple' would have if they knew a free energy device existed, and has existed for well over a 100 years. You know what would happen? They would destroy the governments they so blindly follow to this day. There would be no regulation, because there would be no one left to enforce it.

Also, the only way to take on massive amounts of change, is to take it all head-on. What you are describing is the tip-toe effect (i.e. babysteps)...and if we go that route, the 'scum' will find ways to make sure they never lose their grip on the technology, and we will be forever stuck in an endless cycle of servitude; they aren't called scum for nothing, you know. Who gives a shit about the economy? The whole point of ZPE and Nanotechnology is to destroy the economy and all of the old barbaric systems that govern our world today. Sure, the adaption to such massive amounts of change will be a challenge, but it will be a challenge we'll all get through successfully. When the transition has ended, there will be no more governments, no more status quo, no more money systems, and no more mental prisions (i.e. religion). We shall be as gods.

Now isn't that a future you would prefer...or would you rather be a slave to a society that willl never go anywhere in its current state?

In regard to the repair issue, as long as the ZPE device has no moving parts there will be no need for human intervention when it comes down to fixing/replacing parts. I believe Hutchinson's 23v ZPE battery is a perfect example of how this could be done.


Re: How does one make money off something that has an unlimited power source? (Score: 1)
by Cold_Steel on Friday, July 08, 2005 @ 15:54:16 UTC
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Your logic doesn't make any sense. There is no technological advance that will usurp religion. That doesn't even make sense. Just because we have "free" energy doesn't mean we'll have a complete understanding of the universe. Why would people stop believing in God? Why? I can't think of a reason. And why would we "be as gods"? We could make cheap or free power. So?

I have no reason to believe that the monetary system would disappear either. If money disappears, who will do any useful work? No one? The nanobots? No. Nothing would get done. No one would build the miraculous black boxes and we'd be stuck in a rut going nowhere. Heck, free enterprise is what drives people to make inventions like this in the first place.

Here's my prediction. If a ZPE device makes it to mass market, there will be almost no net effect. I see a lot of people losing jobs and almost everything related to the oil industry disappearing (i.e. bad for the economy). But then you'd have tons of new jobs created and probably a lot of new companies too (i.e. good for the economy). So, I'd guess it would balance out or come out better.

And FYI, if your ZPE device has circuitry (still no moving parts), it will wear out. Heck, look at how often computer hardware fails. It's not going to be any different. Circuits can and will die. Someone will have to fix or replace the devices, and with a huge number of these things being made, that would be very big business.


Re: How does one make money off something that has an unlimited power source? (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Friday, July 08, 2005 @ 16:40:45 UTC
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Well, normally that would be true. ZPE is a special case, however, as it literally connects with everything within the fabric of space and time. What does this mean? It means that we will be tapping into the very thing that powers the expansion of the universe, itself. Now think about it, for a moment - would a human being that has access to this technology still believe in the manmade, non-existant god? Of course not! Why would anyone believe in such rubbish, when you have a technology that, basically, proves that we are all connected, and are simply a single, endless sea of consciousness experiencing itself?

As for the money issue - I hate to break it to you, but the money system will be destroyed, with or without ZPE and Nanotechnology? Why? Because the system is based on fraud...in other words, we all use what is known as 'fiat' (debt) currency - which basically means that whenever a loan is issued at a bank, money is being created out of thin air. Normally, when you take out a loan from anyone, the person giving the loan out generates a loss of some sort - but this is not the case for bankers, as they simply type in a number in the computer, and magically make the money appear. Also, for every dollar you give to a bank, they are able to loan out 10 times the amount that they actually have on hand (example: if you give them $5, they can loan $50 to someone else, even though the money is not on-hand). To make matters worse, they charge interest on money that never existed in the first place. So how do you pay a debt with a debt? You can't. Once people start waking up to this fraudulant behavior, they are going to create a riot which will, basically, topple the financial empire. If they don't do this, ZPE and Nanotechnology will do it for them.

I could go on and on about how ZPE and Nanotech will do this, but I'll save that for another time. Just think about this for a moment, however...why do you think ZPE has not been released, even though governments around the world have known about it for almost a 100 years? It's because they fear the consequences....which is the death of the money system; the death of their mindprisons we call religion, and the death of the very governments which created these lies to protect their power in the first place. This is THE reason why ZPE has not been released, and why it is being heavily supressed by the powers that be. End of story.


Re: How does one make money off something that has an unlimited power source? (Score: 1)
by eye on Thursday, March 29, 2007 @ 04:08:46 UTC
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I agree. My proposal to fix this problem would be the following. First put the banking system back in the hands of the people, ie have a national bank, the brain child of Alexander Hamilton and the first of its kind in human history, which is what we used to have until we were shackled with the old Eurpean style banking system known to us as the Federal Reserve System which is a privately run institution. The fact is we as a society will always need a reliable form of currency in order to transfer and exchange the value of the physical consumer and capital goods we produce and the services we provide. So who can provide a reliable form of currency without the involvement of parisetic and userous elements, ie the private central banking organistions ?. The anwser of course is our Govermement , aka, 'We the People'. And 'We the People' will issue fresh new loans ( ie create new money , the interest on which will be just enough so as to cover the administrative costs of running our National bank ) to ourselves and to be collateralized with the market values of the physical goods we produce. So the money supply in circulation is in rough proportion to the amount of physical goods in circulation, when a portion of the physical wealth is consumed by a consumer that means that an item of currency was repayed back to our national bank and therfore taken out of circulation. So our wealth is basically determined by our capacity to be productive and our capacity to be productive is determined by our energy supply. I propose that 'We the People' should fix the market price of ZPE and anyone producing ZPE could use it as collateral in order to obtain loans
from our new National bank. This ZPE would then be purchased by manufacturers and farmers to produce a virtally unlimited supply of physical wealth, who could then collateralize their own productivity in order to recieve loans to pay their suppliers and the ZPE suppliers, ect,ect. By fixing the price of ZPE we effectively peg our currency to ZPE, ie ZPE becomes the currency itself and which will aways have value. This therefore ensures the integrity of our currency and frees it from the threat of inflation which is the eventual destroyer of all currencies, and moreover allows the our money supply to grow without limitation as it is needed



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